Chapter 251 Seven Feasts
“May you leave richer than you arrived.”

Lu Ming and Lin Wan looked at the inscription in front of the Hongwen Library and had many insights. The library of Shanghai University of Science and Technology is indeed excellent and advanced.

Let’s not talk about the humanistic knowledge for the moment.

First of all, the unique shape and structure have a sense of beauty. To put it simply, it looks great!
Lu Ming took a closer look and saw that the building materials of the library were a combination of rough jade and Taihu stone, and the exterior of the building was covered with glass printed with marble patterns. The entire library looked very transparent, light and rich. 'Floating' feeling.

Lin Wan is also very interested in this. It can be seen from her eyes that she likes the design of this library.

"Mom, let me introduce you."

At this time.

Lin Ruyin suddenly stood up.

She was the one who wanted to take Lin Wan to visit the school. Naturally, she was fully prepared and had some knowledge about the school's history and architecture in advance.

I had never used it before, but now I can finally put it to use as a tour guide.

"This library is the work of Wu Yuan, a well-known domestic architectural design master. He has many titles such as partner of SHT Architectural Firm, director of Perki Global Architectural Firm, etc. He has many domestic university libraries, such as Ningbo University, Ji Nan The libraries of universities and other libraries are all the work of Master Wu Yuan.

Just now, everyone saw the marble pattern printed on the glass on the exterior facade of the library, which is actually a tribute to printing.

And all the materials of the building, raw jade and Taihu stone, also have a meaning, that is, the process of educating people in the library is just like the rough stone that becomes jade after being carved and polished..."

The information prepared by Lin Ruyin was quite sufficient, and she also pointed out two places that none of them knew. Everyone found it quite interesting.

"Wow, Yinyin, you are great. We don't even know what you said!" Wang Lingling praised Lin Ruyin very much.

But she was right. Even if they were students at Shanghai University of Science and Technology and often came to the library, they still didn't know the hidden meanings and tributes in the design of the library.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay." Lin Ruyin said modestly, but the expression on her face betrayed her inner pride.

She didn't know this information and knowledge before. She only knew it in advance so that she could act as a tour guide for Lin Wan. Now she pretended to be fake.

"Yin Yin is right." Lin Wan also praised Lin Ruyin.

This made Lin Ruyin even more proud.

"Let's go in and take a walk."

"But we don't have student ID cards, so we shouldn't be able to get in." Lin Wan said looking at the gate at the door. Obviously, you have to swipe your card to enter.

"It's a small thing! I've already borrowed it from other students."

It must be said that Lin Ruyin was quite well prepared. She took out two student ID cards and handed them to Lu Ming and Lin Wan, while Chu Yue and the others took them with them themselves.

that's it.

A group of people entered the library.

Walking to the atrium, Lu Ming found that the atrium was exaggeratedly high, about 50 meters in height. There was no obstruction on it, and the skylight was shining directly down. The surrounding objects were mostly made of materials such as bamboo, oak, and terrazzo, creating a A warm atmosphere, the overall space looks transparent but not monotonous.

It has quite a style of traditional Chinese culture.

Since there were students studying in the library, they were afraid of disturbing others, so they spoke very quietly.

“Mom, this is our favorite spot in the dormitory. It’s by the window on the second floor. It’s not too noisy. You can also look at the scenery outside the window when you’re tired.

We usually sit here when we come to the library. "

Lin Ruyin introduced Lin Wan enthusiastically, wanting her to understand her daily life at school.

But after hearing this, Lin Wan simply responded.

He turned to Lu Ming and asked, "Husband, where are you? Where do you usually sit when you come to the library when you go to school?"

Lu Ming thought for a moment: "Hmm... I usually sit wherever I can and I don't particularly like the seat. But actually, I rarely come to the library. I only come to the library a few days before the exam to review."

"Oh, that's it. Let's go there and have a look." Lu Ming and Lin Wan said, ignoring Lin Ruyin beside them and went to visit somewhere else.

Lin Ruyin froze on the spot, crying inside.

She obviously invited Lin Wan to visit her alma mater and learn about her life at school.

But now Lin Wan's attention is all on Lu Ming, and she never forgets to ask about Lu Ming's past wherever she goes.

She is not stupid, of course she can feel it.

But there is no way, who makes Lin Wan not only a love brain, but also a slave to her husband.

Although the library was very large, there was really nothing to browse around, so everyone came out not long after.

After coming out, the group of people went all the way north and continued shopping.

Awakening Bell Tower, Jingsi Tower...

After walking around for a while, I walked through all the more iconic buildings of Shanghai University and returned to their original starting point, downstairs of the girls' dormitory.

"Yinyin, what's wrong with you? Are you tired?"

Lin Wan noticed that Lin Ruyin's expression became worse as she walked around, thinking she was tired from walking.

"No, no, I'm just a little hungry." Lin Ruyin quickly denied it and made an excuse.

The reason for her poor complexion was not because she was tired or hungry, but because she felt uncomfortable!
After walking around for a while, she was really tired.

She now owes seven meals! ! !

Every time she went to a place, a roommate would remind her that she and Lu Ming had been there before.

In some places, even Lin Ruyin herself had forgotten it and tried her best to deny it. But when her roommate said that, she suddenly realized that there was indeed such a thing...

Quickly add another big meal.

Just like this, I kept adding more and more, and in the end, I actually owed seven meals.

The reason why she looked so bad was not because she owed too much dinner and she didn't want to treat it.

Instead, she felt that this kind of thing was simply outrageous! She had been to so many places with Lu Ming before, and was caught by her roommate.

So what about the roommate who didn’t catch it? ?

No wonder the roommates didn’t believe her explanation. They had seen too many things...

"Then let's go eat quickly!" Lin Wan said anxiously.

Although her whole heart was with Lu Ming, it didn't mean that she didn't care about Lin Ruyin.

"Uh... good!"

Although Lin Ruyin was not acting like this because she was hungry, it was actually almost time to have lunch.

"Lingling, please name a place, one that's closer."

Lu Ming has long seen that Wang Lingling is a foodie, and she must know a few treasure shops.

"Then go to Tai Kee!"

Without thinking, Wang Lingling reported a restaurant that she thought was high on the list around the school.

Known as a gourmet map, she is very familiar with the restaurants around the school.

So, the group set off towards Taiji.

(End of this chapter)

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