Chapter 204 Heading to Maria Hospital

The next day.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan originally planned to get up early and go out today, but in the end they got up a little later.

It's not because of what the two of them did last night.

But the two of them knew each other a little bit about the bed. It was the first time they lived in this villa, and they were not used to sleeping in it.

So I tossed and turned until very late last night before falling asleep.

"Husband...which hospital did you transfer...Xiaoxin's mother to?"

Lu Ming and Lin Wan stood in front of the sink, and Lin Wan asked vaguely.

The two of them looked at the mirror, swiping left and right, their movements surprisingly consistent.

No wonder people say that after a couple has been together for a long time, many of their habits and even their appearance will become more and more similar.

"Maria Private Hospital, I'll have someone take us in later."

Lu Ming's speech was also unclear.

In a hurry to go out, the two quickly finished grooming.

"Husband, bring the things you bought last night!"

Before leaving, Lin Wan reminded Lu Ming.

It was some fruit and supplements they bought after eating out last night.

After all, if you go to the hospital to visit someone, how can you go there empty-handed?

They had planned to go there today, so they bought it last night.

"Honey, are you okay?"

The supplements in Lu Ming's hands were placed on the back seat of the helicopter.

When going out this time, the two of them don't need to take a taxi.

That's right.

This time they can fly a helicopter to Maria Private Hospital.

As a top private hospital, Maria Hospital has people who come in and out of the hospital who are either rich or noble, including some who own helicopters.

Moreover, the hospital itself also has a dedicated ambulance helicopter, which can reach a certain place for rescue as quickly as possible.

Therefore, the hospital has a helipad that can take off and land helicopters.

Lu Ming and the others could just fly there by helicopter instead of taking a taxi.

Lu Ming still found it too inconvenient if he had to take a taxi every time he went out.

"The car will be delivered soon, so we need to move forward with buying a house as soon as possible."

Lu Ming planned to check out the house by himself after going to the hospital today.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Wan also came and got on the helicopter.

Small sunglasses and small headphones.

"Black Hawk! Let's go!"

Lu Ming smiled: "Yes!"

Then the helicopter was started, and the propellers began to circle until they turned into a phantom.

Officially launched into the sky, heading towards the sky.

Maria Private Hospital is not located in the downtown area.

After all, the hospital occupies a large area and is rarely open to the public, so it is in a relatively remote and quiet place.

Judging from the map, it would take at least an hour to drive from the villa to the hospital.

But if Lu Ming flies a helicopter, he will be there in 10 minutes.

When Lu Ming saw someone on the ground directing the helicopter to land from a distance.

He drove the helicopter over and landed according to the instructions.


After Lu Ming and Lin Wan got off the helicopter, an old man in his 60s with gray hair approached them.

Lu Ming had seen his photo.

The director of Maria Hospital, Ma Zhixin.

"Dean Ma, why are you here?"

Lu Ming has great respect for people who are older than him, are also top medical experts in the country, and have made significant contributions to domestic medical care.

Before he came to the hospital, he just told Ma Zhixin and asked him to arrange for someone to take him to the ward.

After all, he had never been to Maria Private Hospital.Even if the VIP ward was his own, he didn't know how to get there.

So I thought about letting Ma Zhixin send someone to lead the way.

Just didn't expect it.

Ma Zhixin actually came by himself.

"I just happened to have nothing to do today, so I came over."

In fact, Ma Zhixin is also quite curious about Lu Ming, the legendary chairman.

The shareholding structure of Maria Private Hospital has always been complicated, with some being in the hands of private individuals and some being in the hands of some institutions.

But without exception, those who own the equity of Maria Private Hospital hide it as a treasure.

It will not be transferred unless absolutely necessary.

But one day he suddenly heard that Maria Private Hospital was 100% controlled by someone.

And it is said that he is still a young man.

Originally, Ma Zhixin didn't care much about these things, but after hearing too many rumors about Lu Ming, it began to attract his attention.

I thought about meeting Lu Ming then to see who this person is.

But Lu Ming has not shown up since he acquired the hospital.

It finally showed up today.

Naturally, he wanted to come over and take a look.

"Dean Ma, how dare I trouble you with these trivial matters."

Lu Ming said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone: "By the way, this is my wife, Lin Wan."

Lin Wan was beside Lu Ming and nodded obediently to Ma Zhixin as a greeting.

"How can it be said that the chairman's visit is a small matter, hahaha."

Ma Zhixin joked and waved his right hand to lead Lu Ming: "Chairman, please come this way."

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were successfully amused by Ma Zhixin. In their stereotype, this kind of senior ancient rare expert should be more conservative and introverted, but they did not expect that Ma Zhixin was quite humorous.

"Chairman, the apron we are on now is behind the entire hospital.

So the inpatient building happens to be right in front.Further ahead and on the left is our scientific research building..."

Ma Zhixin introduced the general layout of the hospital to Lu Ming while taking the roadside.

Although Lu Ming listened with interest, he didn't want to visit them one by one now. He just wanted to go to the ward as soon as possible.

"Dean Ma, let's go directly to the ward. I'm going to visit someone,"

With that said, Lu Ming picked up the gift in his hand and shook it.

"Yeah, okay!" Ma Zhixin nodded in agreement.

After understanding what Lu Ming meant, he unconsciously quickened his pace while leading the way.

He secretly speculated about the relationship between Lu Ming and the people who were transferred to the hospital.

After all, if the relationship is normal, it would be impossible to reach this point.

At the same time, he was also secretly sizing up Lu Ming.

Although it was only the first time he met Lu Ming, he could already feel Lu Ming's unfathomable aura.


The person who becomes the chairman of Maria Private Hospital must be something special.

While Ma Zhixin was constantly speculating on Lu Ming, who knew that Lu Ming was also analyzing him.

Moreover, Lu Ming has the skill of observing words and emotions, and he can see some of Ma Zhixin's psychological activities.

From the beginning of Ma Zhixin's speech and action style, Lu Ming could tell that Ma Zhixin was not an ordinary medical worker.


How could an ordinary medical worker be the director of Maria Private Hospital?

You know, the dean's requirement is not only to have superb medical skills, but also to have management capabilities.

And for Ma Zhixin to become the director of Maria Private Hospital, it is conceivable that he is not an ordinary medical worker, but he is also extremely good at overall management of the hospital and his humaneness and sophistication.

"Chairman, here we are, this is the room."

While talking, the group of people also arrived at their destination.

The ward where Xu Zixin's mother is...

(End of this chapter)

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