Chapter 272 Geological Survey
"What a whim, we will definitely win this bet." Li Kaize raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully.

The other two people around him thought the same thing.

They even felt that if the three of them cooperated, Lu Ming would definitely lose miserably.

Most of the people present had the same idea, feeling that Lu Ming was too impulsive and took this losing bet.

Although they stipulate that when running the company, neither party can seek help from Hongyan Group or the family behind it, but it is difficult to define a prohibition on such things.

After the business rules were set, today's banquet slowly came to an end.

The conflicts between Lu Ming and the heirs of the Baili family, the Jiang family, and the Li family seemed to disappear as quickly as they came.

But in fact, their fight has just begun, and it will slowly take off.

After all, a bet involves 30.00% of the shares of Hang Seng Group and the shares of three other families. The combined weight of these two shares is enough to affect the direction of certain industries in Long Country.

Many people at the scene were talking about this bet, and it was also a bet for them.

They can make friends with Baili City, Jiang Han and others in advance. Even if they are betting, if they win in the future, these small families and small companies can also gain a lot of benefits.

Most of the people at the scene wanted to make friends with the three sons of Dragon Kingdom bosses and surrounded them.

This is also normal.

Because from a superficial perspective, their chances of winning are indeed relatively high.

After the banquet, Lu Ming ordered the waiter to send Lin Ruyin and the others back one by one.

He and Lin Wan came to a room in the Tang Palace.

Ouyang Qi is already waiting here.

"Lu Ming, have you decided what company you want to run?"

Ouyang Qi asked with a smile, but in fact he already had a guess in his mind.

Lu Ming looked at Ouyang Qi's evil smile, but he didn't know that he already knew it.

"I've already asked people to buy the resort and the mountainous area behind it. With this bet as a cover, they shouldn't be able to think of anything."

When the three sons of Dragon Kingdom bosses said they wanted to make a bet, Lu Ming immediately thought of it.

When he and Ouyang Qi became partners before, Ouyang Qi said that he had discovered an extremely precious mineral vein, but due to various reasons, he could not do it for fear of attracting attention and exposing it.

So he needs to find a reliable partner.

Now Lu Ming did not miss this good opportunity, and just bought the resort and the back mountain in the name of a bet. People from other families were not suspicious and thought that Lu Ming was planning to open a travel and vacation company.

"Hahahaha, Lu Ming, I saw you right! Your move was so good. Not only did you quietly get what we wanted, but we also won the bet!"

Ouyang Qi understands the value of the precious mineral veins in the mountains behind the resort. No matter how hard the sons of the Dragon Kingdom bosses try, or even secretly use the family's resources to develop, they will definitely not be able to compare with the value of the minerals in the end.


Baili City and the others quickly collected information about the operations of Lu Ming's company.

"Hahahaha, you're laughing so hard, what is Lu Ming doing? Buying an old resort??

Is this to develop tourism?After a month, I guess the villa hasn’t been renovated yet! "

"No matter what he does, we will definitely win."

The three of them in Baili City finally decided to run a logistics and transportation company together.

Relying on the reputation of the three people, the company received a lot of transportation orders as soon as it was established, and they continued to use various means to increase the market value.

Their transportation company had only been established for a few hours, and in an instant, the company's valuation had reached 3000 to [-] million yuan based on transportation orders.

If it continues to operate like this for another month, this logistics company is likely to have a market value of more than one billion.

With this achievement, they immediately became proud.

And Lu Ming here.

"Brother, the procedures for the resort have been completed."

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di also attended the banquet. They naturally supported their elder brother. After completing the things Lu Ming ordered, he immediately rushed over and continued running errands for Lu Ming.This time the bet does not allow the company family to help, but it does not restrict the younger brother from helping.

This time, Zhao Haifeng was driving, and the group drove towards their destination.

Ouyang Qi had already explored that remote resort, but he had never dared to take action.


The group arrived at the resort.

Although this resort has not been cleaned and occupied for a long time, it looks a bit deserted.

But if you look carefully, you can still see how luxurious the villa was when it was first built. The upstart who built the villa must have spent a lot of money on it.

I just didn’t expect that this place is too remote and no one would want to come.

However, although this place is remote, fortunately, in order to attract tourists at the time, the basic roads were relatively complete.

Lu Ming stood looking from a distance and saw the entire resort.

The resort is at the foot of the mountain, with a large farm in front of it. It should be a place for farm experience, but it is all dry now.

Behind is a stretch of mountains, which is their destination this time.

"go in."

After the group entered, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, as the younger brothers, first cleaned the best room for Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

In the mountain villa.

Lu Ming stood on the balcony and looked at the mountain behind.

Although he had some ideas in his mind, he didn't know exactly what to do yet.

In the past, Ouyang Qi knew about this kind of mineral vein in the mountains behind the resort because of an accident, but after so long, he was not sure about the true location of the mineral vein.

If Lu Ming went outside to find a mine surveyor at this time, the news might be leaked.

But if they don’t look for it, the back mountain is so big, and they all have no survey experience, so they don’t know how long it will take to find it.

thought here.

Lu Ming used a few skill points without hesitation.

Geological surveyor!
A lot of geological experience and mineral vein exploration experience poured into Lu Ming's mind.

Lu Ming suddenly became an experienced mineral ambassador.

This way everything is foolproof, and he will be responsible for finding the veins tomorrow.

A club in Shanghai.

In Baili City, Jiang Han and Li Kaize are having fun in a private room.

Jiang Han seemed a little absent-minded.

"Tell me, does Lu Ming have any other options?"

"How is that possible?" "Jiang Han, you are thinking too much!"

Jiang Han's concern was met with laughter by Baili Cheng and Li Kaize.

But Jiang Han still felt uneasy. He always felt that Lu Ming was not that simple, but he couldn't get a clue no matter how hard he thought about it.

"I'm going back first." Jiang Han wanted to go back and study.

But Baili Cheng grabbed him and said, "I think you are thinking too much. Leave him alone. Eat and drink when you should!"

 Sorry, the sun returned today and my fever reached 39.5.
  I tried my best to code two chapters tonight. It may not be very good, so please forgive me.

  Thanks to everyone’s support and recommendation, I quickly went to rest.Bye-Bye


(End of this chapter)

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