Chapter 257 Borrowing Money
Magic University.

Pan Xiaoman sat in the dormitory in despair, knowing that she had no choice now.

Her future seems to be clear at a glance. It is nothing more than becoming Qi Junyi's puppet and letting him control it. When he takes the Pan family's property as his own and loses its use value, she will be kicked away.

She has tried her best to deal with Qi Junyi recently, but that was because Qi Junyi and the Qi family deliberately gave them time, so that she and the Pan family could be safe for the time being.

Now the Qi family seems to have lost patience, directly intimidating the Pan family, and using some means to add insult to injury, making the Pan family's current situation even closer to the edge of the cliff.

“See you at Ruxuan Hotel tonight.

Otherwise...hehe, you know the consequences. "

Qi Junyi completely exposed his true face, did not hide his ugliness at all, and gave Pan Xiaoman an ultimatum.

This sentence kept ringing in Pan Xiaoman's ears.

She knew that once she left at night, she would never look back.

But if you don’t go, the Pan family...

Thinking of this, Pan Xiaoman couldn't bear it anymore, and huge tears kept falling down.

The choking sound was immediately heard by others in the dormitory.

"Xiaoman, what's wrong with you??!"

Chu Yue was the first to notice it and climbed out of bed numbly.

Others were also frightened one by one.

"Sister Man! What happened?! Why are you crying?!"

Wang Lingling became anxious when she saw Pan Xiaoman, who had always taken good care of her and was like her sister, crying so hard.

"Xiaoman, tell us if you have anything to say! We will definitely help you!"

Lin Ruyin guessed that Pan Xiaoman must have encountered something, otherwise he wouldn't be so sad.

But no matter how anxious the three of them were and no matter how many questions they asked, Pan Xiaoman remained silent and cried bitterly.

There is really no way.

Wang Lingling was so anxious that her voice had a hint of crying, and her eyes were full of tears: "Sister Man... what's wrong with you...?"

After Pan Xiaoman cried bitterly for a while, his voice gradually became quieter.

The anguish in her heart had been held in for too long, and it suddenly burst out just now, which is why she cried so miserably.

After venting for a while, she felt much better.

But her troubles and the Pan family's troubles still exist, and she still has to face them, such as... an appointment at night.

However, her painful crying had attracted the attention of everyone in the dormitory, and Pan Xiaoman finally decided to tell them the whole story.

"Qi Junyi asked me to go to the hotel in the evening."

Pan Xiaoman's words made everyone in the dormitory scream.


"Don't go there!"

"Sister Man, he must have evil intentions, you must not be fooled!"

Even Wang Lingling, a silly and big foodie, thought that Qi Junyi must be doing something bad when he asked Pan Xiaoman to go to the hotel, so he quickly stopped Pan Xiaoman.

"Xiaoman, you also know that Qi Junyi is not a good person, you will definitely not go, right?"

Chu Yue said with concern.

But Lin Ruyin thought of something different.

They all knew that Qi Junyi was not a good person, and he must have bad intentions when asking Pan Xiaoman to go to the hotel. Then Pan Xiaoman wouldn't know this, so she could just not go.

But Pan Xiaoman was crying in the dormitory. There must be something they didn't know.

After listening to Chu Yue's words, Pan Xiaoman nodded and shook his head.

"Sister Man, what do you mean by nodding and shaking your head?" At this time, Lin Ruyin said: "Xiaoman, do you have any compelling reason? Tell us, and I will help you find a solution. "

She stabbed Pan Xiaoman all at once. Pan Xiaoman nodded and said slowly: "My family's capital chain is broken... The Qi family is threatening us because of this..."

After listening to Pan Xiaoman's explanation, everyone finally understood the whole story and why Pan Xiaoman had this attitude toward Qi Junyi recently.

"This Qi family and Qi Junyi are so shameless!"

"This is naked robbery!"


The three of them scolded Qi Jia and Qi Junyi for their shameless behavior.

But after scolding for a while, the dormitory began to fall into silence...

I scolded, but what to do next?

They said they would help Pan Xiaoman find a solution, but after they really found out about this matter, they didn't know what to do for a while.

They definitely don't want to see their sister Pan Xiaoman fall into Qi Junyi's hands, but...

Lin Ruyin quickly sorted out her thoughts. The source of this matter was that the Pan family's capital chain was broken and they needed a loan. That's why the Qi family took advantage of it. But what if the Pan family's financial problem could be solved?

Wouldn't it mean that he wouldn't be threatened by the Qi family?

"Xiaoman, how much money will it take to solve the problem of your family's capital chain being broken?"

Lin Ruyin asked that she still had 1000 million in funds, and if it was enough, she was willing to lend it all to Pan Xiaoman.

Pan Xiaoman also knew something about the problems at home: "Probably...more than [-] million...!?"

"More than [-] million?!"

Chu Yue and Wang Lingling were shocked after hearing this.

With so much money, even if they ask their families for help, they won't be able to help.

Lin Ruyin frowned. This amount was indeed beyond her imagination. Originally, she thought her 1000 million could solve the problem.

But now it seems I need to seek help...

"Don't worry, I'll find a solution!" Lin Ruyin first calmed the three of them.

Then he made a decision and dialed Lu Ming's number in front of them.

The call was quickly connected, and Lu Ming's joking voice came through.

"Hey, good girl, why do you have time to call daddy today...!"

Normally, Lin Ruyin would definitely have a quarrel with Lu Ming, but today she didn't refute and just said it directly.

"I'm looking for you if I have something serious to do."

Lu Ming on the other end of the phone also heard that Lin Ruyin's reaction was different from usual. He was very serious and stopped joking immediately.

"Go ahead."

"Can you give me [-] million? I'm in a hurry."

After Lin Ruyin finished speaking, Chu Yue, Wang Lingling, and Pan Xiaoman all stared at their phones, waiting for Lu Ming's answer.

Especially Pan Xiaoman. She knew that Lu Ming was a big boss and would definitely be able to help her and the Pan family. However, she and Lu Ming were not related, but were roommates with Lin Ruyin. She did not feel that he deserved it. help her.

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment when he heard that Lin Ruyin asked for 1000 million. Although [-] million was not worth mentioning to him, it was a huge amount for Lin Ruyin, a college student. She usually needed only [-] million for living expenses. [-] million.

Why do you open your mouth now and ask for [-] million?

But Lu Ming also believed in Lin Ruyin. He had known Lin Ruyin for so long and had some understanding of her character. She had a reason for wanting the money. She didn't tell her, and Lu Ming didn't want to press her.

Got it!

Lu Ming had a flash of idea and thought of a possibility.

It should be to help Pan Xiaoman, right?
(End of this chapter)

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