Chapter 205 Unexpected News

Lu Ming knocked on the door, but did not open it directly.

Footsteps came.

next second.

The door to the ward opened, and Xu Zixin's pretty face appeared in front of everyone.

It's just that this pretty face is a little haggard, with dark circles under the eyes and red and swollen eye sockets.

It can be seen that she has not been resting well recently.


Xu Zixin exclaimed and saw Lu Ming as soon as she opened the door. She was so happy that she almost wanted to hug the man in front of her tightly.

But he immediately restrained himself.

Because she saw an old man and a woman with extraordinary temperament beside Lu Ming.

"Xiaoxin, we are here to visit you and your mother."

"Thank you, Chairman. Chairman, come in quickly."

Xu Zixin stepped aside and hurriedly welcomed Lu Ming and his party in.

Lu Ming took Lin Wan on his arm and walked into the ward.

Putting the fruit supplement in his hand on the table beside him, he looked around the ward.

All I can say is that this ward is indeed the best ward in the hospital.

Not only is the area large, but the view outside the window is also excellent.

Lu Ming glanced at the figure on the hospital bed.

Xu Zixin's mother.

She was resting now. After seeing her, Lu Ming knew why Xu Zixin was so beautiful.

It seems that she has completely inherited her mother's appearance, and is very similar to her mother.

The undefeated beauty of time.

Although time has taken its toll on Xu Zixin's mother and her hair has turned a little gray, it can be seen that she must have been a great beauty when she was young.

"By the way, Xiaoxin, this is my wife, Lin Wan.

I am the director of this hospital, Director Ma. "

Lu Ming introduced Xu Zixin in a low voice, fearing to disturb Xu Zixin's mother who was resting.

When she came in, Xu Zixin saw Lu Ming and Lin Wan holding hands, so she guessed Lin Wan's identity.

I wasn’t surprised to hear Lu Ming’s introduction.

But Xu Zixin was surprised when she heard that the other person was the director of the hospital.

She didn't expect that the person accompanying Lu Ming, whose status and aura was obviously lower than that of Lu Ming, was actually the director of Maria Private Hospital.

"Hello Sister Lin, hello Dean Ma, thank you."

Xu Zixin said hello and thanked him.

At this point, Ma Zhixin's mission was completed, and he knew it was time to retire.

"Chairman, you guys talk first, then I'll go down."

"Okay. I'll ask Director Ma to show me around the hospital next time."


Lu Ming said politely that he was not interested in visiting the hospital, it was just polite words.

Ma Zhixin just left.

"Chairman, Sister Lin, let's sit down here."

The three of them moved to the chairs and sat down.

"Xiao Xin, how is your aunt doing?"

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Xu Zixin's face showed a hint of joy.

“The doctor saw it yesterday!

There is a specialist in the liver field at Maria Hospital, so my mother is very likely to be cured! "

This was definitely the best news Xu Zixin had heard in these years, so much so that she couldn't help but feel excited when she said it.

Originally, her mother's disease could only be treated conservatively in ordinary hospitals, but now there is a possibility of cure.

All this comes down to thanks to Lu Ming.

If it weren't for Lu Ming, she, an ordinary graduate, wouldn't even be able to afford the cost of conservative treatment before, let alone now that she has such a chance of recovery.

Therefore, in Xu Zixin's heart, Lu Ming is a great benefactor and a savior-like existence.

So much so that we were so excited when we just met.

I almost forgot Lu Ming's identity and wanted to hug him.

"That's good! I will give instructions to Dean Ma." Although Lu Ming knew that Xu Zixin was living here, Ma Zhixin did not dare not to take care of it carefully, but he still said so in order to make Xu Zixin feel at ease.

"Xiao Xin, you should also pay attention to your body. I think your face is not very good."

Lin Wan said this. She felt very sorry for Xu Zixin who had to bear these burdens alone.

"Thank you Sister Lin, I will pay attention."

Xu Zixin smiled happily, and her haggard face and bright smile were even more pity-inducing.

at this time.


There was a cough from the hospital bed.

Xu Zixin hurried to the hospital bed, picked up the water glass, and stuffed the habit into her mother's mouth.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan also hurried over to help and raised the upper part of the hospital bed.

Let people drink water in a sitting position, so as not to choke when drinking water.

After drinking some water, Xu Zixin's mother's cough finally subsided.

Open your eyes slowly.

It seems that some anomalies have been discovered.

He asked in a low voice: "Xinxin, where am I?"

Xu Zixin said quickly: "Mom, we changed to a different hospital!
Maria Private Hospital, here can cure your disease! "


When Xu Zixin's mother heard this, her eyes first flashed with light, but then dimmed again.

"Xinxin, I know you are good to mom, but let's not go through any trouble."

Lu Ming witnessed all this, and he immediately understood Xu Zixin's mother's worries.

Immediately speak out.

"Hello, Auntie. I am Xiaoxin's boss, my name is Lu Ming. This is my wife, Lin Wan."

Hearing Lu Ming's voice, Xu Zixin's mother turned her head and looked at Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

Lu Ming continued: "This hospital belongs to me, so you don't have to worry, just rest assured that the treatment will be fine.

Xiaoxin is my employee, and my wife and I will help you. "

Xu Zixin's mother was simply worried that the cost of treatment would be too high and did not want Xu Zixin to bear huge debts.

Lu Ming saw all of this, so he said it out loud.

At the same time, Lu Ming also pointed out Lin Wan in his words.

Prove that you don't have any other random thoughts.

Otherwise, if he was so kind to Xu Zixin, her mother would be confused later.

"Yes, Auntie, you don't have to worry.

The most important thing now is to take good care of your body. "

Lin Wan also consoled him.

Xu Zixin was not stupid and heard the implication of her mother's words.

After seeing Lu Ming and Lin Wan say this, he cast a grateful look at them.

Xu Zixin's mother looked at her daughter, then at Lu Ming and Lin Wan, feeling extremely grateful.

at this time.

Lu Ming's cell phone suddenly rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was a call from Zhao Haifeng.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhao Haifeng's voice came out.

"Brother, are you out?"

"Well, something happened. Are you in the villa?"

Lu Ming asked back, and Zhao Haifeng said so. He probably went to the villa and couldn't find them.

"Yes! We brought our respective parents to meet you!"

This actually surprised Lu Ming.

Unexpectedly, on their first day in the magic city, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di actually brought their family heads to see them.

This quite surprised Lu Ming.

How could these juniors convince their respective family heads to come and pay homage to them?
 I would like to ask everyone if you prefer a single female protagonist or a harem.

  In terms of plot, do you prefer to watch the male and female protagonists' daily routines, or do you prefer to watch the show of sex and slap in the face?

(End of this chapter)

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