Chapter 215 City Garden Master
City garden villa.

The ornate iron gate slowly opened.

A black nanny car drove in. After all these years, the top villa in Shanghai finally had its owner.

This news has not spread yet, but once it does, it will definitely cause a lot of shock and curiosity in the Magic City.

After all, the city garden was fought over before, and no one could win it after several years of fighting.

Arriving in front of the villa gate and next to the fountain, the car stopped.

Xie Di, who was sitting in the passenger seat, got out of the car immediately and opened the door for Lu Ming and Lin Wan behind.

Zhao Haifeng, who was in the driver's seat, also wisely went to the trunk and took out his luggage.

"Good morning, sir, madam."

Lu Ming and Lin Wan just got off the car.

The two groups of people lined up in front of the villa immediately bowed and shouted.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were frightened by Xiao Xiao without noticing.

He glanced at Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di angrily. They must have prepared these tricks to create such a big fight.

Zhao Haifeng avoided his eyes for a moment and quickly explained.

"Brother, these are the maintenance team members of City Garden. We must get to know you as the owner first!"

Lu Ming nodded.

Zhao Haifeng is right, the city garden villa occupies such a large area.

Based on the building area alone, when doing daily cleaning, it would take seven or eight people to complete the work in one day.

Not to mention a larger area of ​​greening, if no one maintains it, it will easily become abandoned.

Seeing that Lu Ming did not refute, Zhao Haifeng continued.

"These are the cleaning crews, these are the landscaping crews, this is...

They usually live in the workers' houses over there. "

Zhao Haifeng pointed to a small hidden building in the distance.

"By the way, this is the steward who manages the entire team, Ma Zong."

Lu Ming looked at the uniformed housekeeping staff who were lined up, and estimated that there were about [-] people there, and felt quite satisfied.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di are quite considerate.

Indeed, the city garden is no better than Yunli’s former residence.

Yunli's Former Residence is a high-end villa community. Although each villa has its own territory, in general, the greening is handled by the property management personnel.

Moreover, Yunli's former residence villa is not too big, so you can just ask someone to come over and clean it occasionally.

But urban gardens are different. They do need these manpower.

Lu Ming turned his attention to the housekeeper introduced by Zhao Haifeng.

The housekeeper Ma Zong looked to be an old man in his 50s or [-]s. Although his temples were a little gray, his eyes were strong and he looked energetic. He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and cloth shoes, which was neat and tidy. Lu Ming felt that his first impression was not bad.

"Hello, sir." Ma Zong bent slightly and lowered his head to say hello to the owner of the city garden, Lu Ming.

Although he seemed calm on the surface, at this time, his heart was already shaking like a bomb in the sea.

As an old local from Shanghai.

He knows city gardens all too well.

City gardens have been a topic of chat and gossip among the people of Shanghai for a few years.

Everyone is speculating about who will become the owner of the city garden and who will pay how much to buy the city garden.

That is to say, there has been no news since then, so this topic has become lonely.

When Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di asked him to come to City Garden to be the housekeeper and responsible for leading the team.

He was still wondering whether it was the Zhao family or the Xie family who became the masters of the city garden when they appeared together.

Despite his doubts, he gladly accepted the invitation.

To know.

One line per line rule.

In the housekeeping industry, it is also a great honor to be able to take over the management of a city garden!
Just like other industries, if you win the bid for a big project, your status in the industry will rise with the tide.So these two days, he cooperated with Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di and was busy in the city garden.

Today, City Garden finally welcomed its owner, who is also the boss of their team.

But what Ma Zong never expected was.

The young masters of the two major families, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, were asked to be respectful. One opened the door and the other took the luggage.

It turned out to be a young couple!
Both of them have top-notch appearance and temperament. Ma Zong is sure that he has never seen these two people in the Demon City.

As a senior housekeeper, it is a basic skill to get to know the upper class figures in the magic city.

He knew all the upper class people in Shanghai, and even met many rich people in the country, but he had never seen this young couple.

But Ma Zong did not dare to treat him lightly.

To be able to take over the city garden from many predators and become its owner, and to treat him so respectfully with the young masters of the Zhao family and the Xie family, is enough to illustrate the strength of his new boss.

"Hello, Mr. Ma. I am Lu Ming, and this is my wife, Lin Wan.

I will trouble you about the villa from now on. "

Lu Ming briefly introduced himself and Lin Wan, and then asked the others to disperse and perform their duties.

Only the housekeeper, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were left to continue leading them into the house.

in the next time.

The group of people visited and introduced the city garden like this, walking through everything from the inside to the outside.

It took more than an hour to get a rough idea.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, the two younger brothers who were in poor health and maybe a little weak, were already out of breath.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m really too weak, or if I played too late last night and my horns are soft.

Lu Ming looked at the sweat and dark circles under their eyes and couldn't help but shook his head.

Too weak chicken.

Ma Zong, an old man, didn't blush at all during this round.

"Did you have fun last night?" Lu Ming suddenly asked,
Be caught off guard.

Xie Di was unprepared: "Hahaha, yes, it's rare..."

Zhao Haifeng on the side quickly grabbed him and he shut up.

Lu Ming noticed something was wrong when he saw the two people were in a bad state. He had almost finished visiting the villa anyway.

So he quickly sent the two of them back to rest.

"Okay, you go back quickly. If you don't go back, I'm worried that you two will die suddenly."


At first the two were reluctant.

After Lu Ming became serious, he left angrily.

"Then brother and sister-in-law, we will come to visit you later."

After the two left, Lu Ming suddenly remembered something.

"Mr. Ma, the car I checked is coming soon. Please make arrangements and put it in the garage."

Lu Ming received the news in the morning that the consignment vehicle was almost arriving in Shanghai and needed an exact address.

Today happened to be the day to move into City Garden, so Lu Ming sent the address of City Garden.

"Okay, Mr. Lu." Ma Zong nodded in agreement and immediately entered the butler's state.

"Then I'll go down first." At the same time, he retreated very wisely.

Only Lu Ming and Lin Wan were left and reached the highest point of the villa.

Look out over the city gardens from a high vantage point.

There is quite a feeling that this is the country I have built for you.

 It’s a transitional chapter, I can finish it tomorrow.

  By the way, please vote and ask for rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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