Chapter 291 Qingbei card?

In Lu Ming's estimation, Meng Wenbin should come out to step on him at this time! ?
Why did you say something nice to yourself?
Obviously when he and Lin Wan first came in, he had the biggest reaction of everyone present when they heard that Lin Wan was getting married!
Shouldn't he be jealous, dissatisfied, and resentful at this time? !
Could it be that he was feinting?Show your kindness first and then make a sneak attack?
Or maybe he has other plans...

Meng Wenbin's words caught Lu Ming off guard. He thought that the climax of the reunion was about to begin, but it ended before it even started.

Lu Ming had no choice but to stand still for the time being and wait and see.

After Meng Wenbin said those words, he also received approval from many people, especially the girls.

Nowadays, equality between men and women is preached, and even female boxing has the upper hand. The female classmates like these in their class reunion are all elite graduates from prestigious schools. Naturally, they are not willing to be inferior to men. They are all female elites in the workplace.

They are more accepting of the idea that women make money and men take care of the family.

There may be a small number of macho men who disagree, but the general trend is that they have to echo the previous sentence and say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

When everyone was toasting and clinking glasses, Meng Wenbin suddenly felt a chill on his body. He always felt that Lu Ming was looking at him.

This made him wonder.

He doesn’t know Lu Ming either?Just now I said something nice to him!
Why does Lu Ming seem to be acting strangely towards him?

This puzzled Meng Wenbin.

For the rest of the time, everyone continued to eat, drink, and chat.

When talking about other things, Lu Ming didn't care much. Only when Lin Wan was involved, Lu Ming would listen carefully and even take the initiative to ask.

Seeing that Lu Ming was so interested, everyone tentatively said a few words. Seeing that Lin Wan showed no signs of anger, they slowly let go and talked more, letting Lu Ming know more about Lin Wan's university life.

"Hey, do you remember that time when a talented scholar from the Chinese Department pursued Lin Wan downstairs in the girls' dormitory?"

"Of course I remember! There was a large circle of love candles downstairs! I also brought a bouquet of flowers."

“A lot of people came out to watch it!”

When Lu Ming heard this, he was like, good guy.

Candle Array, this is too low!But I still couldn't stop feeling sour in my heart.

These were the things he was absent from Lin Wan's life, and the steps he and Lin Wan skipped.

"Explain in detail." Lu Ming asked calmly.

The person who brought up this topic glanced at Lin Wan and saw that Lin Wan's expression was normal, so he dared to continue talking.

“In the middle of the night, we suddenly heard someone shouting from below with a loudspeaker, so we ran out to take a look.

As a result, I saw a famous talent from the Chinese Department placing a circle of candles under the girls' dormitory building, holding flowers in his hands, and shouting a poem he wrote from the loudspeaker.

Anyway, he was pursuing Lin Wan. At that time, many people came out to watch the fun, and everyone was watching the show.

But at that time, I knew that this guy would definitely have no chance. Sure enough, guess what in the end? ? ? "

In the end, this person actually created a suspense to whet Lu Ming's appetite. Lu Ming was probably the only person in the private room who didn't know about this.

"Huh? What's going on?" Lu Ming must have known that this guy was out of luck, but he was still curious about the final result.

"Lin Wan directly connected the water pipe upstairs, and lit the candle array of that person, making him sizzle, hahahahaha!
Not only did it extinguish the candle, but it also extinguished the fire in people's hearts! "Although everyone already knew the result, when they heard it again and recalled the situation, they all laughed.

When Lu Ming heard this result, he felt refreshed and felt comfortable from head to toe.

Um!Well done, well done!
Then he turned to look at Lin Wan and gave him a thumbs up: "Honey, you were so domineering before!"

Lin Wan glanced at Lu Ming arrogantly. She had rejected many pursuits, and this was just one of them.

She had been busy making money and starting a business at that time, but as a result, a lot of suitors were surrounding her like flies, which annoyed her to death.

And what she hates the most is this kind of public confession of love and pursuit that is so public and public, it feels like being held hostage and forced. Usually she will kill one person, or destroy a pair.

Seeing that Lin Wan did not prohibit them from talking about these things, and that Lu Ming was also very interested, they talked more and more.

"Hey, I still remember a boy from another school sneaking in in a sports car..."

"It seems that he drove a very sexy red convertible sports car and came to pursue Lin Wan...

But Lin Wan didn't say anything, and immediately called the security office to drive the person away! "

"That's right, there are many people from other schools pursuing Lin Wan, and they all use any means to sneak in. For a while, the school even strengthened the checking of student ID cards to prevent these people from sneaking in one after another."

Everyone was talking, and the more they talked, the more excited they became, as if they were the ones being pursued, and they looked proud.

In fact, they do feel as though it is a very honorable thing to do.

At that time, Lin Wan was not just the goddess of Qingbei, but the goddess of the entire Kyoto campus.

Countless students from other schools sneaked into Qingbei just to take a look at Lin Wan, and many boys who were shocked by the beauty became Lin Wan's suitors.

The students in Qingbei had long been accustomed to Lin Wan's refusal, and named him the Iceberg Goddess.

Their Qingbei people couldn't catch up with their goddess from Qingbei, so naturally they didn't want to be caught by people from other schools. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that the Qingbei people were incompetent?
In the end, Lin Wan did not disappoint them. Countless people from other schools tried to succeed, but all of them failed.

They watched a lot of good shows, and Lin Wan also climbed to the top of the Qingbei Goddess Glory again and again, becoming a special existence in everyone's mind.

Between prestigious schools, not only the strength and reputation of the school are compared, but the beauty of the school is also an important part of the competition.

Lin Wan is their face in Qingbei.

No matter what other schools say, all Qingbei has to say is, our school has Goddess Lin, and you can occasionally see Goddess Lin during class and after class, that’s a win.

That's why they looked so excited when they talked about it.

"So my wife, you were so awesome when you were in school?! Not only the iceberg goddess of Qingbei, but also the goddess of the entire Kyoto campus!" Lu Ming whispered in Lin Wan's ear after hearing what they said about Lin Wan's legend back then.

After all, Lu Ming himself was also a school boy of Shanghai University, a top academic student, but his life was mediocre. Why did he feel that he was not as powerful as Lin Wan back then?
Lin Wan felt a little shy when Lu Ming said this, and secretly pinched Lu Ming.

This was the first time she heard some things. Didn't she just reject some people? !

Why did it become more and more outrageous in the end, and the campus goddess of Kyoto, the Qingbei brand?She doesn’t even know this!
But Lu Ming then thought about it.

Kyoto campus goddess, Qingbei brand?He's already married to Lin Wan, doesn't that mean he's even more awesome? !
(End of this chapter)

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