Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 290 The Script Is Not Like This

Chapter 290 The Script Is Not Like This
Everyone present looked in disbelief, and even suspected that there was something wrong with their ears and they heard wrongly.

Even Qi Siyan, who was next door to Lin Wan, was the one who asked this question, but she couldn't believe it when she heard the answer, and she couldn't help but muttered.

"A blind date??"

Lin Wan didn't think there was anything wrong when she heard it. The fact was that Lu Ming was indeed the son of destiny whom she met on a blind date.

"Oh, yes!"

Lin Wan's words must have given everyone another blow.

In their opinion, how could Lin Wan end up going on a blind date? !

Although people who go on a blind date are not necessarily because they are in poor condition and no one wants them, in general perception, blind dates are a miserable thing.

With Lin Wan's appearance and wealth, how could she possibly need to go on a blind date? There should be a lot of people lining up to pursue her, so you can choose.

At the same time they were thinking.

Is there such a thing as a blind date? !Can you meet a wealthy woman of Lin Wan's level? !

I knew such a thing earlier!
I'm also willing to go on a blind date!

Not to mention the same level, they would be willing even if it was one-tenth of Lin Wan's!


For a moment, no one knew what to say.

I can’t even find an angle to praise it from!Generally, it's not supposed to be a coincidental encounter on a certain occasion, and then they praise it as romantic or something like that.

In the end, Qi Siyan managed to smooth things over.

"It's all fate! Everything is God's best arrangement!"

But after saying this, Qi Siyan also became silent.


"Come on, come on, I suggest that we all raise a toast together to celebrate the reunion of our classmates and wish Lin Wan and his husband happiness."

Under the leadership of Qi Siyan, the awkward atmosphere just now passed quickly.

The private room became lively again, with everyone mingling and toasting.

However, during the process, Lu Ming noticed that the man in a dark blue suit had been looking at him.

This made Lu Ming almost think that the real plot was about to begin, but after waiting for a long time, the other party still made no move.

During the conversation, everyone talked about their past school experiences, current work, and life. Everyone spoke freely. Lu Ming and Lin Wan usually just listened quietly, and occasionally chimed in with a few words.

But suddenly, a girl present suddenly took a cue from Lin Wan.

To be precise, it is Lin Wan's Shuangmu Group.

"Hey, Lin Wan, your company is very popular in my circle of friends recently."

Some men who didn't know what she was talking about looked at her one after another. They didn't know much about beauty and cosmetics, and they had very little information about it.

Seeing everyone looking at her, the girl quickly explained: "It's the latest product of Lin Wan Shuangmu Group. Whether it's perfume or facial mask, they are very easy to use. Many people around me are using them, and I have bought a lot of them myself."

I heard it was cosmetics, but the men were not very interested.

But the girl added: "Congratulations, the product is selling so well, the stock price has more than doubled..."

Although this sentence sounds very ordinary, it is inspiring to many people present!
They knew the market value of Lin Wan's Shuangmu Group, but now the stock price has more than doubled? !Didn’t the market value also double? !


There was a gasp of air in the private room.

Originally, Lin Wan's net worth was beyond their reach, but now, it is even more terrifying!
Facing the girl's congratulations, Lin Wan responded calmly: "Thank you, these are all due to my husband. He came up with the formula for the perfume mask."

Lin Wan just stated the facts truthfully, but everyone heard some clues from it, and heard clues related to Lu Ming.

They were very curious about Lu Ming, so they followed what Lin Wan said. "Oh? Mr. Lu is a researcher in this field?"

What Lin Wan said could easily make them think this way, and given their identity, they matched Lin Wan very well, and there were common topics between them.

Before Lin Wan could say anything, Lu Ming spoke himself.

"It's not that...actually I don't have any formal job."

Lu Ming first denied his identity as a scientific researcher in the beauty industry, and then stated that he did not have a formal job.

He didn't lie to anyone. Although he had many identities and was a shareholder of multiple group companies, he was not responsible for management and operations. He was just a shopkeeper. He did not have a formal job.

But when everyone heard it, everyone looked a little weird.


If you don’t have a formal job, aren’t you just a vagrant?

Doesn't that mean he relies on Lin Wan to live?Isn't that just a little... white face?

Everyone couldn't help but glance at Lu Ming's face and examine it...


It has been verified that people do have capital in this area.

For a while, people's hearts fluttered.

The men first condemned Lu Ming in their hearts!
He is young and has hands and feet, how can he be a pretty boy? !Is it because I have a bad stomach and can only eat soft rice?
But from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help but feel envious. They also wanted to eat this bowl of soft rice!

But looking at Lu Ming's face and thinking about his own appearance, they felt helpless.

Forget it, they can't eat this bowl of rice because they only blame themselves for not growing up.

As for the ladies, they couldn't help but be envious of Lu Ming, but they were not envious of Lu Ming, but of Lin Wan.

They also want a man with this kind of good looks!
If capital didn't allow it, which one of them wouldn't want a cute, obedient little puppy? !
If they had Lin Wan's wealth, they would be willing to be with Lu Ming.

So what they envied was that Lin Wan was rich and could find such a handsome husband.

After hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan secretly rolled her eyes at him, wondering what Lu Ming was doing.

Little did they know that Lu Ming was deliberately trying to lower himself.

Seeing that Meng Wenbin didn't respond for a long time, he deliberately said that he was a homeless person.

Just shout loudly, come here!If you have any dissatisfaction, just come over!

I am already a vagrant, why don’t you show off your identity and your net worth quickly.

When the time comes, he will reveal his identity again, slap him in the face to scare the monkeys, and successfully eliminate everyone's unwanted thoughts.

It is simply naked fishing law enforcement.

Under Lu Ming's expectant eyes, Meng Wenbin finally spoke.

Just when Lu Ming thought he was going to belittle himself and highlight that he was better than him, what he said caught Lu Ming off guard for a moment.

"Oh, what kind of era are we in now? Men and women are equal and each has their own division of labor. It's no longer an era where men are the masters of the outside and women are the masters of the house!
There is nothing surprising. Lin Wan’s career is developing well because Mr. Lu has done a good job in logistics! "

Meng Wenbin said, and gestured to give Lu Ming a toast.


His words shocked Lu Ming!

Isn't that what the script is like?Aren’t you the villain’s boss? !

 Thank you for your monthly ticket recommendation and u, Nervous Frog’s reward. Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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