Chapter 231
When Zhao Haifeng saw the person coming, the smile on his face froze instantly.

Because the three people who came were his reinforcements.

The heads of their three major families are Zhao Jianzhong of the Zhao family, Xie Guanghui of the Xie family, and Sun Yongfeng of the Sun family.

Originally, he thought something was wrong and was afraid that Lu Ming would fall here, so he secretly edited the text message and sent it to his father, Zhao Jianzhong.

Tang Palace, Mr. Lu, help quickly.

I hope Zhao Jianzhong will come over and rescue them.

Unexpectedly, things took a turn for the worse. He was so shocked that he forgot the distress message he had just sent and failed to explain the new situation in time.

And Zhao Jianzhong was also shocked when he received the text message from Zhao Haifeng.

Although they don't know what happened specifically, it is about the people they follow and the unfathomable place of Tang Palace, so there is nothing to be careless about.

So he immediately informed the Xie family, the head of the Sun family, who was in the same spirit.

A group of people rushed over.

The three of them were frightened on the road, constantly guessing what happened to Lu Ming and the others in the Tang Palace, and how could they be in danger?
Could it be that he has offended the mysterious master behind Tang Palace?
Now they and Lu Ming are both prosperous and destructive.

So the three of them decided that no matter what, even if they offended the people behind Tang Palace, they would unite the power of the three major families to save Lu Ming.

They had prepared for the worst.


When they worked hard to find Lu Ming's private room and rushed in.

What I saw was a harmonious and beautiful scene...

What's the danger?

"Three heads of the family, why are you here? And you are running in such a hurry..."

Lu Ming asked in confusion as he saw that the three of them were a little disheveled because they were running too fast.

"This..." Zhao Jianzhong gasped, not knowing how to explain, and shot coldly at the evil son Zhao Haifeng.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he really wanted to beat this scoundrel on the spot.

This time the three heads of the family were completely embarrassed.

"Uh hehe..." Zhao Haifeng smiled awkwardly and stood up to explain.

He knew that if he didn't come out and explain, he would be doomed when he returned home.

So Zhao Haifeng told the whole story of the future.

Lu Ming also realized that it turned out that Zhao Jianzhong and the other three family heads came over after receiving Zhao Haifeng's text message asking for help.

Although Lu Ming was not in danger, he saw the loyalty of the three family heads.

With a gesture of his right hand, he invited them to take a seat.

"Lu Ming thanks the three family heads for their kindness, but it's okay now. Let's sit down and drink tea together."

The three of them took their seats, and Zhao Haifeng quickly took up the task of serving, serving tea and water for everyone in order to atone for their sins.

"Mr. Wang, let me introduce to you. This is Zhao Jianzhong, the head of the Zhao family, Xie Guanghui, the head of the Xie family, and Sun Yongfeng, the head of the Sun family."

Lu Ming introduced the three of them to Wang Xingan.

Wang Xing'an looked at the three family heads in surprise. He knew that Lu Ming knew the three major families, because at the beginning, when Lu Ming submitted the information to apply for the Tang Palace membership card, it was jointly recommended by the three major families.

But he didn't expect that the relationship between Lu Ming and the three major families was not as simple as he imagined.

As soon as they heard that Lu Ming was in danger, the heads of the three major families came over in person at night!

He built the Tang Palace in the Magic City, so he naturally knew a lot about all the forces in the Magic City. He knew the power of the three major families in the Magic City. One family alone might not be that big of a deal, but the three major families working together would be almost powerful in the Magic City. Nothing is impossible.

So now that he saw that the three major families were so worried and even respected Lu Ming, Wang Xing'an couldn't help but become curious.

After Lu Ming introduced the three masters, he also introduced Wang Xing'an to them.

"This is my good friend, Wang Xing'an. He is also the owner of Tang Palace. He helped me solve this trouble."

As soon as Lu Ming said these words.When Zhao Jianzhong, Xie Guanghui, and Sun Yongfeng heard about the master of the Tang Palace, their eyes burst out with incredible expressions.

This old man in front of me?
Turns out to be the mysterious owner of Tang Palace? ! !

How long had they been searching for the owner of the Tang Palace without any clues? !

Back then, when the Tang Palace first opened, countless families from the Magic City wanted to explore the bottom of this fierce dragon crossing the river, but all failed, including their three major families.

In addition, after the Tang Palace opened, anyone who caused trouble inside, regardless of their background, would be punished.

Everyone began to realize that the people behind Tang Palace were extremely powerful and did not dare to provoke them.

But therefore the identity of the owner of Tang Palace has become a mystery that few people know.

They didn't expect that Lu Ming, whom they followed, was still good friends with the master of Tang Palace!

The three of them calmed down a little and greeted politely.

"Mr. Wang, I have admired you for a long time!"

The two parties greeted each other and got to know each other initially. Lu Ming and Lin Wan acted as the bridge of communication between the two parties and led the two parties to chat.

Both parties talked about interesting things, and the atmosphere of the chat was quite lively and cheerful.


Wang Xing'an also took the initiative to make a suggestion and asked Lu Ming if he had decided on the venue for the banquet.

If you don't mind it, you can hold the banquet in the Tang Palace.

At that time, the three family heads were shocked when they heard Wang Xing'an's proposal, because the Tang Palace had never been so open to the outside world and had only received small-scale guests. There was no such precedent.

But Lu Ming didn't know this.

He originally wanted to place the banquet address at the City Garden Villa.

But what Wang Xingan said made him feel that Tang Palace was a better place to hold the banquet.

After all, City Garden is his private residence, and he doesn't like too many people visiting his home.

So I simply agreed to Wang Xingan's proposal on the spot.

Tea instead of wine, thanks to Wang Xingan for his help.

Coincidentally, the heads of the three families are also here. They are already responsible for helping Lu Ming prepare for the banquet, and no further notice is needed.

After talking about the banquet, Wang Xingan suddenly thought of something.

"Brother Lu, where are you and your wife living now? Why don't you come and live in Tang Palace? We can catch up on old times."

Wang Xing'an invited Lu Ming and Lin Wan to move to the Tang Palace. Not only would they be able to live more comfortably, but they would also be able to meet and chat if they had nothing to do. It would even be more convenient for them to leave for the banquet.

Three birds with one stone.

"No need, Brother Wang, Wan'er and I are living in the city garden now. It's quite comfortable. Come to my house for tea some other time!"

Lu Ming declined Wang Xing'an's proposal.

"What?! City Garden?"

When he heard that Lu Ming lived in City Garden, Wang Xing'an, who had always been calm and calm, became a little bit out of his mind.

The people from the three major families looked at each other in disbelief.

Aren’t urban gardens your lifeblood?
At the beginning, so many people wanted you and you all refused, even pretending to be sick and closing your doors to avoid customers.

Why send it out now?

Wang Xing'an suddenly felt that he still underestimated Lu Ming, his old friend.

His relationship with the three major families is more than simple!

It’s just a little confusing!

(End of this chapter)

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