Chapter 208 City Garden
Lu Ming still doesn't know what gift Zhao Jianzhong is talking about.

Zhao Jianzhong took out an atlas as he spoke.

"The villa where Mr. Lu lives now is where their children usually come to play.

It’s really not convenient, so we prepared a new villa for Mr. Lu, which is a little thought from our three major families. "

Although the villa where Lu Ming and Lin Wan currently live is already out of reach for ordinary people.

But according to Zhao Jianzhong, this is just a place where children usually gather and have fun, and he doesn't like it at all.

Therefore, in their opinion, it is not worthy of Lu Ming and others to live there.

If they had known earlier, they would have prepared a better temporary residence for Lu Ming and the others.

After learning about this situation last night, Renjing Zhao Jianzhong immediately decided to give Lu Ming and the others a better place to live.


Lu Ming was a little surprised. He originally wanted to buy a house today.

He and Lin Wan really didn't like living in this villa.

Unexpectedly, people from three families came to his door today.

This actually made Lu Ming a little interested.

When it comes to real estate, local families like them must be more familiar with it.

If you look for it by yourself, you will waste time, and you may not be able to find a better villa.

Generally good villas are not easily sold, they are all hidden in people's hands.

Lu Ming looked through the album.

I was slightly surprised by the generosity of the three major families.

What they gave was not an ordinary large villa.

It is a manor-level super large villa, which is two or three times larger than Yunli's former residence.

Judging from the area alone, it covers more than 10 acres and more than 2000 square meters.

The construction area is nearly one thousand square meters.

More importantly, the location of this manor villa is ridiculously good.

Such a big place is actually not in the suburbs.

But in the middle of the city!
Lu Ming looked at the information and found out that this place was an old factory in Shanghai, and the land belonged to local families like them.

After the factory went bankrupt, they transformed it into a top-grade villa.

More than ten acres of land can be developed into a commercial community.

A community developed in this location can even be called a high-end residential property, so there is no need to worry about no one wanting it.

Once sold, they can make a lot of money.

But they did not.

To everyone's surprise, it was developed into a manor villa.

And it’s the kind with only one household!

The extremely large area makes the greening of this villa and manor to the extreme. If you look down from the sky, it seems like a green forest embedded in the city.

So this villa is called a city garden!
This matter has always been talked about by the people of Magic City.

Many people are speculating who will be the owner of this magical city garden.

Seeing Lu Ming's satisfied expression, Zhao Jianzhong couldn't help but feel a little proud in his heart.

Several years of planning were finally not wasted.

Although his talent in business is average, after living for so many years, he still has a relatively long-term vision.

He realized the family crisis very early and knew that his family had to make a breakthrough and take a step forward.

That's why he left such a good land without making any money and developed it into the top villa in the entire Magic City.

The purpose is to regard this gift as one's sincerity and give it to the thigh to be hugged.

In the years since the City Garden was built.

Many people saw that no one was moving in and wanted to buy.

Every day, people from all over the country and even overseas send him messages saying they want to buy the city garden.

But Zhao Jianzhong refused under tremendous pressure.

Not for sale!

Just not selling!

No matter how much money you offered or how high your status was, Zhao Jianzhong refused.

Anyway, we are huddled in the magic city.Those people can't do anything to them for the time being.

This villa is not just a simple villa, it is the future of their family, the life of their family!
After Lu Ming read the atlas of City Garden.

He secretly estimated the price of this manor villa.

If a villa of this size were placed in the suburbs, it would cost at least one billion.

But this villa is in the middle of the city.

This made it difficult for Lu Ming to estimate.

You know, land in this kind of location is inherently valuable.

Lu Ming didn't know much about the housing prices in Magic City, so he gave up after thinking about it for a while.

Anyway, he just needs to know.

It would be great if the people from the three major families are indeed very sincere.

Naturally, Lu Ming would not refuse a gift that came to his door.

If he didn't accept it, the people of the three major families would be anxious.

"Hmm, very good. Then I would like to thank all the family heads first."

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Ming said these words.

The three family heads all looked happy, which meant that Lu Ming truly accepted them from the bottom of his heart.

"Mr. Lu, you're welcome! This is what we should do."

After everyone continued to chat for a while.

"Mr. Lu, let's take our leave first. If you have anything to do, just ask Xiaofeng and Xiaodi to do it."

The three family heads and Lu Ming had nothing in common, and it would only be embarrassing if they sat down again, so they left wisely.

After receiving such a big gift, Lu Ming sent them to the door with dignity.

After the family heads left.


Shady breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

In front of these parents, these younger generations have no say at all.

So since they introduced their father just now, they have not spoken again.

This really made him feel uncomfortable.

"Huh, my dad and the others are finally gone."

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di did not leave with their father.

Just right.

Lu Ming also had some things to tell them.

Go back to the living room.

Lin Wan was looking through the album of this city garden.

Seeing Lu Ming come back: "Hubby, this city garden is too..."

Lin Wan was also amazed by the wonder of the city garden.

"Like it?"

“I like it very much. The decoration inside is very aesthetically pleasing.”

Lu Ming nodded. He and Lin Wan had similar visions and were quite satisfied with the decoration in the villa.

It is a simple beauty that combines Chinese and Western styles. The combination of Chinese and Western styles is very harmonious, unlike the current villa, which is all exaggerated Western and European decoration.

"As long as you like it, let's move there tomorrow."

After Lu Ming finished speaking, he turned to Zhao Haifeng and said, "Xiao Feng, Xiao Di, I have something to trouble you."

"Brother, just give me your orders!"

"Help me buy some things and I will write to you later."

Lu Ming wanted them to buy some daily necessities that he and Lin Wan were used to.

Such as mattresses.

One of the reasons why he and Lin Wan haven't slept well here recently is that the mattress is not very comfortable.

What they are used to sleeping on is Hermès and Hästens, which is known as the mattress industry.

The price of a mattress is as high as 400 million!
(End of this chapter)

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