Chapter 229 Talking and laughing
The bloodshot teeth fell to the ground, and there was blood on Smith's mouth.

Just now he said he would knock out Lu Ming's teeth, but now Lu Ming's teeth were knocked out and he was lying on the ground pitifully.

This scene is indeed somewhat ironic.

"If I remember correctly, you said you wanted to knock out my teeth just now, right?

Look, whose teeth are on the ground now? ? "

Lu Ming stood up and looked at Smith condescendingly.

Smith, on the other hand, was trembling on the ground, not daring to look at Lu Ming or make a sound.

He finally understood that if he spoke out, Dabi would be in trouble.

Smith's trembling look at this moment was so different from his harsh words and triumphant look at the beginning.

"Dong dong dong."

At this moment, there was a loud sound of footsteps outside the pavilion.

There are many people who can hear it, and their steps are steady, strong and uniform.

Everyone looked up and went out.

There were two rows of guards in black uniforms, with a Chinese character Tang embroidered on their chests.

They are the guards of the Tang Palace.

But Lu Ming was not surprised that they made such a big fuss here.

It's strange that no one from Tang Palace came.

Although the battle was not small, Lu Ming was not panicked at all.

Logically speaking, it was Smith who broke into their private room first and uttered arrogant words without admitting his mistake. He was at fault first.

Lu Ming was not afraid of being unreasonable, so he would just give it a try.

When Smith saw the people in Tang Palace, he immediately became excited, as if he had seen a life-saving straw.


He quickly got up and gestured to the guards, as if he was pouring out some huge grievances.


Because he had been slapped so badly by Lu Ming that he lost several teeth.

It hurts when I talk, and my teeth still leak.

So it was very difficult to speak, and it was so squeaky that people couldn't understand it at all.

But the guard also looked expressionless. He didn't recognize the pig head in front of him and only obeyed the boss's orders, so he ignored Smith at all.

The guards lined up in two lines on the left and right, and it was time for the important figures of the Tang Palace to come on stage.

Under the light of the red lantern, a figure walked slowly over.

An old man wearing a black Chinese tunic suit with gold patterns appeared in front of everyone, leaning on a golden nanmu crutch.

When seeing this old man.

Lu Ming, Lin Wan and others were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect to see this person here.

And although he was someone they knew, his aura at this time was completely different from when they first met.

When we first met, he was calm and gentle, seemed very elegant but easy to approach.

But now he looks domineering and scornful. The contrast is too great.

When this person saw Lu Ming and Lin Wan in the pavilion, he was a little surprised, but not much.

Because he is the mysterious master behind Tang Palace, he was the one who decided to send out the most advanced diamond card in Lu Ming's hand.

So he had thought that Lu Ming would come to Tang Palace sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be so soon and that he would also be one of the protagonists of this trouble.

The old man in Chinese tunic suit walked into the pavilion. Smith seemed to feel that he had a backbone to make decisions for him, and ran to the old man's side with his face covered.

He endured the severe pain and spoke: "Wang Bobo... you have the final say!

They bullied... oh, beat oh into, hiss... sunshade! "

Smith was convulsing with pain as he spoke, and he couldn't even speak a few words in tune.

But everyone could see that Smith and this majestic old man should know each other. Smith even called him uncle.


Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were shocked when they saw this scene.

It is not difficult to see that this old man should be the mysterious master behind Tang Palace.

It was rumored that this person had a powerful background and was extremely powerful. Now that Smith knew him, wouldn't he be their enemy?They are now in each other's territory, in the Tang Palace. If this old man really helps Smith embarrass them, it will be really difficult for them to escape.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di's brains were working rapidly at this time, thinking of various countermeasures, and they also quickly secretly sent messages to contact the family.

Let the family members rush over and find ways to save and rescue them.

At this moment.

The majestic old man spoke: "What's going on?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone's attention was attracted.

How to deal with this matter today depends entirely on the master of Tang Palace.

Smith heard this and said quickly: "They..."

But Lu Ming knew that he was talking to himself, so he shrugged, spread his hands, and said calmly.

"It's just a farce, teach the junior a lesson."

As soon as Lu Ming said these words.

Except for the old man and Lin Wan, everyone present was stunned and stared at Lu Ming with their mouths open.

I wonder if Lu Ming is crazy.

But next second.

The old man laughed heartily after hearing Lu Ming's words.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Brother Lu... come and be safe!"

The power condensed on the old man faded away, and he returned to the familiar appearance of Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

"Mr. Wang, you really don't show your real face! You happened to be resting in the Magic City, or in the Tang Palace?"

That's right!

Wang Xingan!
Lu Ming and Lin Wan met Lu Ming and Lin Wan on their honeymoon trip and made an appointment with them on their next adventure. He was the rumored mysterious master of the Tang Palace who was so powerful!

When Lu Ming met Wang Xing'an for the first time, he felt that this man was not simple, but he did not expect that he was actually the master of Tang Palace.

It's no wonder that Lu Ming was able to get Tang Palace's diamond membership card.

And because Lu Ming couldn't go on an expedition, he called Wang Xing'an to explain and invited him to the banquet.

Wang Xing'an said that he happened to be in the Magic City and could attend the banquet then, but he didn't expect that he was in the Tang Palace of the Magic City!

"No matter what, I'm just an old man. If I'm in the Tang Palace, I'm in the Magic City, right? I'm not wrong!"

"You are not such a majestic old man! I would like to thank you for the diamond card in advance."

Lu Ming and Wang Xing'an came together and talked face to face.

The two were chatting and laughing.

This scene made everyone present dumbfounded.

what's the situation? !

Things reversed too much and too quickly, causing their brains to be unable to react.

Just now it seemed that the old man was still from Smith's side, and he was facing tit-for-tat with Lu Ming and the others, full of gunpowder.

Why did he suddenly switch camps and start talking and laughing with Lu Ming?

Especially Smith.

Seeing that the person he relied on seemed to have a close relationship with Lu Ming, he was so shocked that he temporarily forgot about the physical pain.

"Wang Bobo!"

Smith wanted to ask what was going on and wanted Wang Xingan to support him, but he didn't know where to start.

Wang Xingan and Lu Ming looked familiar.

Smith felt something in his heart.

He should be considered completely defeated today...

 How about it?It should still be a bit fun.

  If you like it, please vote for it!

  The master of Tang Palace is not surprised!

(End of this chapter)

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