Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 250 Don't Worry About Too Much Debt

Chapter 250 Don't Worry About Too Much Debt

Lin Ruyin's excited look made Lu Ming and Lin Wan notice their side and looked over.

This made her panic even more, she put on a smile, then lowered her voice and pulled Chu Yue further away.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan thought they were playing and didn't care, but Pan Xiaoman and Wang Lingling walked over.

"Didn't I explain it to you before?
It was really just an accident! "

Lin Ruyin gritted her teeth as she explained, but Chu Yue still had a strange expression.

Just then Pan Xiaoman and Wang Lingling came over: "Xiaoman, Lingling, you came just in time."

Then he turned to look at Lin Ruyin: "Tell them and see if they believe it..."

"What is it? Do you believe it or not?" Wang Lingling asked carelessly.

"Don't be so loud!"

Lin Ruyin signaled Wang Lingling to speak softer, in case Lu Ming and Lin Wan heard her if she spoke too loudly.

"Do you remember one time when we were coming back from outside? When we passed by Lover's Slope, we happened to see Yinyin and Lu Ming coming down from Lover's Slope?"

Chu Yue lowered her voice and said mysteriously.

"What?! Yinyin and Senior Lu...?!"

Wang Lingling was so frightened that she seemed to know this for the first time.

This kind of thing was very exciting in the past, let alone the earth-shaking changes in the identity of the two people now, it is even more explosive!

"Really? Really? What did you do up there?" Wang Lingling asked Lin Ruyin gossiping.

"Well...yes! There is such a thing." Pan Xiaoman recalled it, and he did remember it.

"Lingling, you were there at that time, and you also knew it." Pan Xiaoman reminded Wang Lingling when she saw that she didn't know anything.

"Huh? Really? I don't remember it at all."

Wang Lingling looked stupid and couldn't remember it at all. She had completely forgotten about it.

"Just remember to eat!"

Pan Xiaoman and Chu Yue criticized at the same time.

As he recalled, Pan Xiaoman remembered more details: "We asked you to go out, but you said you had something important so you didn't go.

But when we came back, we saw a very familiar figure coming down the lover's slope, and we quickly chased after him.

Finally found out that person is you!The important thing is to date Senior Lu! "

"Didn't I explain everything to you at that time?" Lin Ruyin denied it strongly.

Chu Yue stood up and continued: "Yes! At that time, Yinyin was shocked when she found out that we could, and we took her back to the dormitory and held an interrogation meeting.

But she was too strict and didn't ask anything. "

After Chu Yue finished speaking, Lin Ruyin felt tired: "Didn't I tell you, I was really busy with the student union that day, and Lu Ming was also one of the people in charge. We were walking and chatting.

At that time, neither of us knew it was Lover's Slope, so we walked over. When we realized something was wrong, we quickly came down.

Then I went back to the dormitory with you, everything was an accident! "

Lin Ruyin was arrested and held for an interrogation meeting before. She also explained it this way, and everyone else in the dormitory was dubious.

She still explains it this way now, because it is really the case!
Everything was so unexpected and coincidental that it was so coincidental that it was hard to explain.

That's why Lin Ruyin strongly denied it. Lu Ming could also guarantee that he had never been to Qingren Slope for a date, because in his memory, he just went to the wrong place and there was no such thing as a date.

"I remember, you seemed to have said the same thing last time." With the complete description of the facts in front of her, Wang Lingling finally recalled the incident.

"Oh, whether you believe it or not, please don't talk nonsense! Otherwise, I won't be able to clean myself up even if I jump into the Yellow River."

Lin Ruyin hurriedly vaccinated them, but she was still worried that it would not be safe: "Another big meal!" Lin Ruyin really felt the pain in the baby's heart, but the baby couldn't tell clearly and couldn't tell!
Her explanation was indeed a bit feeble, but it was true, but they didn't believe it, so they could only bribe them in the hope that they would be soft-spoken.

The three of them accepted it with smiles and gave Lin Ruyin a look.

Don't worry, we'll do things, and we'll keep our mouths shut!
In fact, even if Lin Ruyin didn't bribe them, they wouldn't dare to talk nonsense.

No matter what the facts are, whether there is such a thing, and whether they believe it or not, as soon as it is said, it will become a big event!
Who knows what kind of storm it will cause? !

They are not fools, and they definitely don't dare to leak anything.

Seeing their agreement, Lin Ruyin felt a little relieved, but she still didn't dare to let down her guard.

What if someone talks out of their wits and accidentally says the wrong thing?

So she still had to stay alert and always be ready to save the situation.

As for the big dinner, Lin Ruyin didn't care about it. She was a rich young lady who had just received 1000 million from Lu Ming, so she could afford a hundred big dinners.

"It's almost time, let's go."

After staying at the lake for long enough, Lu Ming asked them to leave.

The group of people retreated into the bamboo forest and chose another path. The place they finally came out of was different again.

This is the way to Hongwen Hall, which is also the Magic City Library.

"Ahead is the Hongwen Pavilion." Chu Yue was the first to recognize it.

"Then let's go and have a look." Lin Wan was quite interested in the library. The more excellent the school, the more advanced the library inside it would be.


Lu Ming took Lin Wan and took the lead, followed by the four people in the dormitory.

This time it was Wang Lingling's turn to make an impression on the library.

"Yinyin, did I meet you and..."

Before Wang Lingling could finish her words, she was immediately interrupted by Lin Ruyin.

"One more meal!"

I won’t say anything or explain anything. Anyway, just add a big meal.

This feast is like having too many lice but not itching, and having too many debts without worrying.

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, anything that can be solved with a big meal is not a big deal.

"What are you doing?" Lu Ming turned around and shouted.

The foursome in the dormitory didn't know what they were doing. They stood still, already far behind him and Lin Wan.

"Oh! Here we come!"

Lin Ruyin replied and warned: "I have remembered the three big meals. You know what to do?"

The three of them moved their right hands to their mouths and pursed their lips together, indicating that they were closed and could not let out a word.

Lin Ruyin nodded with satisfaction, then called for them to jog, catching up with Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

The group of people walked towards Hongwen Hall, with Lu Ming standing at position C.

At this time, many people came towards them and noticed Lu Ming in the crowd of goddesses.

Some people who passed by them, especially boys, cast envious glances at Lu Ming.

Isn't this the ancient king taking his concubine to play in the imperial garden? !

They could never dream of such happiness!

(End of this chapter)

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