Chapter 274 Rewards and Incentives

City Garden.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan have returned to the Magic City Garden Villa.

The resort was fine for a short stay of a few days, but if he had to stay there for a month, Lu Ming would not be willing to let Lin Wan suffer like this.

Anyway, he was sure to win the bet. When leaving, Lu Ming also transferred people from the Xuanwu bodyguard team.

On the one hand, it is to protect the mineral veins in the back mountain from being discovered.

On the other hand, in order to confuse the attention of Baili City and others, the members of the Xuanwu bodyguard team transformed into a construction team, as if they were really renovating the resort.

In this way, the people sent by Baili City to inquire could easily be fooled into thinking that Lu Ming was going to start some sort of travel and vacation company.

That's it.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan stayed at home happily for more than a week.

Suddenly, he received a call from Zhao Haifeng: "Brother, do you remember what I said last time that the Sun family will choose a new heir?"

After hearing what he said, Lu Ming did have some impressions.

"Remember. What?"

Zhao Haifeng continued: "Sun Mingxu, the new heir of the Sun family, would like to pay a visit to you. I wonder if it is convenient for you."

"Okay, come here."

Lu Ming nodded in agreement.

Half an hour later, Zhao Haifeng, Xie Di, and Sun Mingxu appeared in the city garden.

"Brother, I am Sun Mingxu of the Sun family. If you have anything to do in the future, please give me your orders at any time!"

Sun Mingxu's tone was a little excited. He was not the best in the Sun family, and he could not become the heir of the Sun family.

But he didn't expect that he would get this opportunity because of Lu Ming.

Before he came, he was told by his family elders that he was here to become Lu Ming's younger brother.

"Yes." Sun Mingxu called him eldest brother as soon as he opened his mouth. Lu Ming was not surprised and did not refuse.

He still has to accept this younger brother of the Sun family.

Otherwise, he had conquered the three major families but only had two younger brothers, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, and no one from the Sun family. How could the Sun family feel at ease?

"Brother, I have some news about Tianxuan Logistics. Do you want to take a look?"

Sun Mingxu brought his sincerity with him the first time he came.

Although he knew about the bet, unlike Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, he knew that Lu Ming was already a sure winner.

So I am still very concerned about this matter, and I have specially collected some information and made some arrangements.

"Tianxuan Logistics was established in Shanghai, so its staff were all recruited there. Through some relationships, I bought some people in the company.

From the management to the security guards at the bottom, we have people there.

As long as you say a word, brother, we can immediately cause some damage to him. "

Sun Mingxu is very confident. As the local snakes of the Magic City, the three major families have their tentacles in every aspect.

Although Baili City, Jiang Han, and Li Kaize are not simple, as long as they are in the Magic City, they can affect their operations.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di nodded with satisfaction after listening to Sun Mingxu's words.

This aspect is indeed the advantage of their local family. If they had not followed Lu Ming before and already knew that they were the winning side, they might have thought of similar means.

Lu Ming was also slightly stunned.

He has been treating Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di as ordinary errands, almost forgetting that they are actually the elites of their respective families.

It may be harmless to humans and animals in front of him, but outside, it's not as simple as it seems.

Just like the plan submitted by Sun Mingxu, it can indeed give Tianxuan Logistics a big backstab, causing their company to be in chaos for a while, resulting in a significant reduction in profit valuation.But Sun Mingxu didn't know the situation very well. If Lu Ming really adopted his plan and gave Tianxuan Logistics such a short time, they would recover quickly.

At that time, not only will there be no benefits, but Baili City and the other three will pay more attention to it.

So Lu Ming rejected Sun Mingxu's proposal.

"No need, these little tricks can't do anything to them."

Lu Ming just said a simple sentence and did not explain it clearly to Sun Mingxu. Although he was from the Sun family, it was the first time they met. He had not experienced some tests with them. He was not as good as Zhao Haifeng, Xie Di and the others. believe.

"Uh... ok."

Sun Mingxu hesitated for a while, but did not dare to disobey Lu Ming.

He could only continue to report on the situation of Tianxuan Logistics: "Since the valuation of Tianxuan Logistics reached 7000 to [-] million, Baili Cheng, Jiang Han, and Li Kaize began to slack off.

The three of them rarely go to the company these days. Instead, they leave the company to other managers. These managers are all temporarily recruited from the market. There is no tacit understanding at all, and there is even some internal fighting.

Therefore, even though there are so many companies and families who want to win over Tianxuan Logistics and keep sending orders to Tianxuan Logistics, the performance of Tianxuan Logistics did not improve much this Sunday. "

After listening to Sun Mingxu's report, it was not difficult for Lu Ming to guess.

His paralysis technique worked. The three of them in Baili City probably felt that they could defeat themselves with the current valuation of Tianxuan Logistics of 7000 to [-] million.

So they started to have no intention to run the company. Anyway, they felt that this was enough to win.

"Very well, just wait and see what happens. We will definitely win this bet."

Their current situation perfectly suited Lu Ming's wishes. At the same time, he also gave Sun Mingxu a reassurance, allowing him and the Sun family behind him to feel more at ease.

After the matter was settled, Zhao Haifeng, Xie Di, and Sun Mingxu were about to leave.

But Lu Ming stopped them: "Wait a minute, come with me first."

The three of them followed Lu Ming to the garage with confused expressions.

Lu Ming opened the garage and was shocked even though Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di had been to the garage several times, let alone Sun Mingxu who was here for the first time.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Zhao Haifeng thought Lu Ming had something to tell them.

"You and Xie Di can pick a car and drive away..." Lu Ming said calmly.

He had originally planned to give some rewards to Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di after the banquet. After all, the two of them had done a lot of things for themselves in the Magic City.

As a big brother, you give both kindness and power.

"What?! Brother, are you serious!!"

"Why, don't you want it?"

"No, no! It feels like a dream!"

Zhao Haifeng chose the Lamborghini, his favorite car, without any surprise, while Xie Di chose the red Lafa, and the two touched the car with excitement on their faces.

Only the newcomer Sun Mingxu looked at them with envy. He was also greedy for these cars.

But he also knew that he was still a newcomer and had never done anything before, so it was impossible for him to do such a good thing.

Lu Ming turned to look at Sun Mingxu and said, "Do good work, and you will have it in the future."

That's right.

Lu Ming specially rewarded the car to Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di in front of Sun Mingxu.

Not only did he complete the reward for the two of them, but he also encouraged Sun Mingxu to do good things in the future.

 Thanks to Nightmare, Little Hungry Fish, Trickery, and Love Suffering. I’ll give you the latest monthly ticket support, Crab!
  I have been ill recently and am not in good condition.

  There are some bad points, please bear with me.

  After your body recovers, you must adjust back as soon as possible, Crab!

(End of this chapter)

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