Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 262: Secret Dating (3rd update, please recommend)

Chapter 262: Secret Dating (Third update, please recommend)
Ni Xiaoxiao's big reaction shocked Ni Yanyan.

She was just very upset right now, so she said something casually, but she didn't expect that her sister seemed to have seen a ghost.

"Lu Ming is really the person you like??"

Ni Xiaoxiao continued to ask.

"Yes! Didn't I tell you??" Ni Yanyan thought Ni Xiaoxiao knew about it. After all, she had talked a lot with Ni Xiaoxiao during that time, and Ni Xiaoxiao was also her love dog-headed military adviser, helping her with advice.

"Oh my God! No! Sister, you never told me who the married man you like is!" Ni Xiaoxiao was so excited that she wanted to give herself a blow. She felt that she was so stupid to help her sister with advice. For a long time, I didn't even think of asking for the man's information.

What is she?
Helping his sister steal the husband of his girlfriend’s mother?

This complicated relationship made Ni Xiaoxiao feel dizzy thinking about it.

"Why are you so excited?" Ni Yanyan looked at Ni Xiaoxiao with a puzzled face, always feeling that her sister was acting weird today.

"Ah...well, no. I haven't heard you talk about this for a long time."

In order to prevent Ni Yanyan from seeing the clues, Ni Xiaoxiao forced himself to calm down and deal with it: "Then what is your situation now? Please tell me in detail."

After hearing her words, Ni Yanyan thought about it seriously, and the room fell into silence.

After a while, Ni Yanyan spoke up.

"Maybe my feeling for Lu Ming is because she saved my good feelings and a sense of security. It faded over time, or maybe it was because I was hit too hard. No matter how hard I tried, it still had no effect. I only had nothing to do all day long. I can watch Lu Ming and Sister Wan'er show affection and eat dog food.

Or maybe it's because of Sister Wan'er. She is far better than me in appearance, temperament, and ability. How can I compete with her?Besides, I think I get along very well with Sister Wan'er. We have become friends, and I can't steal my friend's husband.

There are all possible reasons, but I can’t quite figure it out myself. "

Ni Yanyan couldn't understand it herself, let alone what Ni Xiaoxiao could do to help her. He could only comfort her.

"Sister, it's okay. What's good about a stinky man..."

Ni Yanyan accidentally said what was in her heart, and Ni Yanyan looked at Ni Xiaoxiao strangely.

Ni Xiaoxiao immediately changed his words: "No, I mean, what's good about that stinky man Lu Ming, but he is more handsome, seems to be quite rich, treats his wife very well, and seems to have some talent in conversation...

There are men like this everywhere, you will definitely find a better one! "

That said.

Ni Yanyan looked at Ni Xiaoxiao with an even stranger look: "Xiaoxiao, are you sure you are comforting me?? and not stabbing me??
How could such a good man be found everywhere? ! "

"Um..." Ni Xiaoxiao thought for a while and found that what he said seemed inappropriate, and he was speechless for a moment.

Fortunately, Ni Yanyan was not in the mood to dwell on it.

"Forget it, you have never been in love and don't understand anything. I was stupid to ask you that question."

Ni Xiaoxiao was unwilling to hear this.

In terms of love experience, she definitely has more experience than her sister Ni Yanyan. It's just that she doesn't want to talk about it, but she still retorted forcefully.

"Sister, you are crossing the river and burning the bridge, trying to kill the donkey! After all, I have been giving you advice for so long."

"Okay, okay, thank you my good sister." Ni Yanyan thought that Ni Xiaoxiao, a dog-headed military advisor, was unreliable, but she still really did it for her own good, admitting that she had no merit but hard work.

"You rest well, I'll go back first."

Then he got up and prepared to go back to his room for some quiet time.

After Ni Yanyan left.

"Ding dong..."

Ni Xiaoxiao's cell phone rang, so she picked it up and took a look.

It was a message from Lin Ruyin.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you doing?"

When Ni Xiaoxiao saw it, he smiled brightly and immediately returned.

"I'm not doing anything, I'm bored in bed."

As soon as I sent it, my phone rang, and Lin Ruyin made a video call.

"Hey, Xiaoxiao..." Lin Ruyin lowered her voice inexplicably.

Although she was alone in her room, she still spoke in a low voice unconsciously.You may find it too exciting to secretly talk to Ni Xiaoxiao at home.

Influenced by her, Ni Xiaoxiao spoke very quietly and quickly hid in bed.

"Yinyin, I'm here."

Lin Ruyin made a video call at this time, and Ni Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of what she had just discussed with Ni Yanyan.

She has been encouraging Ni Yanyan to steal Lin Ruyin's father.

Thinking of this, Ni Xiaoxiao suddenly felt guilty.

Fortunately, Ni Yanyan did not succeed and even wanted to give up, otherwise she would not know what to do.

"I was originally talking about video making in the evening, but I didn't expect to see you at home..."

"Yeah, it scared me to death just now."

"Yeah, luckily I'm smart..."

The two chatted without a word.

After a few minutes.

Ni Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, got up from the bed, ran to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and adjusted her makeup.

He opened the door secretly and stuck his head out. When he saw that no one was there, he walked out quietly.

Not for a while.


"Xiaoxiao, let's go."

Ni Xiaoxiao and Lin Ruyin met downstairs.

It turned out that they had not finished chatting, but felt that the video call was boring, so they made an appointment to sneak out.

The two slowed down and prepared to leave the villa.

I don't know.

A figure was standing on the second floor, looking down from a high position, watching their every move.

This person is Lu Ming.

Lu Ming looked at the actions of the two people and couldn't help laughing.

This Lin Ruyin and Ni Xiaoxiao are a bit too cover-up.

Originally, the two of them went out together openly, saying they were taking friends to visit the garden or something.

Normal people wouldn't think there's anything wrong.

On the contrary, his current behavior makes people suspicious.

"What are these two people doing? Secretly dating in front of everyone's eyes? They are so brave!"

Lu Ming thought, and then he also thought of a fun idea.

As they were about to open the door and go out, they suddenly heard: "What are you doing??!"

As soon as the words came out.

It was as if thunder sounded in the ears of Lin Ruyin and Ni Yanyan. They stayed in place and stopped holding the door.

In the same mental state just now, after being so frightened, the two of them seemed to have done something bad and were caught. They did not dare to turn around for a while and stayed in place.


The trick was successful. Seeing Lin Ruyin and Ni Yanyan stunned, Lu Ming couldn't help laughing.

Lin Ruyin dared to turn around when she heard the familiar laughter.

How could she not understand that Lu Ming was deliberately scaring her...

 Recently, someone in my family has been infected with Yang, so I have to take care of them. I have tried my best to update it three times a day. Please vote for your support!Crab!
(End of this chapter)

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