Chapter 207 Inside Story
The heads of the three families all bowed to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming didn't say anything, and they didn't get up either.

He was really stunned for a moment, he just accepted two younger brothers.

Why did he suddenly become the family that conquered them?

And even so.

At most, they are only the families of two younger brothers, the Zhao family and the Xie family.

The Sun family joined in anyway.

"Sit down, sit down."

Lu Ming first asked them to sit down, and then his mind started working rapidly.

Think about why they do this.

Originally, he came to Magic City this time to mediate the struggle between the Hongyan Group and local families like them.

Just like Zhao Haifeng said, he has accepted these younger brothers, and if they continue to fight like this, it will be fratricide.

And Lu Ming knew that if Hongyan Group could reach an agreement with these local families and cooperate together, it would be beneficial to everyone.

But all he wants is cooperation.

I didn’t want to take over the whole family!

Lu Ming kept recalling the information about these families in his mind, and speculated on the reasons why they did this.

"Family heads, what does this mean?"

The three masters did not respond directly, but each produced a piece of information.

"Mr. Lu, this is the company information and contract we prepared. You can take a look."

After Lu Ming took it, he opened it and took a quick look.

The three families have integrated their respective assets and registered new companies.

As long as Lu Ming signs, he can immediately control 70.00% of the shares of these companies, which is equivalent to controlling three major families.


Lu Ming couldn't believe the authenticity of these documents.

Did the pie fall from the sky?

The three major families just gave away their assets for no reason?

Lu Ming didn't believe that such a good thing happened for no reason.

He handed the document to Lin Wan beside him and asked her to check it.

In terms of contracts, Lin Wan had been in the business world for many years and was more familiar with it than Lu Ming.

When Lin Wan saw these documents, she was also startled and glanced at Lu Ming in surprise.

Then she knew what Lu Ming wanted her to do.

She immediately calmed down and carefully read the contract word for word.

But look at it all.

She found that these contracts contained no loopholes or traps.

Is this really a sincere gift?
"No problem." Lin Wan whispered in Lu Ming's ear.

After listening to Lin Wan's words, Lu Ming couldn't help but frown.

Zhao family, Sun family.The local families in Magic City have reaped all the dividends from the development of Magic City and have huge advantages in real estate.

Many of the land and shops in the Magic City are controlled by local families like them.

The Xie family is an emerging financial family in Magic City. Magic City is a world-class financial center where countless amounts of money are concentrated and circulated. In the financial industry, the Xie family has huge influence in Magic City.

These three families are actually vying to give 70.00% of their respective property to themselves.

You know, this is the result of their hard work for generations, and they just give it away for nothing?

"Family heads, I don't dare to take such a heavy gift casually.

There is no pie in the sky. "

Although this pie looks delicious, you can get 70.00% of the assets of the three major families just by signing.

But Lu Ming didn't believe that this was given to him for free.

The three masters obviously knew that Lu Ming would not believe them so easily.

It was Zhao Jianzhong who explained to Lu Ming as the representative.

"Mr. Lu, I know you won't be able to believe this kind of thing for a while.

But we are really sincere, and we also have some difficulties..."

Under Zhao Jianzhong's explanation, Lu Ming began to know some inside stories about their family.It turns out that the Zhao family and the Sun family, as local families in the Magic City, control a lot of land in the Magic City, and they look equally good to outsiders.

But in fact, their situation has been deteriorating over the years.

Countless ferocious dragons like the Hongyan Group pounced on the Magic City one after another.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

These local families really can no longer resist.

Originally, their business talents were very average, and their development to this day was all due to their previous local advantages.

Now so many people are eyeing them and want to bite off a chunk of flesh from them.

If they don't pay attention, they will probably be scratched cleanly next.

Then the head of the Xie family came out and explained that although the situation of the Xie family was a little different from the other two families, it was similar.

After listening to their explanations, Lu Ming suddenly realized.

It turns out that the three major families want to hug each other.

If they don't hug their thighs, their family will most likely be lonely in the future.

Although there are many candidates they can rely on, it is related to the family business, and one wrong choice may ruin the family's future.

Not only did he not get better development because of hugging his thigh, but he was wiped clean by others.

And now Zhao Haifeng and the others have become his younger brothers.

With this relationship, I have become their best choice.

So their behavior is explained.


Lu Ming also thought about going deeper.

The three major families choose themselves and give most of their assets to themselves.

In fact, it was also because through Zhao Haifeng's incident, we saw that his character was not the kind of person who would kill everyone.

We will not continue to embezzle their assets in the future.

Even after following him, they can rely on the talents and channels of Hongyan Group to develop their family better.

This is actually an alternative investment.

It's just that this kind of investment is extremely risky. If the bet is right, the family will have a bright future, but if it loses, it will be nothing.

thought here.

Lu Ming still admires these three family heads.

It only took one night to make such a big decision.

This kind of courage is not possessed by ordinary people.

Now that he already knows the reason why the other party did this, and the three major families becoming his affiliates, it will only bring benefits to himself.

Then Lu Ming had no reason to turn them away.

After accepting them, there may be some dissatisfaction from those with bad intentions.

But Hongyan Group can afford it.

Everything has pros and cons, and there is no such thing as a good thing that has only advantages and no disadvantages.

So, Lu Ming made a decision immediately.

"I agree to this matter in principle!"

As soon as the words came out.

The three family heads suddenly smiled.

“I will send someone to contact you about the specific details at that time.

From now on we will be in the same boat. "

Although the big cake came first and the other party's explanation was correct, Lu Ming still kept an eye on it and did not sign immediately.

I just agreed verbally.

For professional matters, he still needs to find professionals to handle it.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu.

To thank you, we have prepared a gift for you. "

Zhao Jianzhong was very flexible and had already changed his tune at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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