Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 221 Someone comes to deliver something again?

Chapter 221 Someone comes to deliver something again?
Lu Ming's words really shocked Lin Ruyin and the four of them.

All of them had expressions of disbelief.

After all, the words sent by others are so unscientific that it is difficult for people to believe them.

So Lin Ruyin immediately asked Lin Wan: "Mom, is this true???"

Compared to Lu Ming, Lin Ruyin believed in what Lin Wan said more.

She couldn't believe what Lu Ming said, but if her mother said the same thing, then she would really believe it.

"of course it's true."

Lin Wan nodded and said, she was watching from the side and heard with her own eyes and ears.

It's different from them.

Lin Wan didn't find this surprising.

Even if City Garden is the best and most luxurious villa in any magical city, is it weird for someone else to give it to their husband?

Not surprising at all.

Moreover, people are chasing and begging to send it to them, so it’s not enough if they don’t want it.

In Lin Wan's heart, Lu Ming was the best.

So these are normal phenomena, nothing to be alarmed about.

After getting Lin Wan's exact answer, the shock in Lin Ruyin's heart did not subside. Instead, it swept over her like a wave one after another.

So are others.

Especially Pan Xiaoman, who was the most concerned and curious about this issue, his brain was turned into a mush and he lost his ability to think.

At the same time, a new question emerged in her mind.

That is.

Why did the other party give the city garden to Lu Ming?

Why? !

You can't give it away for no reason, right?

Ask someone to do something?

What a big deal that is, it’s worth giving away all the city gardens.

One question gave rise to many questions.

Pan Xiaoman opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

She is not an unreasonable person.

He knew that he was not qualified to ask these questions. Even if it was not a business secret, it was Lu Ming's privacy.

Why should she ask this?
Just rely on yourself and Lu Ming to be considered a senior and junior schoolmate?
Or is he her daughter's roommate, calling Lu Ming uncle?
Pull it down.

That's why Pan Xiaoman swallowed all his words.

"Okay, let's go for a walk in the courtyard and eat some food."

Sitting at the dining table after eating was not the same thing, so Lin Wan suggested taking a walk in the courtyard.

The courtyard she said meant the manor, which was not comparable to a simple courtyard.

But there's not much wrong with it.

They are all within the scope of one's own home, isn't it just the "small" courtyard at home?

She and Lu Ming were taken around by Ma Zong last time, and they felt that many of the landscapes in the manor were quite nice, so they wanted to show them around.

"Okay, let's go." Lu Ming naturally supported Lin Wan's proposal.

Get up immediately and leave the table.

The others didn't have any objections and followed suit one after another.

They also wanted to take a tour of the manor.

As for the mess on the dining table, Lu Ming and the others don't need to worry.

Today's urban gardens have a housekeeping team, so they don't even have to do things like cooking and washing dishes.

It's just that Lu Ming got interested today and wanted to cook in person.

Lu Ming gave an order and Ma Zong would send someone to clean it up later.

After leaving the villa.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan randomly chose a direction and took everyone to stroll around the manor slowly.

This walk in the manor is not as fast as passing by on the shuttle bus.The group of four in the dormitory could see the scenery of the manor more clearly, and each of them showed their girlish nature and took pictures.

Take pictures wherever you go.

Therefore, the speed at which a group of people were invited in was not fast, even a little slow.

But Lu Ming didn't care, and instead watched with interest.

Anyway, there is no need for him to take the picture, and there will be no such thing as the boyfriend helping the girlfriend to take the hard work, and after the filming is over, he will be criticized for not taking the good picture and lose his temper.

He just needs to watch quietly from the side.

It feels a bit like an old father watching his daughters play...

It's just that all of these daughters are beautiful and have their own characteristics.

Just when the group was halfway through shopping, Lu Ming's cell phone rang.

After the call was connected, Ma Zong's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Xie are here."

Ma Zong was asking Lu Ming for permission to let them in.

Although Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di hired him as a housekeeper in the beginning, now Lu Ming is the owner of the city garden.

When guests come to visit, of course they must first ask the host’s opinion.

Ma Zong naturally understood this, so he called Lu Ming for instructions.

"Okay, I understand, let them come over."

Lu Ming looked at the surrounding environment and added: "I'm near the garage."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Ming asked everyone to go to the garage.

The distance was very close and they arrived within a few steps.


There was a burst of engine roar ahead.

Two sports cars, one red and one gray, came into view.

Although the sports car was driving very slowly, the roar still clearly sounded in everyone's ears.

The sports car stopped in front of them.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di got out of the car and ran to Lu Ming: "Brother!"

Lu Ming glanced at the two of them and asked, "Why are you here?"

Then his eyes turned to two cars, one red and one gray, and he recognized the two cars at a glance.

The red one is the Ferrari SF90, and the gray one is the Lamborghini Da Niu. They are both sports cars priced around 600 to [-] million yuan.

In the past, he was considered an experienced sports car connoisseur, but after Lin Wan got together, Lin Wan helped him collect luxury cars like crazy. Now Lu Ming has become a luxury car collector.

Million-dollar cars like the SF90 and Daniel are no longer in his collection.

Unexpectedly, after being asked this question by Lu Ming, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di said, "Brother, we are here to deliver a car to you!"

"Isn't this because you and your sister-in-law have just moved in and don't have a car to travel with? So we drove our best cars here.

You see which one you like. If you like them both, we will keep them all and drive them here. "

"The red SF90 belongs to me, and the Lamborghini belongs to Zhao Haifeng." Xie Di added with a smile.

Lu Ming shook his head and smiled. He could tell that the red SF90 belonged to him without Xie Di explaining.

Because the red SF90 is just like Shady, very sexy.

The three people on Lu Ming's side were talking.

Lin Ruyin, her roommate and others standing behind looked at this scene and began to doubt life.

Since they were standing not far away, they heard what Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di said.

It turns out that these two people drove two sports cars, and they came to give them to Lu Ming!

Judging from their appearance, it can be seen that these two people are not ordinary people, but they came to deliver Lu Ming's car and their attitude was very respectful.

What's the situation?

Why was Lu Ming not only given a villa but also driven to his door...

 The liver arrived at four o'clock and was served early this morning.

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(End of this chapter)

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