Chapter 273 Predetermined Victory
The mountain behind the resort.

Lu Ming led Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di through the wild mountains and forests, each carrying a hoe.

"Brother, what are you looking for in the back mountain? I'm exhausted after walking for so long..."

That's right.

Lu Ming was conducting an address survey to find the specific location of the mineral veins. Lu Ming did not let Lin Wan follow him in such rough work.

It had been half an hour since he had gone deep into the back mountain, and Lu Ming had not yet found any trace of the mineral veins.

Originally, the resort was a remote place. If the location of the mineral vein was so deep, it would definitely be considered deserted.

In a place so deep in the mountains and old forests, I don’t know how Ouyang Qi discovered the mineral vein by chance.

But this also has an advantage.

When they found the mineral vein and even started digging and developing it, even if Baili City, Jiang Han, and Li Kaize were collecting information about him, they would not be able to find out anything about the mineral vein.


After entering a new realm, Lu Ming keenly discovered that the soil quality here was different and immediately gave orders.

"This, and this side. One person at a time, dig for me!"

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were confused, not knowing what Lu Ming was going to do.

Although his body moved obediently and started digging, he still asked.

"Brother, what are we doing? We have been wandering in the mountains for so long, and what is the meaning of choosing this place to dig?

But it seems very inefficient for us to dig like this. Why don't we write down the location first and ask the construction team to dig after we get out? "

Lu Ming shook his head and rejected Zhao Haifeng's proposal.

He could tell that the difficulty of digging the veins was very low, and the three of them could dig it out.

"There is a treasure underground. It would be bad if too many people knew about it. You should dig it out quickly."

Lu Ming encouraged the two of them.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di stopped talking and just kept digging.

With the efforts of the three people, the place pointed out by Lu Ming quickly turned into a deep pit.

There was a clang, and Xie Di's hand holding the hoe went numb, as if he had dug something.

Lu Ming was overjoyed and quickly dug out a piece of silver ore at his location.

"Fuck, brother, what is this!"

"Brother, you are really amazing. How do you know there is a mine down here?!"

Now Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di finally understood why Lu Ming asked them to buy the resort and the back mountain. It turned out that there was a mine here.

Although they don't know much about ores and don't know the specific value of the veins.

But they also know that selling resources is undoubtedly one of the most profitable industries.

It's simply a bonanza.

You only need to invest some mining costs, and you can sell out resources in large amounts.

With such a speed of making money, no matter what methods the three people used, it was impossible to catch up with Lu Ming.

Even if Lu Ming can find out the storage volume, he can release the news and package the mining company into a listed company without mining.

"Brother, with this mineral vein, we will definitely win this bet!"

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were both a little excited. The bet had just begun and they were already sure of winning.

Lu Ming nodded.

"That's right, the value of this mineral vein, no matter how much Baili City and the others have done this month, it is impossible to run a company that is higher than the value of the mineral vein.

So we did win.However, to be on the safe side, we cannot leak the information about the mineral veins, otherwise they might do something dirty.

We just need to get through it peacefully and wait until the last day of the bet to reveal the existence of the mineral vein. "

Lu Ming's tone was very calm. He had long known about the existence of the mineral vein, and he had long known that he could not lose this bet.

On the surface, it seemed that Lu Ming was too impulsive and couldn't stand the stimulation from Baili City and the others, so he took the bet.

But in fact.

Lu Ming immediately had this idea in his mind when he heard Jiang Han's request for a bet.

That is to use the bet as a cover to seize the opportunity to seize the mineral vein behind the resort. And with the mineral vein, it is impossible for him to lose this bet.

When the mine is announced, he will have it completely in his hands, and other families will be helpless.

After listening to Lu Ming's words, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di also calmed down and nodded.

"Yeah! We know, brother, don't worry, we will definitely not tell anyone what happened today."

Seeing the two people patting their chests in assurance, Lu Ming couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, since we are all determined to win, let's go back down the mountain."

The group of people went down the mountain and returned to the resort.

At this time, the resort was much cleaner after some cleaning, and they sat down in the living room.

Just at this time, Ouyang Qi sent a piece of information, and Lu Ming projected the information on the big screen.

Tianxuan Logistics.

This is the company that Baili City, Jiang Han, and Li Kaize chose to run.

Knowing yourself and your enemy is always victorious, so Ouyang Qi will also help Lu Ming keep an eye on their situation and send it to Lu Ming at any time.

The information Ouyang Qi brought was very detailed, and he even investigated the business situation of their logistics company.

"Damn it, their logistics company has only been in operation for less than a week, how come they have received so many business orders, and the prices are so ridiculously high?!

And the company’s valuation is already 7000 to [-] million? ? "

After Xie Di saw the business information of Tianxuan Logistics, he took a breath of air.

In one week, a logistics company worth 500 million made 7000 to [-] million.

On the other hand, Zhao Haifeng curled his lips in disdain.

"Haha, although this bet says that we cannot rely on the power of the family, none of their businesses were entrusted to them by other company families in order to gain a foothold.

How could ordinary people running a logistics company have such a large order volume and such a high price? "

After hearing what Zhao Haifeng said, Xie Di took a closer look at the business situation and discovered something fishy. The prices of this logistics company were indeed ridiculously high, and there were a lot of people rushing to sign the order.

"They are cheating! How shameless!"

Shady said angrily.

Lu Ming was still so calm. He had already expected this outcome.

Although it was stipulated when the bet was made that both parties were not allowed to use the power of the company or family, at the banquet, everyone was thinking about the situation of hugging each other.

As long as the three of them in Baili City set up a company, no matter what they do, those who want to take advantage of it will rush forward to send money. This is not surprising.

But even if he had guessed that this situation would happen, Lu Ming was still confident of winning, so he accepted the bet.

"It's okay, the higher the value of their company, the more they will take it lightly and think that we are not a threat.

But in fact, we have already booked victory. In the next twenty days, we can go back directly. "

(End of this chapter)

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