Chapter 228 Slap Symmetry

Smith's words undoubtedly ignited the explosive keg of Lu Ming.

No matter what connections you have in the financial industry or what foreign power you have, if you dare to covet my wife like this, you are seeking death!

Lu Ming immediately stood up, walked quickly to Smith, and waved his hand with a big dick!



The shot was so fast that even the people present did not react.

Slap him out!

Smith jumped back several steps, but stopped because Li Xun was blocking him behind him.

With the strength of Lu Ming's hand, Smith, a man weighing more than 100 kilograms, could not bear the slap.

" hurts, my tooth!"

Smith yelled, astonishment on his face.

Didn’t my identity already convince them?

Aren’t they afraid to touch themselves?
How dare you do it to yourself?
How did he know that Lu Ming didn't take his energy and power seriously at all.

Lin Wan is his forbidden descendant, Ni Lin.

Dragons have inverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch them!
Li Xun, who was supporting Smith, was also shocked. He didn't expect Lu Ming to dare to hit someone.

"You're done! No matter who you are, you...!"

Not finished yet.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di also rushed up!
Their eldest brother has already taken action, so there is no reason for them to stand aside.

I forgot about everything and beat the person first to vent my anger.

Immediately, he also punched Smith and Li Xun several times.

"Mr. Smith! Li Xun!"

Just when Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were taking action, many people outside also heard the noise in the pavilion and came looking for it.

"We're here! Come on!"

Li Xun took the opportunity to ask for help.

After hearing Li Xun's voice, a group of people ran over.

With a crash, seven or eight people entered the attic.

A small area was filled with people standing in an instant, and it was overcrowded.

After seven or eight people came in, they were shocked when they saw the miserable condition of Smith and Li Xun.

"Mr. Smith, what's wrong with you??"

With so many people on his side, the enemy was outnumbered, and Smith, who had been stunned by the slap, instantly became more confident, and the idea of ​​fighting back immediately ignited in his heart.

There are so many people here, three out of ten!

There's no way he can't beat it!
Two fists are no match for four hands!

"That's the one who hit him! Damn it, hit me back! I'm going to knock out his teeth!"

"Ah? This..."

Smith had the highest status among them. Like Li Xun, they all wanted to curry favor with Smith by accompanying him to eat, drink and have fun.

But now that Smith asked them to hit someone, they really didn't know what to do.

Seeing this scene, Smith became furious.

He said all his harsh words, but the people on his side were hesitant to take action.

Originally, he thought that we were outnumbered, and he couldn't wait to see Lu Ming and the others being beaten badly and begging for mercy.

But the reality is this scene. Isn't this a slap in his face?
“What?! What I said doesn’t work, does it?!

How did you promise me when we were drinking just now? "

Smith turned to threaten his own people.

When these people heard Smith's words, they all couldn't help but curse Smith in their hearts, even Li Xun, who had been defending him from the beginning, was no exception.

"What the hell, damn foreign devil!"

"If I didn't want to make some money, I would really be too lazy to mess with you!"

"Promise? Do you believe it no matter what I say?"

Although they complained in their hearts, they still succumbed to Smith's threat.

Because the matter has reached this point, if they don't take action, Smith will hold a grudge and come back to figure out how to cause a stumbling block for them.

When the time comes, instead of trying to curry favor with Smith, he will have to accept his revenge.

With Smith's ability to directly threaten everyone in public, they didn't think Smith would let them go if they didn't take action.

They looked at each other, and finally moved slowly and approached Lu Ming and the others.They approached step by step, but Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di didn't panic at all, even though there were many people on the other side.

Because they have seen Lu Ming's skills.

On the island, when Lu Ming fought fiercely with the pirates, they could see clearly from the side.

Those pirates were far superior to these people in terms of numbers and skill.

You've come to a big event like pirates, why are you still afraid of this little thing?

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di didn't show any weakness at all. They rushed up and started fighting with these people.

You punch me and I kick you, but nine times out of ten, it's like novices pecking each other.

However, the fight turned out to be back-and-forth and the situation was deadlocked.

It was probably those people who were just showing off to Smith and didn't really want to fight.

But Lu Ming still couldn't stand it anymore.

Walking leisurely in the direction of Smith.

As long as there was someone in front of him, Lu Ming would be knocked to the ground.

Who said they were Smith's people? They had to bear some physical pain.

Of course, Lu Ming still held back.


Three or four people were knocked to the ground by Lu Ming. When they couldn't get up, Smith finally realized that Lu Ming was coming towards him.

"Let me...stop him! Don't...let him come over!"

Smith's tone of voice was trembling a little. The power of Lu Ming's slap just now really caused a big shadow in his heart.

The huge slap mark on his face is still clearly visible.

It was actually a little funny to match his fearful tone.

But he said so, who can stop Lu Ming?

Lu Ming then punched Li Xun, the last person in front of him, and knocked him over.

Already faced Smith.


Smith wanted to run away, but his legs became weak and refused to obey him.

He felt a powerful aura from Lu Ming's body that enveloped him.

The whole person was suppressed in place, unable to move.

At this time, Lu Ming changed from his usual calm demeanor, and became like a lion with open eyes, fierce and domineering, shocking the entire audience.

"I...let me go, otherwise..."

At this time, Smith also tried to show his identity and resisted.

But it's not over yet.


A heavy slap sounded in the pavilion.

This was accompanied by Smith's screams.



Lu Ming didn't give him a chance to continue talking.


Then he slapped him on the left side of his face to make it more symmetrical.


Two slaps on the right and one slap on the left. The red marks of the slaps will be different in depth. Another slap on the left!

Not right again.

The color on the left is darker, so let’s give it another slap on the right!

A few slaps down.


Smith's face had been swollen in circles. He was so red and swollen that he could no longer speak. He looked like a pig's head with golden hair.

And after being beaten so many times, his teeth began to loosen.


This time, there were three or four more teeth on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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