Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 256 Identity (4th update please recommend)

Chapter 256 Identity (Fourth update please recommend)
Not long after, Wang Xingan came to the door.

But by now Lu Ming and Lin Wan had already had dinner and set up the tea stove waiting for him.

Under the leadership of housekeeper Ma Zong, Wang Xing'an entered the villa, and the first words he said when he saw Lu Ming were: "Brother Lu, your city garden is really nice! It makes me jealous, hahahaha."

Although Wang Xing'an is a little older, he has always been sincere and cheerful in front of Lu Ming.

"You're welcome, Mr. Wang. The reputation of your Tang Palace in the Magic City is no less than that of my City Garden."

Lu Ming also complimented, what comes and goes.

"Mr. Wang, please sit down."

Lu Ming asked Wang Xing'an to sit down and poured him a cup of tea.

These teas were provided to him by three families. He didn't understand them very well, but he just thought they smelled good.

“Good tea!”

Wang Xing'an praised it and then got to the point.

"Brother Lu, I told you that I will give you an explanation about Smith. I found the person behind him, beat him up, and got you some apology gifts."

"It's really troublesome, Mr. Wang..."

Lu Ming sincerely thanked Wang Xing'an. He didn't care about Smith's incident at first.

But Wang Xing'an always felt that Lu Ming was being treated like this in his own territory, and it was also mixed with some pretentiousness related to him, so he felt very guilty and must seek justice for Lu Ming.


Lu Ming also understood something deeper from Wang Xing'an's words.

Smith is a foreign devil with a very good background. Many families in Shanghai still need to please him, so he has gathered so many people around him.

But in Wang Xing'an's eyes, it was nothing at all, not even the background behind him.

Wang Xing'an was not afraid, and even beat the other party and asked for an apology. This can only show that Wang Xing'an's energy background is much stronger than the other party.

That's why the other party lowered his head to admit his mistake and obeyed his orders.

Come to think of it, Wang Xing'an's identity is not just as simple as the master of the Tang Palace, there must be other identities that are more mysterious and powerful.

With just one sentence, Lu Ming had already spread his thoughts and imagined a lot of information.

But he was not prepared to dig into Wang Xingan's background. Everyone has their own secrets and privacy.

He only needs to know that Wang Xing'an is a true friend worth dating.

"It's a small thing! This should make the other party remember it."

Wang Xing'an was very contemptuous of what Smith did: "Well, I asked the other party for [-] million in cash, plus three stores in a popular business district, no less than [-] square meters.

What do you think of this condition? If it doesn’t work, I’ll try again. "

Wang Xingan said it easily.


Lu Ming was quite surprised when he heard this condition: [-] million in cash and three stores.

This is a considerable loss.

Because a playboy suffered such a loss, it seems that Smith will not have an easy life in the future.


Wang Xing'an continued: "Smith has also been deprived of his position as heir and was sent back to his home country. He will never be able to enter the Dragon Kingdom."

Lu Ming's guess was correct. Smith was directly demoted because of his mistake, which caused heavy losses to the family.

"Very good, thank you Mr. Wang."

Lu Ming agreed to these conditions: "Mr. Wang, let me trouble you with one more thing.

Donate [-] million in cash to reliable charitable organizations. If you have three stores, give it to the three major families. "

Lu Ming thought for a while and made these decisions.Originally this was a windfall, and Lu Ming didn't expect to get these things.

He was not short of money at all, so he planned to donate it, and specifically mentioned it to a reliable charity organization.

You know, there are many charitable organizations that are making money in the name of charity.

With Wang Xing'an's energy, he should be able to handle this matter.

Lu Ming took over the three stores. Stores in popular business districts were difficult to buy even with money. Now that the three major families are following him, leaving them to manage and operate them is equivalent to being in his hands. It is no different.

Hearing Lu Ming's decision, Wang Xing'an burst into laughter and felt more and more that it was a wise decision for him to make friends with Lu Ming.

Five hundred million in cash is not a small amount of money.

There are many families in Shanghai, not to mention cash flow, including fixed assets, who may not be able to raise [-] million.

But Lu Ming could be so decisive and generous and decided to donate the money on the spot. How generous and generous this was.

"Hahahaha! Okay!

Leave this matter to me, and I will definitely help you handle it beautifully. I will personally spend another [-] million to make up the total! "

Happy, Wang Xing'an also followed Lu Ming's lead and donated a large amount of money.

Wang Xing'an's behavior made Lu Ming like him even more. He hugged his fists and said nothing, but they both felt sympathy for each other in their hearts.


Lu Ming invited Wang Xing'an to drink tea, and Smith's matter came to an end.

The two then chatted for a long time.

Until Wang Xingan was about to leave, he suddenly said.

"Brother Lu, I think you should have guessed that my identity is not that simple, right? Are you curious?"

Lu Ming did not expect that Wang Xing'an would mention this himself: "Yeah, but I'm not curious. You are the Mr. Wang I know."

Wang Xing'an was very satisfied with Lu Ming's statement, but he still decided to tell Lu Ming his true identity.

"Actually, I'm just a retired think tank member... I don't have much background, but the mystery is indeed quite mysterious. After all, the identity of the members must be kept secret, but I am retired now, so it doesn't hurt to tell you."

“Member of the Think Tank???”

Lu Ming was shocked when he heard Wang Xingan's words.

Wang Xingan said this lightly, as if being a member of a think tank was not a great status.

But anyone with a brain wouldn't think so.

If he had an ordinary status, could he become the mysterious master of the Tang Palace, be able to spend [-] million for charity, and be able to force the people behind Smith to apologize?

As a member of a think tank, I have contact with all the top leaders in the country, and every decision I make is a matter of national importance.

Wang Xing'an is retired now. Has he worked for 20 or 30 years?
The connections accumulated over the past 30 to [-] years will be so terrifying.

It's no wonder that countless Magic City families who wanted to investigate his identity couldn't find out. If he hadn't been willing to tell him, Lu Ming probably wouldn't have been able to find out the reason.

After all, think tank members are important weapons to the country.

"Mr. Wang, I sincerely admire you!" Lu Ming said sincerely.

They are also the kind of people who work silently and dedicate themselves behind the scenes of the country.

Wang Xing'an waved his hand. He always felt that he just did what he should do.

"Okay, it's getting late, so I'll go back."

Lu Ming sent Wang Xing'an to the door and looked at his back, gaining a new understanding of Wang Xing'an.

From now on, Wang Xing'an is not only his good friend, but also someone he admires.

(End of this chapter)

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