Chapter 214
But Lu Ming changed his mind.

His face became a little weird.

He heard correctly, Lin Ruyin was very happy because Lin Wan agreed to go to Shanghai University to play.

If only Lin Ruyin knew the real reason why Lin Wan went to Shanghai University.

I'm afraid I'll cry to death.

I have to complain again.

When you have a man, forget about your daughter!

From this point of view, Lin Wan is a complete love brain.

After getting together with Lu Ming, he cared about Lu Ming wholeheartedly and cared for Lu Ming with all his heart and soul.

Just when Lu Ming was thinking about it.

His cell phone rang suddenly.

After the call was connected, Zhao Haifeng's voice came from the phone.

"Brother! We are ready here in City Garden.

You can move in at any time. "

"Okay, hard work."

"Brother, let's pick you and your sister-in-law up tomorrow!"

Lu Ming thought for a while and agreed.

Zhao Haifeng was very happy when he heard that Lu Ming agreed. He had received a mission from his father.

You must take good care of your big brother.

After all, he was there that day and knew that not only would he be Lu Ming's younger brother, but his own family would also be Lu Ming's affiliated family.

Hugging Lu Ming's thigh tightly, both are prosperous and devastated.

All procedures are carried out in an orderly manner under the follow-up of relevant personnel, and they will be completed soon.

So he didn't complain at all when doing these chores for Lu Ming, and even felt a sense of accomplishment.

My eldest brother, Lu Ming, is someone who many people can’t hug even if they want to!

"Brother, why don't we go out for dinner together in the evening and then have some fun outside?"

Another one came for a dinner date.

Lu Ming refused this without even thinking about it.

He had also eaten porridge, and dinner with Lin Wan was finally settled.

Moreover, Lin Wan slept all day and he went out all afternoon, so the two of them didn't have much time to spend together.

As a sticker monster, Lu Ming can only "hug together to keep warm" at home.

Are you having fun outside?How can you have fun with your wife?
After being rejected by Lu Ming, Zhao Haifeng may have felt that what he said was ambiguous.

"Brother, when I say high-pitched, I mean vegetarian! Just find a place to sit, drink some wine, and chat!"

Zhao Haifeng tried hard to explain that he was not unaware of his eldest brother's feelings for his sister-in-law.

When we were on the island, we could see that the eldest brother was really kind to his sister-in-law, so what he was talking about was really not the unhealthy kind of fun.

How could he have the courage? If his sister-in-law finds out, he will be killed.


After listening to Zhao Haifeng's explanation, Lu Ming still refused.

What do I care about?
He doesn't even like meat or vegetarian dishes.

After refusing, Lu Ming hung up the phone.

Zhao Haifeng was left standing there melancholy, patting his mouth, blaming himself for not speaking properly.

"What's wrong? Brother, is he coming?"

Shady walked over and asked.

In fact, he was the one who made this suggestion, and he hit it off with Zhao Haifeng on the spot.

Both of them have been holding back on the unknown island for a while.

As a famous rich second generation in Shanghai, it is normal to spend a little money on fun.

After leaving the island, I have been busy with things. After finally finishing my work, I thought about going out for fun at night.

Of course you have to invite your elder brother to go with you for this kind of thing.

So there was this invitation from Zhao Haifeng.

"If the eldest brother doesn't come, he will stay at home with his sister-in-law."

"The relationship between elder brother and sister-in-law is so good."

Shady sighed, and then screamed strangely.

"Oh, ho, let's go have some fun ourselves!

Nightlife is about to begin!
If big brother doesn’t come, let’s go to the Day bar! "

Day bar is a famous high-quality bar in Shanghai.The high quality here refers to the high quality of the men and women who appear here.

If you are either pretty or rich, it is a famous place for hunting for beauty.

It is also a bar frequented by rich second generation people like them.

Even though Xie Di is a little younger than Zhao Haifeng, just because he is young, he is still more playful and spends more time playing than anyone else.

Zhao Haifeng also became interested after being stirred up in the atmosphere.

With a shout, the two immediately gathered their friends and set off towards the bar.

Lu Ming didn't care about their affairs.

He is currently competing with Lin Wan to wash the dishes.

After finishing the meal, Lu Ming took the bowl and chopsticks, but was stopped by Lin Wan.

Both wanted the other to rest and not let the other do anything.

In the end, the stubborn Lin Wan won, and Lin Wan washed the dishes.

Lu Ming thoughtfully turned on the hot water.

While Lin Wan was washing the dishes, he stood behind her, inserted his hands into her waist from behind, and hugged her.

Lin Wan turned around and kissed Lu Ming, without stopping washing the dishes.

They both enjoyed the moment.

After washing the dishes.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to the living room.

A stack of pink nurse uniforms looks very eye-catching when placed in the living room.

Lu Ming laughed bitterly.

Under Lin Wan's gaze, she quickly put these away.

"It takes up space, I'll take it to wash..."

Lin Wan couldn't help but laugh charmingly when she saw Lu Ming like this.

"Bad embryo!" Lu Ming spat.

It was still early, so Lin Wan slept for the rest of the day without feeling sleepy.

So the two started cuddling with each other and nestled on the sofa.

Lu Ming found a movie and started playing it.

Heart pounding.

Originally, Lu Ming just played one randomly, but unexpectedly, the two of them were fascinated by it.

The one and a half hour movie was quickly finished.

When I saw the ending, the heroine Julie and the hero Bryce planted a tree together in front of the door.

Lin Wan spoke up: "Husband, do you think they are together?"

Lu Ming replied without hesitation: "Of course."

He is inherently optimistic in character and likes happy endings.

And there are also some metaphors in many places in the film.

"Trees are Julie's favorite. When Bryce and Julie planted this tree together, it also represented the budding love between them."

Lu Ming explained his understanding of the film.

"Well, I also believe they are together."

Lin Wan said this with a hint of sadness in her tone.

Lu Ming heard it and was confused.

Lin Wan also felt that being together would be a beautiful and tender ending, so why did she feel sad instead.

"what happened?"

Lin Wan was silent for a while.

"How I wish we could get to know each other early like Julie and Bryce."

After Lu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but lost his voice.

He had a little bit of a feeling when Lin Wan said he was going to visit Modu University and experience the path he had traveled.

Lin Wan was expressing her regret that it was too late to meet him!
I wish the two of them were just like in the movie, childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts.

This way you won't be absent from the other person's life.

Lu Ming thought for a while and put on a serious look.

He turned Lin Wan around, looked into his own eyes, and said seriously.

“Sister, you took care of me when I was underage.

But it’s illegal…”

(End of this chapter)

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