Chapter 220
"Come, let's touch it. You are welcome to be our guests."

As the head of the family, Lu Ming took the lead in raising his glass and suggested.

At his greeting, everyone stood up, raised their glasses together, and took a sip.

Pan Xiaoman still took a sip lightly, enjoying the beauty brought by the top-quality champagne, showing a satisfied look.

Wang Lingling took a sip casually, like a drinker, and her eyes lit up.

Pan Xiaoman whispered to Pan Xiaoman next to him: "Xiaoman, this wine is really delicious, much better than the wine I drank before."

Pan Xiaoman smiled fondly at Wang Lingling: "Then drink more."

Wang Lingling is the youngest in their dormitory, and she is very simple, so they all treat Wang Lingling as their sister and are very kind to her.

I just like to tease her about being a snack foodie and a little bun.

But it is true that Wang Lingling is a greedy snack food.

The others also looked surprised after drinking champagne.

They don't understand champagne, they just think the wine tastes good.

It's sweet and fragrant, not spicy at all, and easy to eat.

"Let's use the chopsticks quickly, otherwise the food will be cold." Lin Wan used the chopsticks first, picked up a piece of beef and put it into Lu Ming's bowl.

With Lin Wan taking the lead, the others also moved their chopsticks.

Wang Lingling immediately picked up the fried shrimp in front of her.

When she first arrived, she was immediately greedy for the aroma of fried shrimps in oil. Now that this dish was right in front of her, she naturally wouldn't let it go.

Wrapped in sauce, the orange-yellow oil-fried shrimp entered Wang Lingling's mouth.

A delicious taste exploded in her mouth instantly.

The sweetness of the shrimp and the aroma of the sauce blend perfectly together to create an unparalleled delicacy.


Wang Lingling was so delicious that she was speechless.

She is a foodie herself and is passionate about all kinds of food.

As long as she heard about something delicious, whether it was a roadside stall on the street or a five-star restaurant, she would try it.

Therefore, she can barely be called an experienced gourmet.

But she can guarantee that she has never eaten such delicious food!

It was so delicious that she couldn't think of words to describe it.

Wang Lingling was already shouting in her heart: "Senior Lu's cooking is the best in the world!"

Her mouth moved, and the expression of enjoyment on her face was like a little squirrel that had eaten a pine cone. She was cooing and cute.

At this time, other people also ate the dishes in front of them.

Although they are not as passionate about food as Wang Lingling, they will still be happy and can't help but be amazed when they eat truly delicious food.

"Uncle, the food you... cook is so delicious!"

"Yeah, I've never eaten such delicious food!"

"Amazing, uncle, your cooking skills...!"

Pan Xiaoman, Wang Lingling, and Chu Yue all expressed their surprise and admiration for Lu Ming's cooking skills.

Lin Ruyin was the only one who was embarrassed, immersed herself in eating, and took down her chopsticks like flying.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t eat enough last time and I must make up for it this time.

"As long as everyone likes it, eat quickly." Lu Ming was very confident in his cooking skills and accepted everyone's compliments without any guilt.

When the atmosphere reached this point, they were no longer restrained and began to eat freely.

As soon as they let go, the scene started to get lively.

Everyone chatted while eating, and occasionally toasted together.

In this process, it can be seen that the four sisters in Lin Ruyin's dormitory have a very good relationship, and they are fighting and making trouble.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan both showed "kind" smiles when they saw it.

Lu Ming quite liked the lively atmosphere at the dining table.

I don't agree with the old rule of not speaking when eating, or even the old rule of the son standing while his parents eat, and he even hates it.

Even though the rules of the ancestors are inherited, the essence should be taken and the dross should be discarded.Bad things should be eliminated.

After eating and drinking, everyone was soon full.

Everyone touched their stomachs and said they were full.

"Oh my god, I'm so full."

"I feel so full that my throat is full, and I will vomit it out if I eat any more."

"The food is so delicious that I can't resist it. I'll have to starve for three days to lose weight when I go back."

But there is one exception, Wang Lingling.

Although she was full, she still persisted.

He continued to eat the food on the table firmly, picked up a piece of meat, put it in his mouth, chewed it carefully many times before swallowing it.

The bottle is filled with rocks and can also hold sand.

As long as I chew it hard enough, I will definitely be able to eat it!
Wang Lingling cheered herself up in her heart.

The food was so delicious that she couldn't bear to put down her chopsticks!
More importantly, I don’t know if I will have a chance to eat it again next time...

This is the reason why she fights so hard!

While eating, Wang Lingling also started to hiccup.

Pan Xiaoman beside her couldn't stand it anymore and quickly stopped Wang Lingling from continuing to eat.

If this continues, she is afraid that her little sister will die!
After eating and drinking, everyone did not leave the table immediately.

I was really too full, so I chatted and rested for a while.

While chatting, Lin Ruyin suddenly heard something.

That is, they were guessing hard in the living room just now, a question that they couldn't even think of.

That's why the famous City Garden in Shanghai became her home.

After thinking about it, Lin Ruyin immediately asked Lin Wan: "Mom, why did you suddenly move into the city garden?"

Obviously Lin Ruyin didn't want to call Lu Ming daddy in public, so she asked Lin Wan instead.

When Lin Ruyin asked the question, Pan Xiaoman on the side immediately pricked up his ears.

She had promised to ask before, and she was originally the most curious person about this question.

But because the food was so delicious, I forgot to eat it...

Regarding Lin Ruyin's question, Lin Wan replied matter-of-factly: "Because we want to settle in the Magic City for a while. So we moved in."


Lin Wan's answer could not solve Lin Ruyin's doubts.

"It's just... I heard that you can't buy it here in City Garden. No one has ever been able to live in it before... So how can we..."

Lin Ruyin tried her best to explain.

Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling also looked at Lin Wan expectantly at this time, wanting to get answers and relieve their doubts.

But this time Lin Wan did not answer directly, but glanced at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming understood.

Min picked up the wine glass and took a sip, looking around.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Ming.

Lu Ming spoke calmly and said four words.

"Someone sent it..."

Just four words…

This immediately made everyone's jaws drop, and their mouths slightly opened with a shocked expression...

what? ?

Someone sent it?

Can this thing be received casually? !
This is the top manor villa in Shanghai!How many rich and powerful people want it but can’t buy it~!

How can I just receive it casually if it’s not a heart-shaped stone on the roadside? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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