Chapter 271 Three people cooperate
The five major families present were Baili Family of Baili City, Jiang Han of Jiang Family, Li Kaize of Li Family, Gongsun Yuanzhou of Gongsun Family, and Wang Chengze of Wang Family.

Three people directly stood up to question Lu Ming's qualifications, and they and Lu Ming truly became enemies.

The remaining two did not make any move, and I don't know whether they didn't have that strong desire for Hang Seng shares, or they just wanted to wait and see what happened before making the final move.

Facing the questions from Baili City, Jiang Han, and Li Kaize, Lu Ming responded without hesitation. If he continued to be an enemy, there was no need to be so polite.

"Who do you think you are? You all grew up in the shadow of your fathers, just like flowers in a greenhouse. In my opinion, you are not even qualified to enter my banquet.

I am different from you. My current career achievements are all due to my own hard work!So I am not the same person as you at all.

Originally, I invited your elders to come so that we could exchange experiences, but they didn't come and there were only you juniors, so I can only teach you. "

Lu Ming spoke very arrogantly. In his words, he did not treat the heirs of the three major families as peers at all, but as being senior to them. Talking to them was teaching them.

This made the most proud Baili City very angry.

"Flowers in the greenhouse? It seems that Mr. Lu still lacks knowledge. You have no idea that the special training we flowers have received is not as easy as the wind and rain outside.

If we put the two on the same starting line, I believe we will be more successful. After all, what we have seen is not what you can understand.

As for us coming to the banquet on behalf of the family elders, we are not here for you, but for Mr. Ouyang's sake. "

Baili City also made its attitude clear.

Lu Ming doesn't take them seriously, so they look down on Lu Ming.

They came here just to give Ouyang Qi face.

The two sides exchanged cruel words, and the whole place fell into silence. This level of cruel words has completely broken the skin, and there is no room for retreat.

Everyone else on the field lowered their heads, indicating that they were not involved in the affairs between the big guys.

Lu Ming was one on three, and the two sides fought with each other, but Lu Ming did not lose at all.

The three of them are elite heirs of their respective families. The three of them cooperated to face Lu Ming, but they didn't get married right away. Instead, they felt more and more pressure.

"Damn it, why is this Lu Ming so difficult to deal with..."

Just when the three of them were about to lose, Lu Ming took the initiative to slow down the attack, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, a voice came over.

"We are all friends, so why fight like this? After all, I invited them here, so I won't be able to explain to their parents."

Ouyang Qi suddenly appeared and walked to Lu Ming's side.

He patted Lu Ming on the shoulder, his eyes full of admiration, and his words were also yin and yang, mocking the three of them for not being Lu Ming's opponent.

Lu Ming felt relieved when he saw Ouyang Qi appearing.

Although he was about to defeat the three boys just now, Lu Ming didn't want to do that.

This would draw all the hatred onto him. Fortunately, Ouyang Qi appeared in time to help him out. Although the Ouyang family is not ranked as high as other families.

But Ouyang Qi is indeed the elder of Jiang Han and Li Kaize in Baili City.

In terms of seniority, they all call Ouyang Qiyi uncle.

So when Ouyang Qi came, they all became more at ease and no longer so aggressive.

But if you look carefully, you can see that their respect is all superficial, and their eyes are still indifferent.

Ouyang Qi stood next to Lu Ming and introduced the three of them with a smile. "You also know. Lu Ming is my chosen partner. We have formed an alliance and share shares..."

Before Ouyang Qi finished speaking, Baili Cheng couldn't help but jumped in to speak.

"Uncle Ouyang, logically speaking, we juniors should respect your decision, but we are really not convinced, and it is also for your own good.

Worrying that you paid someone the wrong thing and ruined your life's hard work. "

They were obviously here to grab something, but they looked like they were thinking about Ouyang Qi.

"Yes, we don't believe Lu Ming at all. We are definitely better than him."

At this time, Jiang Han thought of a way and stood up.

"Why don't Uncle Ouyang give us a chance to have a fair fight with Lu Ming...

We each run a company in Shanghai. Whoever has the highest profit for a month will win.

If Lu Ming can really beat us in this bet, then we will be convinced.

But if Lu Ming loses, it means that we are eligible to obtain the shares of Hang Seng Group. "

"Good idea! Not bad, not bad." After hearing Jiang Han's suggestion, Baili Cheng and Li Kaize's eyes lit up, and they both thought it was a good idea.

They all felt that they were certain to win.

"Then it's settled!" Lu Ming and Ouyang Qi haven't expressed their opinions yet, but the three of them decided to settle the matter in a few words.

The domineering style of the family children is clearly visible, and they made their own decisions.

And in words, the shares of Hang Seng Group are theirs, so they make the final decision on the distribution.

It was clear that Ouyang Qicai was the owner of the shares, but he couldn't give the shares directly to Lu Ming. Without convincing the big families like them, it would be difficult for Lu Ming to hold the shares in comfort.

Although this bet was decided by themselves, if Lu Ming did not dare to accept it, it would be an indirect admission that he was inferior to them.

Therefore, Lu Ming had to take this bet, but instead of letting them decide, he had to put forward the conditions himself.

"What good does this bet do to me? If I lose, I will be punished! If I win, there will be no benefit at all. Why should I agree?
If I lose, I will lose 30.00% of the shares of Hang Seng Group. Should you each put up [-]% of the shares as a bet?
Only in this way can it be considered fair and just! "

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were stunned. They did not expect that Lu Ming would dare to make this request.

Lu Ming then stimulated: "The shares of Hang Seng Group belong to me, and I can make full decisions.

But you can just..."

Lu Ming's words hit their pain point. They did not have such power.

But each of them is confident and feels that they can definitely win if they work together.

So they called their respective families and explained the matter in detail. After hard persuasion, they got the family's authorization.

The three families will each put up 30.00% of their shares to bet on [-]% of Hang Seng Group's shares.

Both parties each run a small company in Magic City, and the one with the highest profit within a month will win.

The people of the three major families are full of confidence, and each of them is a family elite.

Now there are three people cooperating, joining forces, there is no way they will lose!

(End of this chapter)

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