Chapter 206 Affiliated Family
Lu Ming just hung up the phone.

"Chairman, if you have anything important to do, go ahead and do your work. My mother and I are very grateful that you can come over."

Xu Zixin was right next to Lu Ming, and Zhao Haifeng was whirring loudly on the phone, so Xu Zixin heard it.


Lu Ming thought for a while: "Okay, then let's visit my aunt next time."

In the end, Lu Ming decided to go back first. If only the two younger brothers, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, were waiting for him, then he could go back in no hurry and let them wait.

But now the head of their family is here too, so people won't have to wait too long.


So after leaving the ward, Lu Ming did not say hello to Ma Zhixin, but took Lin Wan directly back to the apron along the original route.

Driving the Black Hawk helicopter, he flew towards the villa.

Two 10 minutes later.

A Black Hawk helicopter appeared over the villa.

The rapid rotation of the propeller brought strong wind, sweeping a whirlwind in place.

Such a big movement immediately attracted the attention of the people at the door of the villa.

One by one, they looked up at the helicopter.

In front of their eyes, the helicopter landed slowly.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan made their official debut with a strong aura.

Look up.

In addition to the familiar figures of Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, there were three older men beside them.

"Big brother!"

"Brother, you are here!"

Before they even got close, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di called Lu Ming with joy on their faces.

"I'm sorry, something went wrong and I kept you waiting."

Lu Ming walked directly to the old man and expressed his apology.

Although he had arrived as soon as possible, the journey always took time, and the old men like them had been standing there for more than 20 minutes.

Look at these gray-haired old men. If he had come later, they might not be able to stand.

"Mr. Lu, hello."

"it's okay no problem."

The three of them expressed their innocence.

"Let's go in and stop standing at the door."

Lu Ming waved his hand and called everyone into the room.

So the group entered the villa and sat down in the living room.

Lin Wan turned around and prepared tea for everyone.

"Brother, this is my father, the head of the Xie family, Xie Guanghui."

Shady pointed to an old man sitting on his left and took the lead in introducing him.

Zhao Haifeng also followed closely: "This is the head of our Zhao family, Zhao Jianzhong."

Three old men, two of whom are the fathers of Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, are also the heads of their respective families.

What is the identity of the other person?
Lu Ming looked at the other person.

At this time.

Another old man also spoke on his own: "Hello, Mr. Lu.

I am Sun Yongfeng, the head of the Sun family. "

The Sun family?

People from the Sun family also came.

This was quite unexpected to Lu Ming.

You know, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di are Lu Ming's younger brothers, so it's understandable that their family head comes to visit.

But why are the Sun family members here too?
Lu Ming couldn't help but start to guess their purpose of coming.

For such a big battle, all the heads of the three families in Magic City came over. If they said they were just here to drink tea with nothing to do, Lu Ming wouldn't believe it.

"It turns out that all the heads of the family are really disappointed today.

I don’t know what the purpose of all the family heads is here? "

Since he didn't know the purpose of their visit this time, Lu Ming simply asked directly and spoke openly.As soon as Lu Ming said these words.

Whether it was the old men like Zhao Jianzhong or the other two juniors, they were all stunned and looked at each other.

They didn't expect Lu Ming to be so straight to the point, skipping the usual pleasantries and chatting, and directly asked them the purpose of coming.

This made them completely unprepared.

The living room was silent for a while, and no one spoke.

"Everyone drink tea."

Fortunately, Lin Wan came back with tea ready, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, sister-in-law..."

The atmosphere began to return to normal, and everyone picked up their teacups and took a sip of hot tea.

Zhao Jianzhong, the eldest among these people, finally spoke up.

"Mr. Lu.

This visit was really unexpected.excuse me. "

Lu Ming nodded, indicating that he was listening.

He knew that this was a common problem among the older generation, they like to go around and around when talking.

Just listen to Zhao Jianzhong continue to speak.

"We are here mainly to express our apology and gratitude to you!"

As he said that, Zhao Jianzhong glared at Zhao Haifeng beside him.

Zhao Haifeng immediately shrank his shoulders after being kicked like this.

“We kids are blind and go so far as to provoke you.

Fortunately, you are very tolerant. Not only did you forgive them, you also accepted them as your little brothers. "

When Zhao Jianzhong said this, his mood and tone were full of ups and downs.

At the beginning, it was the fear of Zhao Haifeng's hatred of iron and the fear of provoking powerful enemies.

Later, the tone changed to a happy and proud one.

He asked Zhao Haifeng to attend the banquet as the representative of the Zhao family so that he, the heir, could exercise and broaden his horizons.

It would be even better if we could make some connections at the banquet and even win cooperation.

But he didn't expect that as soon as Zhao Haifeng left, he felt that the sky was high and the sea was wide enough for birds to fly, and the arrogance of young people came up.

I felt that I could do anything, even the incident with the Hongyan Group that had just happened at that time made me feel angry, so I decided to teach Lu Ming a lesson later.

The head of the Zhao family had no idea about these thoughts and actions of his. If he had known, he would definitely not have let Zhao Haifeng attend the banquet.

To know.

Hongyan Group is an existence that even the family heads like them are helpless and dare not act rashly.

These little brats actually want to take action against Lu Ming, who is the chairman of Hongyan Group?

Just pretending to be smart!
So after Zhao Haifeng went back and told him these things, he was so frightened that he almost fainted.

After coming back in one breath, he even wanted to beat his son severely.

Fortunately, Zhao Haifeng continued, saying that they became Lu Ming's younger brothers and made a proposal.

This suggestion made Zhao Jianzhong pause and think about it carefully.

They even contacted and communicated with other family heads overnight, and several people discussed it until midnight before arriving at a result.

I quickly came to visit Lu Ming today.

"These are small things, I don't care."

What Zhao Jianzhong said was still nonsense, and Lu Ming had no interest in it.

Perhaps he could see that Lu Ming was a little impatient.

Zhao Jianzhong directly stated their purpose this time, which was agreed upon by the three family heads overnight.

"Mr. Lu.

Our Zhao family, Xie family, and Sun family want to follow you!

Be your affiliated family together! "

As he spoke, whenever a family was mentioned, the heads of the family would stand up.

Bow respectfully towards Lu Ming!

(End of this chapter)

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