Chapter 230

Smith squeaked, Wang Xingan certainly knew what he was going to do.

It was nothing more than asking him to help him and stand on his side to deal with Lu Ming.

But this is impossible!
Although he only met Lu Ming and Lin Wan once, he had a good impression of Lu Ming and Lin Wan in his heart.

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

Some people only need one meeting to feel what kind of person the other person is, and they can become close friends.

Wang Xing'an and Lu Ming and Lin Wan are such close friends.

To use a magical way to describe it, that is, the magnetic fields are aligned.

So even if he doesn't know the whole story, he won't think that Lu Ming made a mistake.

I even felt that there must be a reason for Lu Ming to hit Smith like this.

He did know Smith, and Smith called him Uncle Wang out of friendship, but the relationship between the two was not close.

"Wang me..."

Smith didn't give up yet. He knew that only Wang Xing'an could help him in Tang Palace.

He may not have the face, but he hopes that Wang Xing'an will side with him for the sake of his elders.

"Needless to say. I believe Brother Lu will not do anything for no reason."

Before Smith could finish speaking, he was blocked by Wang Xingan.

Lu Ming felt a little relieved when he heard Wang Xing'an's words.

He and Wang Xing'an only met once, but he didn't expect Wang Xing'an to trust him so much.

She didn’t even understand what was going on, so she took his side.

He didn't even think about it. If he was really at fault, and he didn't understand that if he didn't investigate, he would have no reason to stand up for himself and wrongfully accuse others. If this matter spread, it would cause major damage to the reputation of Tang Palace and himself. Blow.

So this trust is still particularly rare.

Although Wang Xing'an trusted him so much, Lu Ming felt that he shouldn't take it for granted.

So he said: "Mr. Wang, this junior bullies others and talks arrogantly, so I have to teach him a lesson and let him learn to be a good person..."

Lu Ming slowly told what happened.

Smith on the side was at a loss. After being rejected by Wang Xingan, his face became very ugly.

He didn't expect that before he even finished speaking, Wang Xing'an, who he thought had some relationship with him, blocked his words and stood directly on Lu Ming's side.

But he didn't dare to vent the depression in his heart.

Because Wang Xing'an is someone he can't afford to offend, even his elders need to be humbled by the big boss.

He also met Wang Xing'an once under the leadership of his elders, so he shamelessly licked his face and established a relationship with Wang Xing'an, calling him uncle.

And when Lu Ming spoke of himself in an elder's tone, Smith's expression turned even more ugly.

Wang Xing'an and Lu Ming have been friends for many years and are considered brothers.

Smith is also called Uncle Wang Xing'an, which means that Lu Ming is also Smith's uncle and is Smith's elder.

Is there anything wrong with elders teaching younger ones, and fathers educating their sons?

Totally fine!
At the same time, Smith actually knew that he was at fault in this matter. If truth be told, he must be the one at fault.

So I can't take revenge on Lu Ming at all, but it is possible...


Smith was right, he received another hard slap.

This time it was Wang Xingan who took action.

Even though he was a bit old, he still had strong hands, especially since Smith's face was already seriously injured and he was slapped hard by Wang Xing'an.

It's just worse.

Wang Xing'an was not relieved yet, so he stood up and kicked Smith!
Smith fell directly to the ground.No one dared to help him this time, anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

Smith was defeated.

"You bitch, you bullied Brother Lu, and Ms. Lin is gone!" Wang Xing'an let out a fierce breath.

After listening to Lu Ming's explanation of what happened, he felt angry in his heart. He felt that Lu Ming's attack was good, and he should even have hit him harder.

Smith's behavior not only bullied his friend Lu Ming and Lin Wan, but also provoked the Tang Palace and destroyed the peace of the Tang Palace.

Doing such a thing on his territory, do you want to do whatever you want?Have you asked his master's opinion?
Do you really think that if you know yourself and have some power, you can walk around in the Tang Palace?
So he got angry and beat Smith again.

Smith clutched his abdomen and bent to the ground like a cooked shrimp.

The abdomen is the softest part of the human body. After being kicked by Wang Xing'an, Smith completely lost the ability to take care of himself and could not stand up.

Wang Xing'an looked at Smith coldly on the ground, slammed his golden nanmu crutch on the ground, and declared majestically.

"Smith disrupted the Tang Palace and bullied my friends. From today on, he will withdraw his qualifications and will never set foot in the Tang Palace again.

Take him down with me! "


The people in Tang Palace said in unison.

Then two people came out of the queue and took Smith out on the ground.

By this time, everyone in the pavilion looked at each other, especially those who were with Smith before, not knowing what to do.

I didn't dare to say anything, I didn't dare to move, for fear of accidentally getting into trouble.

Only Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di had smiles on their faces and complicated eyes.

There was shock, curiosity and pride.

After dealing with Smith, Wang Xingan sat down again and said with a hint of apology.

“Brother Lu, I’m sorry for making you feel wronged in my territory.

Today's matter is not over yet, I will give you an explanation! "

Wang Xing'an was sincerely sorry, and he felt that he had some responsibility for this matter.

But Lu Ming didn't think so: "Mr. Wang, this is a trivial matter, and it's not worth getting angry at."

After being comforted by Lu Ming, Wang Xing'an felt much better. Then he glanced at the people in the pavilion and asked Lu Ming with his eyes.

"What do these people say? Do you want to teach me a lesson?"

Lu Ming laughed and waved his hand: "You all can go out."

He had just seen the performance of this group of people. They were forced to take action due to the threat of Smith, and they were obviously working hard but not putting in their efforts.

He was beaten by himself in this way. He wouldn't have broken muscles or bones, but there would definitely be redness, swelling and bruises.

It's considered a physical pain, so it should be considered a lesson to them.

After hearing Lu Ming's words, this group of people seemed to have heard some great good news, and they breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

He bent down and bowed one after another, and then left quickly.

Wang Xing'an also ordered the escort to withdraw. He planned to stay and catch up with Lu Ming.

With most people leaving, the pavilion suddenly seemed less crowded and the air became more circulated.

There are only five people left in the pavilion: Wang Xing'an, Lu Ming, Lin Wan, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di.

But when these people left, three more hurried figures came to the pavilion.

They rushed into the attic, panting and asking.

"Mr. Lu, are you okay??"

(End of this chapter)

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