Chapter 227 Smith

Lu Ming and his group walked through the corridor, smelling the fragrance of flowers and plants.

Not for a while.

The maid led them to a pavilion.

The entire pavilion has a wooden structure, and the windows are also carved with wood. Coupled with the surrounding curtains, it is really easy to immerse yourself in this scene and feel that you are in the ancient Tang Dynasty palace.

People take their seats.

Since it was Lu Ming's first time here, he refused the menu handed over by Zhao Haifeng and let them order.

Taking advantage of this moment of effort, he led Lin Wan to the small platform inside.

The small platform is connected to a large lake, with some seats for tea and rest.

You can see here that the pavilions are built around the lake.

Standing in front of the wooden fence, Lu Ming held Lin Wan in his arms.

"Honey, what do you think of this place?"

Lu Ming asked about the scenery by the lake.

"It's pretty good. He looks pretty good and has a good figure, especially that suit of clothes."

Lin Wan didn't answer the question. She was talking about the maid dressed in Tang Dynasty clothes.

Lu Ming only agreed with half of what she said.

The clothes are nice, but he doesn't like people, they are much worse than his wife.

But he also has a desire to survive and doesn't want to talk nonsense.

He immediately said: "I'm asking about the scenery, my wife.

It's our first time here, so I don't know about this, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di may know. "

Lu Ming pushed the pot extremely smoothly, and the person was right in front of him. He had to look at it even if he didn't look, but we can't bear this pot.

Poor Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di don't know yet inside.

At this moment, they had already taken the blame for their eldest brother.

If they knew, they would definitely scream injustice.

They knew how affectionate Lu Ming and Lin Wan were, and they were just eating tonight, without any tricks.

I just forgot that the maids here were wearing a little revealing clothes.


After hearing Lu Ming's words, Lin Wanjiao let out a sigh.

She was not so petty, because she got angry because of this, she just teased Lu Ming casually.

After enjoying it quietly for a moment.

"Let's go in, be careful of catching a cold if we stand for a long time."

Lu Ming took Lin Wan back inside.

Just at this time, the food started to be served. A group of maids filed in carrying food boxes, and then took out the food from the food boxes. After preparing everything, they bowed slightly before leaving.

Anyway, it is full of ritual, much like in TV series.

"Brother and sister-in-law, please try it. What I order are all the signature dishes here."

Zhao Haifeng asked Lu Ming to use his chopsticks.

In the table manners of the Dragon Kingdom, the elder or the person in authority moves the chopsticks first.

Only when Lu Ming moved his chopsticks first could they start eating.


Lu Ming nodded, picked up a piece of fish and put it in Lin Wan's bowl.

Now everyone started to move.

"Brother and sister-in-law, I'll give you juice instead of wine and give you a toast."

Shady said as he stood up holding the cup in both hands.

They all came by car, so they didn't want to drink, so they simply ordered juice.

"Yes, yes, thank you to my eldest brother and sister-in-law for having dinner with us, and thank you to my eldest brother for lending us his car!"

Zhao Haifeng agreed.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan didn't need to get up, they just sat down and touched them.

"You two have also helped me a lot. I will lend you the car to drive during this period. I won't be able to use it for the time being."

As soon as Lu Ming said these words.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were even more excited and happy.The two kept chatting at the dinner table to liven up the atmosphere.

After this meal, it was a pleasure to eat.

The food tastes good, the scenery is a bonus, and the atmosphere is lively. It's not a waste of time.

But right now.

But a drunk figure suddenly broke into their attic.

He is tall, has a flushed face, and walks a little unsteadily. The most conspicuous thing is his golden hair. He should be a foreign man.

After the man entered Lu Ming's attic, he held on to the pillar to slow down.

He raised his head again and looked around, and seemed to find that no one there was familiar.

But his eyes finally settled on Lin Wan.

Lu Ming frowned and blocked his sight.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di also reacted and hurried forward to drive away the people.

"What's wrong with you! Breaking into other people's private rooms."

"Get me out."

Just as the two were about to approach the golden retriever, a voice came from outside.

"Mr. Smith?! Mr. Smith, you are going to the wrong place. Our private room is not here."

Another man walked in quickly and held up the Mr. Smith he was talking about, which was Golden Retriever.

"Li Xun?"


Shady obviously knew the man.

"Your people? Take them back to me quickly, don't be embarrassed here!"

The relationship between the two was obviously not good, and Xie Di's tone was very harsh.

Because the two of them were sworn enemies in the financial industry, they were always at war with each other secretly, and they didn't deal with each other on the surface. In addition, after this kind of thing happened, Xie Di had no need to give him a good look.

"You..." Li Xun just wanted to say something.

The Smith golden retriever next to him got angry first.

"What are you talking about! Believe it or not, I will make it impossible for you to get out of here later?!"

He was already used to being flattered by others, so even if he made a mistake by walking into the wrong private room, he wouldn't think anything of it.

Instead, the drunkard began to pay attention to the wine and coveted the beauties in the house.

So he could have just left, but he deliberately said these words to provoke.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di immediately became angry: "You foreign devil, you don't even look where you are!
Grandpa will teach you a lesson first. "

As he said that, he pulled up his sleeves and planned to teach the golden retriever a lesson and drive them out.

Smith also didn't expect that Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di would take action without saying a word.

He quickly took a few steps back and shouted: "Do you know who I am?! How dare you attack me!"

Li Xun also quickly protected Smith: "Xie Di! How dare you!

Mr. Smith's uncle is a beautiful foreign ambassador and has connections in Shanghai and Wall Street finance. Don't your Xie family want to be involved in the financial industry? ! "

The two quickly revealed Smith's identity.

As soon as the words came out.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di stopped.

This Smith's identity is indeed not simple. It's no wonder that Li Xun, who usually has a high level of ambition, would be so flattering to others.

The first question is whether Smith's work in the financial industry will affect the Xie family.

Just the relationship between him and his uncle is very scary and can easily lead to conflicts at an elevated level.

Seeing that Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were frightened by their identities.

The panic on Smith's face subsided and he began to tidy up his suit triumphantly.

Then he took a few steps forward: "Hit me?!
how?Don't you dare to fight?

Then get out of here!Leave this beautiful lady to dine with me.

In this way, I might consider forgiving you for being rude to me just now! "

Smith's face was undoubtedly exposed at this time. He relied on his power to target Lin Wan.

 It’s a new week, don’t forget to vote!

(End of this chapter)

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