Chapter 188

It didn't take long.

There was a group of hostages on the beach who were tied up with ropes and looked like chickens waiting to be slaughtered.

Basically all the guests who were on the coast just now were caught.

They were already used to being pampered, so how could they possibly escape this group of pirates.

After being captured, everyone kept their heads down and did not dare to speak out for fear of losing their lives.

Only a few people who successfully escaped and those who noticed the situation at the beach in the distance quickly fled and tried to find Ouyang Qi, the owner of the island.

Let him quickly send out an escort to protect them, or send them away.

But no one has seen Ouyang Qi at all recently.

I don’t even know where to find him.

The pirates were busy making arrests on the coast for the time being, so they had not yet advanced.

This gave Zhao Haifeng and Xie Dilai enough time to arrive at the restaurant.

When they saw these pirates on the road, both of them were frightened.

Using the fastest speed in my life, I rushed to the restaurant as fast as I could.

At this time, they should quickly find big brother Lu Ming so that they can feel safe.

when they came to the restaurant.

Heikui's defenses are almost done.

After receiving Lu Ming's instructions, they entered the restaurant.

"Big brother...!"

The two of them called Lu Ming in horror, wanting to know what was going on.

But Lu Ming did not respond. He relied on the terrain and looked at the beach in the distance, constantly analyzing what was going on in his mind.

Seeing Lu Ming thinking so seriously, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di did not dare to disturb him anymore.

He also stood aside, looking towards the seaside and Lu Ming from time to time.

Lu Ming, on the other hand, vaguely felt that something was wrong with this matter.

There are many unreasonable things in it.

First of all, the biggest unreasonable thing is that pirates appear on the island.

You must know that the sea area they are in is not a chaotic place. It is good to have a few fishing boats passing by throughout the year.

How could there be pirates?


And even after it happened for so long, the island’s escort team didn’t appear.

If the Ouyang family is really in charge, if pirates really invade, they probably won't be able to drive to the beach.

It was discovered by various detection equipment on the sea surface, and then sea surface strikes could be carried out.

Coupled with Ouyang Qi's recent disappearance without a trace, combined with the real purpose of this banquet and the fifteen-day time rule.

Lu Ming couldn't help but have some guesses in his mind.

However, Lu Ming did not rush to draw conclusions, but continued to observe the situation on the coast.

I see.

Although these pirates clamored very ferociously.

But in fact, no one was harmed at all, not even a serious attack was made, and the hostages had already surrendered obediently.

Although the pirates all had their faces covered, their eyes were still exposed.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, and all emotions can be seen through the eyes.

Lu Ming has the skill of observing words and expressions. After careful observation, he still saw the same thing in the eyes of some pirates.

There was no malice in their eyes at all, and some even seemed to be trying their best to suppress laughter.

Observe here.

Combining the previous information, Lu Ming came to a conclusion.

This is a flower job done by the Ouyang family!

"Damn, what a false alarm, this Ouyang family really knows how to play!"

Lu Ming lost his previous nervousness and smiled.

This smile immediately confused everyone present.

How can you still laugh after this happened? !
Especially Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, the two people have the worst psychological quality.

His face was extremely ugly, and he seemed to have thought about the consequences of being caught by the pirates later. His legs began to feel weak and he sat on the ground.Lin Wan, on the other hand, had always been calm, but there was still a hint of worry on her face.

But when he saw Lu Ming laughing.

The worry on her face disappeared.

She knows Lu Ming best and trusts him the most.

She knew that as long as Lu Ming was here, all difficulties would be solved.

Now, Lu Ming probably has a solution.

So, Lin Wan asked.

"Husband, have you thought of any solution?"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Lu Ming, especially Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di.

Lu Ming, a good big brother, is their hope!

After seeing the essence of the matter clearly, Lu Ming was no longer nervous.

Before, he was worried that there was a one in [-] chance that something bad would happen, so he had to be prepared for everything to be on the safe side.

but now.

Lu Mingfeng sat down on the table calmly, not observing the situation at the beach for the time being.

"It's okay, it's just the last test. Let's wait and see the good show."

Lu Ming didn't make his words too clear.

But Lin Wan understood it immediately.

Lu Ming had told her many times before about the Ouyang family's speculations and analysis of various situations.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled: "Well, that's our chance."

Lu Ming poured a glass of water for himself and Lin Wan.

"Yes, but I don't force it, just treat it as participating in the performance.

After all, we have already seen through this, it’s boring. "

Lu Ming seemed disinterested and not very interested.

Although he didn't know that this was a test for him, he was in the game, but his heart was in the game.

I don't feel that I am a pawn of the Ouyang family.

Instead, I watched the Ouyang family's drama from a higher dimension.

This was something the Ouyang family did not expect.

Their test was noticed by Lu Ming before it even started.

He also saw through it the first time.

In their expectation, when such a serious life-threatening issue occurs, people will panic and lose their ability to think.

No matter how good your mentality is, you are no longer as rational as when you are calm, so it is often difficult to see the problem.

Just like those hostages on the coast.

Many of them are prominent figures in the business world. They can find faults in hundreds of pages of contracts and win in extremely complex business struggles.

But even in this situation, they couldn't see the problem one by one and could only give in.

It can only be said that Lu Ming is too evil.

It was completely beyond the Ouyang family's imagination.

The words spoken by Lu Ming and Lin Wan were ambiguous, and to the ears of Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, it was as if they were encrypted.

They seemed to understand, but they didn't get it at all.

So is there any way to escape...

"Do you understand what the elder brother and sister-in-law mean?"

Zhao Haifeng poked Xie Di beside him and asked.

"I didn't understand."

"I don't understand what you are nodding! Damn it!"

Xie Di said as a matter of course: "When the elder brother and sister-in-law speak, no matter whether they understand or not, they are not allowed to nod their heads?!"

Zhao Haifeng actually felt that what Xie Di said made sense and looked at him deeply.

I think he has the potential to be a bitch...

(End of this chapter)

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