Chapter 289 My head is buzzing

For a moment, the entire hotel room's eyes were focused on Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

To be precise, it was focused on them holding hands.

These glances contain various emotions such as curiosity, shock, and so on.

At this time, various thoughts came to their minds: Did Goddess Lin really bring her boyfriend to the party? !The two of them look so perfect for each other!This guy is so handsome, it makes sense for him to be able to pursue Goddess Lin!

The private room fell into silence for a while, but Qi Siyan was the first to react.

He quickly stood up, his stool scraped against the ground, and he yelled: "Lin Wan, you're here, everyone is talking about you!"

Only then did everyone come back to their senses and started talking one after another.


"Lin Wan is here."

"Sit down, sit down, I've got a seat for you here."

One by one, they also moved their bodies, stood up, and invited Lin Wan to take a seat.

Lin Wan, however, was not in a hurry to take a seat. She looked around and after a little recognition of the familiar and unfamiliar faces, she spoke.

"Thank you everyone. There is still such a traffic jam in Kyoto, so I arrived a little late."

Everyone quickly said it was okay.

Lin Wan continued.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my husband, Lu Ming."

Lin Wan introduced Lu Ming's identity sweetly, and smiled sweetly after speaking.

But her words, in the hearts of this group of unprepared students, were like a nuclear bomb, exploding and breaking through the sky.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Whether they were standing, sitting, or even half-rising, they all stopped.

As if time and space had been frozen, everyone looked at Lu Ming and Lin Wan with eyes full of disbelief.

After a while, the time when time and space was frozen passed.

The private room exploded instantly.


"This?! Lin Wan, are you married?!"

"When did it happen?!"

"There's no news at all!"


For a moment, everyone in the private room looked like this. In addition to being shocked, many people also had some regret, loneliness and other expressions flashing through their eyes, such as the man wearing a dark blue suit and a plaid tie.

His psychological reaction was the greatest. Although he maintained himself well on the surface, it could not escape Lu Ming's Dharma Eye, which had the ability to detect words and colors.

Lu Ming didn't know the identity of this man yet, but looking at him looking good, Lu Ming couldn't help but think.

"He should be the big boss at this class reunion, right?"

At the same time, Lu Ming also felt that it was right for him to accompany Lin Wan to this class reunion.

As expected, many people at this class reunion had thoughts about Lin Wan. Yes, a woman can win the admiration of thousands of people just by virtue of her beauty. Not to mention that Lin Wan, who values ​​both beauty and wealth, is extremely attractive to men. !
Although Lin Wan didn't have a good impression of these people and just had a simple relationship with each other as classmates, Lu Ming would not allow such a situation to exist.

It can be said that he is stingy, but he just doesn't allow anyone to have inappropriate thoughts about Lin Wan, so he is here to declare his sovereignty this time, and maybe he can experience suppressing first and then rising, being pretended and then fighting back. Face plot.

"The next step should be to test my identity, and then start to look down on me, belittle me in all aspects..."

Lu Ming envisioned what would happen next in the class reunion.At this time, Lin Wan also gave a little explanation.

"Well, my husband and I got married at the beach in a low-key manner. We didn't invite any friends, we just had a family dinner.

So no friends know about it. I'm sorry, old classmates, I didn't invite you to a wedding banquet. "

Lin Wan's scene words were very beautiful. Although this was true, she really didn't want to invite these classmates over when she was having a banquet at her wedding, but she still had to say her scene words.


"Lin Wan, you are still so low-key!"

"This is good. I was exhausted from all the arrogance when I got married..."


No matter what everyone's true thoughts are, everyone must express their understanding and support immediately.

"Well, Lin Wan, don't stand and talk. Sit down first..."

The previous series of shocks made Qi Siyan forget that they had been standing at the door talking. Only now did she quickly pull Lu Ming and Lin Wan to sit down, sitting two seats next to her.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan finally sat down, but everyone's eyes were still on the two of them, covertly and covertly.

Everyone looked at Lin Wan and felt that Lin Wan had changed too much from before.

In the past, when Lin Wan came to attend class reunions, she always wore female professional attire, looking like a strong woman in the modern workplace.

His face was also calm and expressionless, and he only slightly raised the corners of his mouth when he occasionally talked about some scandalous things in school.

How is it like now? From the time I entered the school until now, the smile on my face has never dropped, and the hand holding Lu Ming has never let go. Their chairs are tightly pressed together.

Her dressing style has also changed from the past. She is wearing a beautiful floral dress. She looks very youthful and sunny, not as cold as before.

She looked exactly like a woman in love.

It was so different from the cold and cold Lin Wan in their impressions!
They also knew that the person who changed all this must be Lu Ming next to Lin Wan, so they were very curious about what kind of magic power Lu Ming had that could transform Lin Wan, the iceberg goddess, into the sunshine goddess.

With this doubt and other curiosity about Lu Ming's identity, Lu Ming successfully became the person everyone present wanted to know most.

But under this situation, no one dares to speak rashly.

After all, they were not familiar with Lu Ming at all, and even because Lu Ming was Lin Wan's husband, it would be bad if he said something inappropriate and offended him.

For a while, Lu Ming also used Lin Wanhu's fake tiger to show off his power.

Qi Siyan is the female squad leader, but based on her usual interactions with Lin Wan, she can be considered more appropriate, so it is more appropriate for her to chat with Lin Wan.

But she still thought about it and asked a relatively common question.

"Lin Wan, I didn't expect you to get married suddenly. How did you and your husband... meet?!"

After Qi Siyan asked, everyone's ears perked up. On the surface, everyone should still eat food and drink wine, but in fact, everyone was paying attention to Lin Wan's answer.

Lin Wan did not hesitate and told the truth: "My husband and I met on a blind date."

She said it calmly, but everyone present was not so calm.

"A blind date...?"

"Ah? No?!"


Lin Wan's answer was like a huge bell ringing in their ears, making their heads buzz.

Headache, dizziness...

(End of this chapter)

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