Chapter 284 Lin Wan’s class reunion

"Okay, I'll see when the time comes, not necessarily... um..."

Lin Wan was on the phone. After they came out of the shower just now, they discovered that there were a few more missed calls on their phones, so Lin Wan called back.

Not long after, the phone call ended.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ming asked.

Lin Wan walked to Lu Ming and sat down: "The classmates over there in Kyoto asked me to come over for a reunion. I didn't agree to it, I just said I'd see it then."

In fact, he was neither enthusiastic nor disgusted with class reunions. When she was in school, she was busy working and starting a business, and her relationship with her classmates was average. She didn't have a particularly good relationship with her best friends or anything like that.

But after she succeeded and became the famous female president of Shuangmu Group, her classmates became enthusiastic towards her one by one, as if they were really good classmates and friends when they were in school.

At the class reunion, she was the one who was always warmly received and no one dared to scorn her, so Lin Wan's impression of the class reunion was just like that, good or bad.

In the past, she would just drop in when she had time, and would not force her to go if she didn't have time. Although more often than not, class reunions would accommodate her schedule and try to change the time at any time to allow her to attend.


As the best one in the class and a single beauty, the classmates will definitely try their best to get Lin Wan to participate.

Some people may still have some sweet dreams, thinking that Lin Wan wants to get married, and she chose them out of consideration for her classmates.

But this class reunion was different. She was already married this time, so no matter how they cooperated with Lin Wan, Lin Wan had to ask Lu Ming's opinion first.

After listening to what Lin Wan said, Lu Ming remembered that Lin Wan graduated from Qingbei, Kyoto, and her classmates were all from Kyoto, so she rarely interacted with him.

In line with the principle of having nothing to do and finding something to do, Lu Ming asked: "When is the class reunion you mentioned?"

"The initial date is the day after tomorrow, but they said it can be changed at any time." Lin Wan said nonchalantly, she could go or not.

"Then go ahead, there's nothing to do anyway!" Lu Ming made the decision without much thought.

This is also a good way to understand Lin Wan's previous college life. In order to understand him, Lin Wan went to Shanghai University of Science and Technology, so she had to show off.

If it was his own class reunion, Lu Ming might not be so interested. Instead, it was Lin Wan's class reunion, and Lu Ming was very excited.

"Kyoto, we can only go there by plane." Lu Ming thought.

The distance between Magic City and Kyoto is not impossible to reach by flying an armed helicopter Black Hawk, but it will take more time and the journey will be more uncomfortable, so it is more convenient to fly.

"That's not right! I'm so damn rich! I don't even have a private jet??!!"

Lu Ming slapped his thigh and suddenly realized something was wrong.

I have so much money that I can't spend it all. I never thought of buying my own private jet before.

This is really inappropriate!

Sure enough, I had been poor for too long before, so I didn't think about this problem for a while.

"Husband? What's wrong?" Lin Wan, who was leaning next to Lu Ming, was startled by his sudden excitement and didn't know what he was convulsing about.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll place a big toy first!"

Lu Ming comforted Lin Wan, turned around and picked up his cell phone, and called Xu Zixin.

Xu Zixin, the little secretary, has officially returned to work.


"Xiao Xin, I want to buy a private jet. Go and do some research for me. Give me a complete set of information and I will study it." Lu Ming did not hesitate and handed down the task neatly.

"Okay, Chairman!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ming touched his chin.

"It is said that even if you officially place an order for a private jet with an aircraft company, you won't be able to get it within three to five years. This distant water will not save you from the near thirst..."

Lu Ming thought that although the long flight to Kyoto reminded him that he still needed a private jet, even if he placed the order immediately, it would take a long time before he could use it.

"Huh? Why don't you ask Ouyang Qi?"

Lu Ming suddenly thought of the Ouyang family. Although the three major families in the Magic City had considerable assets, as far as he knew, they did not have private jets.

But the Ouyang family is different. A century-old family should have this background, right?
Although Lu Mingda can charter a plane directly from the airport, or rent idle private planes.

But if he can borrow it from the Ouyang family, there is no need to do so. Now that he and the Ouyang family are partners, this trivial matter is nothing at all, and it is not even a need for favors.

So Lu Ming immediately called Ouyang Qi.

"Brother Lu Ming, what brought your call today?"

Ouyang Qi was in a good mood when he received Lu Ming's call. He also knew that the bet he and Lu Ming had made was a sure win. Moreover, he had hidden the mine that he had been hiding for many years for fear of leakage, and through Lu Ming's methods Got it.

"Mr. Ouyang, I want to fly to Kyoto, and I want to borrow a private jet from you for a ride. My order has not been completed yet!"

Although we are here to borrow a plane, we must have a lot of momentum. We already have a private jet and can afford it ourselves.

"What are you borrowing? I'll give you one directly!!" Ouyang Qi said without hesitation after hearing what Lu Ming said.

Compared with the benefits brought by cooperating with Lu Ming, a private jet is simply nothing. Let alone borrowing it, Ouyang Qidu is willing to give one as a gift.

"No, no, I'll just fly there temporarily." Lu Ming directly rejected Ouyang Qi's proposal to send a private jet.

It's not like he couldn't afford it himself. The layout and format of the private jet given to him were the other person's preferences, and there were even traces of someone else's use. It was okay to borrow it temporarily, but it was uncomfortable to think about it as a gift to him.

It's easier to feel uncomfortable if you want to do something on a private jet.

Therefore, Lu Ming is not coveting Ouyang Qi's private jet at all. He wants to get a brand new one. Then he and Lin Wan will decorate the interior of the jet according to their own preferences, making it another love nest for them. .

"Okay, I'll arrange for the crew to fly to the Magic City immediately, and I'll be at your disposal at any time."

Seeing Lu Ming's refusal, Ouyang Qi didn't push it.


After hanging up the phone, Lu Ming found Lin Wan looking at him with wide eyes.

"What's wrong? Look at me like that?"

Lin Wan tilted her head, her eyes filled with confusion.

“Husband, you are such a resolute person, do you want to buy a plane and borrow one at the same time?

Why do I feel like you are more positive than me at this class reunion? ?Are you planning something weird? "

 Thanks to book friend 708901 for the monthly ticket reward!Crab!

  The recent data is very poor, please recommend /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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