Chapter 252 Taiji (Third update)

Under the leadership of Wang Lingling, the group soon arrived at the Taiji she mentioned.

It was a street near the school. It was lunch time, and the street had a lot of people, crowded and bustling.

Lu Ming also came here when he was in school, but he really didn't know about Taiji restaurant.

This street is almost all related to food, clothing, housing and transportation. It is mainly for students' business, especially accommodation. There are all low, medium and high-end hotels for you to choose from.

Someone asked, since it is mainly a student business and students can live in school dormitories, why should they stay in a hotel?

That can only mean that you are too naive.

Although Shanghai University of Science and Technology does not have access control, what if you get tired of sleeping on the bed in the dormitory and want to sleep on a big, soft bed?

Or the water supply in the dormitory is cut off, and you are not allowed to go out to a room to take a shower?
Or, if it rains and gets wet when you go out to play, do you need to get a room?
I understand everything I understand.

At this youthful and passionate age, the hotel business around the school is much better than ordinary business hotels.

There are so many hotels, not one of them has closed down, only more and more are opening.

Lu Ming shook his head. None of this had anything to do with him. At that age, he didn't realize the joy of opening a hotel.

But I also received a double return from God, and now the days when I sleep with my wife in my arms are wonderful.

Entered Tai Kee Restaurant.

The group of people randomly found a round table and sat down.

The restaurant is not big, with only seven or eight tables, but it is enough for seating.

It can be seen that it must be newly opened. The store is very tidy and the tables are very clean. There is no oil stain like that of an old store. That kind of oil stain is difficult to clean no matter how diligent you are.

The restaurant is a typical family workshop. The husband is the chef, the wife is the cashier and waiter, and there is another waiter who seems to be a relative of them.

Lu Ming took the initiative to take apart the dishes and chopsticks for everyone and rinse them with hot water, while Wang Lingling was responsible for ordering the dishes.

Wang Lingling looked through the menu again and again and said: "This store is newly opened, and I just dug it out a few days ago.

The boss is probably a southerner, and most of his dishes are Cantonese...

Do you have any taboos? "

Wang Lingling thoughtfully asked everyone about their taboos. In fact, she was mainly asking Lu Ming and Lin Wan. She already knew about the people in their dormitory.

Seeing Lu Ming, Lin Wan shook her head and said no.

"Okay, then let me order. Well... the fried beef river here is very delicious, let's order one. The roast goose has the fragrance of lychee and fruit wood, let's try one..."

Wang Lingling ordered dishes very quickly. She ordered some dishes that she had eaten and thought were delicious, as well as some dishes that looked good.

This is already the second time Lu Ming and Lin Wan have come into contact with Lin Ruyin's roommates, so they have become familiar with each other and are not as reserved as the first time.

Everyone chatted about one thing or another.

Lin Wan chatted with these girls about cosmetics and skin care products.

She runs a beauty company, so she naturally needs to know more about this than Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman and the others.

"Eh, that's right."

When talking about this, Lin Wan suddenly remembered something.

"Yueyue, Xiaoman, Lingling, you must have used our Shuangmu Group's moisturizing mask, right?"

The three people nodded wildly, especially Chu Yue and Pan Xiaoman, who usually paid more attention to this aspect of maintenance.

"Yeah! I've used it! It's absolutely amazing! After using it, my face is moist and tender all day long."

"It's really great. I have been using your company's facial masks ever since."

In fact, they all have their own brand of facial masks that they use regularly, and they are all expensive foreign brands. Girls should be unambiguous in this regard.

But one day, Lin Ruyin took the new moisturizing mask from Shuangmu Group and asked them to try it.

You don't know if you don't try it, and you will be shocked if you try it.

Shuangmu Group's moisturizing facial mask has immediate effects and is much easier to use than the foreign brands they originally used.

Later, they became fans of Shuangmu Group and have been using Shuangmu Group's products.Hearing the two people praising their company's products, Lin Wan smiled and felt very happy.

"Yinyin recommended it to us, otherwise we wouldn't know."

Chu Yue also appropriately named Lin Ruyin as the hero.

Lin Ruyin looked proud. She naturally wanted to promote her company's products.

In the past, the products of Shuangmu Group were indeed not as good as those used by her roommates, and she was too embarrassed to forcefully recommend them, forcing them to use her own products.

But now that she has tried perfumes, moisturizing masks and other good things, she feels confident enough to recommend them to her roommates.

"Yin Yin, you did a good job!" Lin Wan praised Lin Ruyin, and then took out a bunch of things from her bag.

“This is our company’s new whitening mask, which is in the same series as the moisturizing mask. The effect is also very good. It will be launched next month.

These are products from the laboratory and can be used by you first. "

That's right, what Lin Wan took out was the third-grade whitening mask launched by Shuangmu Group next month, which was even better than the whitening masks on the market.

So when she went to the company last time, she took some for Lin Ruyin and herself.

Now it's enough to give it to Lin Ruyin and her roommates.

Lin Wan handed the mask to Lin Ruyin beside her, who distributed it to her roommates.


Lin Ruyin's roommates were very surprised by Lin Wan's gift.

Whitening is much more important than moisturizing, and Lin Wan also said that the whitening mask is very effective, so everyone quickly thanked Lin Wan.

Everyone was chatting and the dishes were served one after another.

Six dishes and one soup, hot and fragrant, making people want to eat.

"Let's eat quickly."

Lu Ming first picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of roast goose that didn't look too fatty, dipped it in sour plum sauce, and put it in Lin Wan's bowl.

Others also moved their chopsticks one after another.

Lu Ming was interested in the plate of brightly colored fried beef and took a few chopsticks.

Tried it.

Hmm...not bad.

But what he didn't know was that while he was eating, a pair of eyes on the opposite side were secretly looking at him, and he was very nervous.

She is Pan Xiaoman.

She was worried that the small restaurants around the school would not suit Lu Ming's taste.

After all, she didn't know Lu Ming well. She only knew that the last time she had a meal at City Garden, although the meal was home-cooked, the ingredients were top-notch.

The champagne you drink casually is also the world's top champagne.

So it is reasonable to think that Lu Ming would be a big boss who is very picky about food.

But fortunately.

She saw that Lu Ming was still enjoying his food.

Just as I felt relieved, an annoying yet familiar voice sounded in my ears.

"Hey, what a coincidence, Manman. Are you eating? You don't reply to my messages or answer my calls. Are you avoiding me on purpose?!"

 It’s the end of the month, please recommend and vote.

  I will work hard to update it recently, I hope you can give me some motivation


(End of this chapter)

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