Chapter 283 Playing in the yard
Today is another day when I wake up naturally, living the life that a working man only dreams of.

After Lu Ming woke up, he stood in the yard, admiring the spring scenery in the garden and breathing in the fresh air.

Don't tell me, this will really make people feel relaxed and happy, and they will feel much better unconsciously.

"Husband, drink coffee."

Lin Wan came from behind and handed Lu Ming a cup of coffee.

After Lu Ming took it, he also motioned for Lin Wan to stay and enjoy the beautiful scenery together.

"Honey, do you think we need to find something to do? Wouldn't such days be too boring?"

Lu Ming suddenly asked. Either he or Lin Wan had enough money to support them for the rest of their lives, including their children in the future.

There is a lot of money now, and companies are still making money without having to manage it themselves.

After you get rich, you just live a better life. You live in the biggest and best house, eat the best and most expensive ingredients, wear the best brands, travel in luxury cars, and live in ordinary people. There's not much difference.

The only difference is that ordinary people have to be busy all the time, working part-time to make money, while they sleep every day until nature comes and they don't know what to do.

It's fine for a short time, but boring for a long time.

Traveling is a good way to kill time. There are many places that he and Lin Wan have not been to yet.

But Lu Ming now has another bet with him. Although he is sure to win the bet, there is no need to pay too much attention to him during this period.

But it was very disappointing to think that if they were having fun and had to come back to deal with things when the time came, Lu Ming simply didn't want to travel during this time.

Only then did Lu Ming ask.

In this little half month, they have to find something to do.Otherwise, Lu Ming would feel almost rusty.

"It's okay, a little bit. I think it's a blessing to be able to be with my husband every day, even in a daze."

Lin Wan thought for a moment and expressed her thoughts.

She is indeed quite comfortable with this kind of life. She spends time with her husband every day and cares about him. Isn't this the happiest thing for a woman?

have to say.

Lin Wan has completely transformed from a strong woman into a virtuous wife.

After Lu Ming heard Lin Wan's words, he pinched her little face and said, "Oh, my wife's little mouth is so sweet! She talks so nicely! Let me try to see if it's really sweet."

Then he kissed Lin Wan hard on the lips and tasted it.

"Well, not bad. It's really sweet!"

Lu Ming's unfinished expression made Lin Wan embarrassed.

A small fist hit him: "Hate it, what I said is true. The family has three meals a day, just mediocre. It was my biggest dream.

Starting a company to make money is not what I want. I worked so hard before just to have a financial foundation and find a good man to spend my life with. "

After Lu Ming heard this, he deliberately acted exaggerated: "Wow! Wife, you are really amazing!"


Lin Wan looked at Lu Ming confused, wondering what he meant.

"It turns out that you made preparations a long time ago, worked hard to open a company to make money, and then took care of a young pretty boy! It's really amazing!
And your dream has come true!Successfully found me the best pretty girl in the world! "

Lu Ming knew that his joke would make Lin Wan angry, so after he finished speaking, his butt jumped up and ran away as if there was a spring on it.


After hearing Lu Ming's explanation and shameless boast, Lin Wan immediately wanted to teach Lu Ming a lesson and chased after Lu Ming.

The two chased and fought in the courtyard.

Lu Ming ran under a tree and used a move called King Qin to walk around the pillar, shaking Lin Wan so much that she couldn't touch the corners of his clothes.

When Lin Wan saw this, she also used a move.


She sat on the ground, touched her left ankle, and pretended to be in pain.

"It hurts..." "What's wrong?"

Lu Ming walked out from behind the big tree.

"I have sprained my ankle. Husband, please pull me up!" Lin Wan looked up at Lu Ming and said pitifully.

Although her acting skills were superb, she could not escape Lu Ming's detection. Lu Ming could immediately tell that Lin Wan was pretending.

"Honey, stop pretending, I've seen it all!"

Lu Ming directly exposed Lin Wan's acting.


Lin Wan stopped pretending and pouted directly.

"You can't pretend you can't see it! You're not cooperating at all!"

Lu Ming had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, I'll cooperate with you, let's do it again."

Re-enter the drama.

Lu Ming returned behind the big tree and ran out in panic: "Honey, why are you injured? What's wrong with you?"

As he spoke, he hurried over to help Lin Wan, just as Lu Ming pulled Lin Wan up.

Lin Wan recovered instantly, and like a koala, she jumped on Lu Ming and hugged Lu Ming tightly.

"I caught you!!!" His tone was full of joy.

This silly girl is so happy even if I act with you and get caught.

Lu Ming thought to himself, with a smile on his face, and then he just let Lin Wan hang on him and started running all over the yard.

Sometimes he will deliberately do some dangerous moves that look dangerous, but he is very confident about it.

Lin Wan was so frightened that she screamed in her arms. Sometimes she even closed her eyes and buried her head in Lu Ming's arms, daring not to come out.

The city garden was filled with the laughter of Lu Ming and Lin Wan for a while.

The cleaning staff who were cleaning and the greening staff who were maintaining the flowers and plants couldn't help but temporarily stopped their work when they saw this scene, with aunty smiles on their faces.

They have worked for so long and have served many wealthy families, but this is the first time they have seen such a loving host and hostess.

After playing around for a long time, Lu Ming took Lin Wan back to the house.

"What? Why don't you come down yet?!"

Lin Wan still hugged Lu Ming and did not come down.

"I won't come down even if I die."

She was deliberately going against Lu Ming.

"Oh! I'm sweating after playing for so long. I'm going to take a shower.

Since you are coming down, I will carry you in my arms. "

Lu Ming said, and then walked towards the bathroom.

As soon as this plan came out, it had immediate effect: "I'm coming down, I'm coming down!" Lin Wan was immediately ready to come down.

But how could Lu Ming let her go so easily? This time Lin Wan wanted to come down, but he refused to let her come down, and hugged Lin Wan tightly with his backhand.

"You said you won't even come down until you die! I can hold you and wash you!"

"I can't! I'm coming down! I protest."

"Protest is ineffective!"

Lu Ming strode into the bathroom and immediately turned on the hot water. The hot water flowed down, making both of them wet.

Now Lin Wan couldn't run away at all.

(End of this chapter)

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