Chapter 216
The female dormitory of Shanghai University.

Lin Ruyin happily put on makeup and picked out clothes early in the morning.

She received a call from Lin Wan today, asking her to go have lunch and identify the door.

After asking for a while, she found out that Lu Ming and Lin Wan had moved into a villa in Magic City and would stay in Magic City for a while and would not go back.

Thinking that Lin Wan would be in the Magic City so close to her, Lin Ruyin felt very beautiful.

He happily picked out his clothes and prepared to go out.

Her abnormality quickly attracted the attention of her roommates.

Lin Ruyin had a good relationship with her roommates, so the three roommates also joked when they saw this.

"Yinyin, why did you get up so early today?"

"You're still so happy. You have a man and you're going on a date, right?"

"Tell the Jimeis and we will help you make suggestions."

Having been in the same dormitory day and night for so long, they are already very familiar with each other's personalities and habits.

You know, today is a day off, there are no classes.

It was a rare day to sleep in. Usually the entire dormitory would sleep until noon.

Little fairies all need beauty sleep.

But today Lin Ruyin woke up early in the morning.

Although she was paying attention to her movements, others in the dormitory still woke up.

Faced with all the chatter from roommates.

Lin Ruyin felt embarrassed for waking them up, so she didn't take precautions and explained casually.

"My mother and the others moved to the Magic City and asked me to come for dinner."

As soon as Lin Ruyin said these words.


There was a scream in the dormitory.

Everyone looked at the person who made the sound.

Chu Yue!

Everyone looked puzzled, wondering what Chu Yue was crazy about.

Chu Yue didn't care how everyone looked at her like a fool.

Instead, he looked excited and danced.

"Auntie moved to Magic City?! Then..."

"Then Senior Lu...oh no...isn't uncle here too?!"

Chu Yue just finished speaking.

Two more screams suddenly rang out in the dormitory!

Those were the screams of Lin Ruyin's other two roommates, Wang Lingling and Pan Xiaoman.

They also reacted!

Chu Yue is right!
Lin Ruyin's mother has moved to Magic City, which means that her father, Lu Ming, the senior they admire, is also here!
When Lu Ming was a student, he was known as the God of Beauty and the God of Learning at Shanghai University. He was popular among thousands of elementary school girls, and they were one of them.

In addition, all kinds of news about Lu Ming on the Internet have exploded before, and they admired him even more.

Especially Pan Xiaoman.

Before she knew that Lu Ming was Lin Ruyin's father, she was still shouting in the dormitory every day that she wanted to be Lu Ming's wife.

Lin Ruyin was frightened when she heard that, and she quickly fooled her and told her that Lu Ming was already married, and then she gave up her thoughts.

Lin Ruyin only reacted when she heard the screams of the three people.

Something bad happened, it was exposed.

Her roommates are all fans of Lu Ming. Since they "tortured" her last time and found out that Lu Ming is her father, they all said that they must show them to him in the future.

She thought at that time that there would be no chance, so she casually agreed.

She had forgotten about it.

I didn't expect today...

Lin Ruyin felt a chill on her back, as if someone was watching her from behind.

She turned back slowly.

She saw her roommates, Chu Yue, Wang Lingling, and Pan Xiaoman, already sitting on the bed.

Staring at himself in unison.

She understood what they meant instantly.

"No, no, no..." Lin Ruyin subconsciously wanted to refuse. She couldn't afford to lose this person.

They knew that Lu Ming was their father, which was the same thing.

But seeing it is another matter...

After all, now she has no status at all in front of Lu Ming.

If he took them with him, wouldn't he be exposed?

That would be too embarrassing.

Lin Ruyin just refused, the next second.

Three waves of fragrant wind came to my face.

Chu Yue, Wang Lingling, and Pan Xiaoman had already gotten out of bed quickly, rushed in front of her, and surrounded her.

In the girls' dormitory, everyone has just woken up, and everyone is wearing unique pajamas.

Chu Yue's loose T-shirt and long hem covered her panties, revealing her long, straight and smooth legs. It looked like she was not wearing any pants.

Wang Lingling wore a small, close-fitting black sling. Due to the rush of getting out of bed, one side of the sling fell off.

Although Pan Xiaoman seemed to be wearing the most, she was wearing a see-through gauze dress, as thin as cicada wings, which made people feel as if they could see clearly if they opened their eyes and tried hard to see.

In this kind of battle, any man would probably have to surrender on the spot.

But Lin Ruyin was very determined.

She persisted for a long time...

After a full minute, I finally couldn't stand it anymore.


Chu Yue, Wang Lingling, and Pan Xiaoman jumped up and clapped their hands and cheered.

Then the birds dispersed again.

"Manman, can you lend me the one you wore last time?"

"Lingling, do you still have your concealer?"

"What should I wear? Can anyone help me think about it?!"

They all had to hurry up and dress up.

Lin Ruyin was left sitting alone with a look of helplessness on her face...

Chu Yue and the others saw Lu Ming's eagerness one by one, so they didn't waste any time and quickly packed things up.

After the group bought some fruits and other things at the school store, they got into Lin Ruyin's car.

Her car is a BMW mini, a cute model that girls like.

Lin Ruyin followed the navigation given by Lin Wan and sped towards the city garden.

The other three people in the car were chatting excitedly.

"Yueyue! You met Senior Lu Ming last time. Is Senior still so handsome?!"

"I'm so excited. I'm afraid I won't be able to speak later."

"Come on, I can't wait to see Senior Lu Ming!"


After driving for more than half an hour.

Pan Xiaoman, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly stopped chatting.

Looking at the surrounding environment in surprise, something felt wrong.

"Yinyin, did you drive the wrong way...? How did you end up here?"

As a native of Magic City, Pan Xiaoman knew about the city garden and had been to the area before.

She recognized her surroundings and subconsciously felt that Lin Ruyin was driving the wrong car.

Why did it come to the city garden?
Lin Ruyin was startled when she was told this.

Then he immediately checked the navigation: "That's right, I just followed the navigation."

"You have reached your destination."

At this time, Lin Ruyin also happened to drive to the gate of the city garden and stopped.

"Impossible! Is there a navigation error?"

Pan Xiaoman just finished speaking.


The door to the city garden slowly opened...

(End of this chapter)

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