Chapter 263
The outskirts of the magical city.

The Yushan Mountains are filled with endless mountains and ridges.

The surrounding mountains have been developed into famous tourist attractions, where countless tourists climb mountains and enjoy the scenery.

However, the footprints of tourists are limited to the periphery, and no one can reach the deep mountains behind the mountains.

But it is in this kind of place.

In the very center of the Yushan Mountains, where human legs and feet cannot reach, a hut was actually built.

The cabin is gray-white in color and has a simple style, although it does not look very luxurious.

But its presence in this place is already abnormal.

Deep in the mountains, there is no way to get here, and there are no building materials to build a hut.

This can only show that when the mountain hut was built, all materials were transported by air.

Even after the construction is completed, if someone wants to come in and live, they can only come in by air.

Therefore, since the construction of this mountain hut was completed, less than a handful of people have been here.

And now, two figures, a father and a son, were sitting in this small house.

The older man has gray hair, but his clothes are tight and tight to the body. You can clearly see the muscles under the clothes, and his whole temperament looks very strong and fierce.

The young son has obviously inherited his father's appearance and behavior. He is tall, with bulging muscles and exposed fangs.

Although he looks like a brainless muscular man, the occasional flash in his eyes also proves this man's intelligence.

At this time, the old man spoke.

"Son, I received news that Ouyang Qidu, one of the top ten Dragon Kingdom bosses, was invited to this banquet. In addition to Ouyang Qi, there were nine people, and I don't know how many came.

But this time I plan to let you attend on my behalf, so don’t embarrass me. "

This man was Baili Hongguang, the fifth-ranked boss of the Ten Dragon Kingdoms, and the young man was his son Baili Cheng.

After hearing Baili Hongguang's words, Baili Cheng didn't take it seriously, but said proudly.

"Don't worry, don't you know my abilities yet? The affairs of the foreign group are enough to prove my abilities. I will definitely help the family get what they want this time!"

Baili Hongguang smiled and did not refute. His son was indeed gifted in business.

Business war is cruel. When his son was in charge of foreign group affairs, he did a good job and was recognized by everyone.

"Also, the organizer of the banquet, Lu Ming? He is just a little puppet that Ouyang Qi pushed to the front desk. Just watch me take him down easily."

Baili Cheng's tone was very disdainful. In his eyes, only people from big families like Ouyang Qi were his real opponents.

Baili Hongguang trusted Baili Cheng, otherwise he wouldn't have let him attend the banquet on his behalf, but seeing how proud he was, he still gave him some instructions.

"The Hongyan Group is a big group. Lu Ming can control it at such a young age, which shows that he is not a simple person. Don't take it lightly."

Baili Hongguang's words actually stimulated Baili City: "Really? Then I must let this man named Lu Ming be embarrassed at the banquet and let him understand that an individual can never compare to a big family like ours." of."

Baili Hongguang smiled and stood up.

Through the glass in front of him, he looked at the mist-shrouded mountains. It was obvious that he agreed with Baili Cheng's words. Their long-standing big families were the real power.

In another villa in Magic City.

A grand swimsuit queue is being held in the swimming pool on the first floor. Countless young models wearing three-point swimsuits are playing on the shore and playing in the water.

Hot music and high levels of alcohol stimulate people's bodies and minds, causing the hormones of the men and women below to soar.But these did not affect the person on the second floor at all.

The man held a glass and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking everything downstairs.

A voice came from his headset.

"Jiang Han, this time you will go to the banquet on my behalf.

This banquet was held by the junior named Lu Ming. Although Ouyang Qi was the person behind it, he also sent the invitation.

But behind his back, the banquet is still held by the juniors. Naturally, we elders can't be so generous, so it's up to you. "

"Good father."

"You should know that we have been eyeing the shares Ouyang Qi intends to release for a long time.

Oh, it’s not just us, other people want to get our hands on it too.

After all, the commercial landscape of Dragon Kingdom is now very saturated, and many lucrative industries are owned by owners, so this opportunity is rare and we must get it. "

The young man curled his lips helplessly. He didn't want to get involved in this, but his father had told him so, and he would definitely complete his father's task perfectly.

"Don't worry, father, I know what to do. Since Ouyang Qi wants to push a puppet to the front desk and let the puppet hold his shares on his behalf, we can just suppress this puppet and see what else he can do.

In the end, Ouyang Qihui understood that those shares could only go to us. "

The young man's tone was extremely confident, and his ability was his confidence.

Similar scenes were played out in various places in the Magic City. Families coveting Ouyang Qi's shares sent their most proud heirs one after another.

They didn't discuss it, but they all agreed that there was no need to take action personally.

They completely ignored Lu Ming and simply believed that Lu Ming was Ouyang Qi's puppet. Since Ouyang Qi didn't come forward, there was no need for them to go.

As time goes by, the party is about to start tomorrow.

Lu Ming was in the Tang Palace at this time, and Ouyang Qi had also rushed over.

"Let's take a look at the information I collected recently." Lu Ming handed a document to Ouyang Qi.

The banquet is about to begin, and the families who intend to participate in the banquet must have arrived in the magic city one after another.

Lu Ming had already ordered the Xuanwu team to pay close attention to the top ten people, and to immediately confirm and investigate them once they arrived in the magic city.

This document is the final report. It contains the list of people who came to the Magic City, their identity information, their destination address, etc.

Even Baili Hongguang, who was hiding in the mountains, could not escape the pursuit of the Xuanwu team.

Ouyang Qi opened it and couldn't help but sigh.

"Five of the top ten families have come, it's so fierce...

Also, the information you collected is too detailed, and you have capable people. "

Lu Ming didn't say anything. The Xuanwu team's abilities are naturally excellent. Everyone in it is a special elite. Not only are they good at protection, but they are also good at information reconnaissance.

Therefore, once a family comes to the Magic City, almost the Xuanwu team will discover it immediately and continue to track it.

Moreover, Lu Ming has already communicated with Wang Xing'an, the owner of Tang Palace.

The Xuanwu team is entirely responsible for the safety of this banquet. After all, there is no good banquet, and we don’t know what will happen.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!
(End of this chapter)

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