Chapter 292 The drama aborted
At this moment, Lu Ming felt a strong sense of honor and happiness in his heart.

Are all of you here hot chicks, campus goddesses in Kyoto, and Qingbei brand names?Wasn't he killed by me? !

I couldn't say this, I could only think about it in my heart. I might get beaten if I said it, but Lu Ming still had a proud smile on his face.

Even giving him one billion Lu Ming would not give him this feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

This feeling comes from contrast. The goddess that no one else can catch is captured by me. Doesn’t this explain the problem? ? ?
The atmosphere in the private room became more and more lively, and everyone became more and more excited.

This was a topic that they had never dared to talk about at their previous class reunions. The main reason was that Lin Wan's style was too fierce and she looked very strong. None of them could compare to Lin Wan in terms of status, so they did not dare to talk about it.

But things are different now. Lin Wan seems to be much easier to get along with, and her husband Lu Ming is very interested again. They have talked so much, and Lin Wan has not shown any dissatisfaction.

In addition, the more and more wine was drunk, the red wine was intoxicating and the stamina was strong, and some people were already a little drunk.

The experience of self-destruction began. Before, I only dared to tell stories about other people pursuing Lin Wan, but now I dared to self-destruct in front of Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

"Let me tell you, the four brothers in our dormitory at that time were all Lin Wan's suitors...

Fortunately, I woke up in time and knew that I had something, so I quickly went back to find my girlfriend..."

When the first self-destructing warrior said this, the private room suddenly burst into howls of ghosts and wolves.

"Li Hongsheng, you are going to die. I know your wife. I will talk to her properly some other time..."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Immediately afterwards, the second self-destruction warrior also stood up: "I'm okay hahahaha, I had a crush on him for a while, and I gave up on him when I knew there was no hope.

Fortunately, I didn’t confess my love and it would be embarrassing, and no one knew about it..."

This warrior also feels that he is very wise, at least he will not become one of the many famous scenes in the school forum where the iceberg goddess rejects the suitor.

The third...the fourth...

Good guy, Lu Ming was dumbfounded when the self-destructing warriors came out one after another.

Counting this gathering, there were only seventeen people besides him and Lin Wan.

Eight of the six women and eleven men revealed that they were once Lin Wan's suitors and admirers.

The only difference is that some pursue them openly, while others admire them secretly.

There might even be something the remaining three people didn't say, such as this man in a dark blue suit.

Even if he didn't say it, Lu Ming could see it.

However, he was surprised, and Lu Ming didn't care very much. From their words, it could be known that they were all married.

This may be one of the reasons why they dare to speak out.

Lu Ming's eyes turned to Meng Wenbin. He saw that Meng Wenbin had no wedding ring on his hand, and there was no trace of wearing a wedding ring.

So this person... is still very worthy of attention and suspicion.

Lu Ming looked at Meng Wenbin with his eyes, as if to say: "What about you? Please tell your story!"

Meng Wenbin was stunned by Lu Ming's eyes, and a chill rose up behind him.

He didn't know why, maybe it was the miracle of life. He was so desperate to survive that he said something with great happiness in his heart.

"I have a girlfriend, and I might get married next month. Come and have a wedding banquet when you are free."

This sentence was said very suddenly and was out of tune with the topics being discussed around him. Even Meng Wenbin didn't know why he suddenly said this sentence.

"What? Wen Bin has a girlfriend?"

"We're getting married next month. It's been well hidden!"


After hearing this, the students around expressed surprise and congratulations. "Thank you. I thought I would tell everyone after I made arrangements for a while..."

Meng Wenbin dealt with the congratulations around him, but he felt that after announcing the news, he seemed to relax, and the pressure that had been pressing on him disappeared.

Lu Ming looked at this scene in surprise.

"What? He has a girlfriend? Is he getting married?"

This person is obviously the boss he appointed as soon as he arrived!
You are destined to be in a treacherous and jealous relationship with yourself!Why is it just gone?
A big drama that Lu Ming had been developing in his mind before he came here was aborted because of the lack of a villain BOSS.

Isn’t it said that class reunions are all vanity fairs and Shura societies?Why is this class reunion so peaceful?

Lu Ming forgot that Lin Wan's status in this party was too high!

The identity of the president of a tens of billions group!

Lu Ming might be used to it, and he might not even feel much about it.

But in the minds of ordinary people, it is out of reach, and you can't even see its back when you look up.

If they hadn't been classmates with Lin Wan, they wouldn't have been able to come into contact with people of this level given their class level.

Moreover, as elites of the Northern Qing Dynasty, each of them is very clear-headed and will not have any illusory dreams.

How dare you have any unrealistic fantasies now? No one liked you when you were in school, and you still think you can do it now?Want to eat shit?
They even paid great attention to what they said, not daring to offend Lin Wan, let alone covet Lin Wan as Lu Ming thought.

So they really didn't have any idea about inviting Lin Wan to the class reunion. If not, it was so that they could brag about having such an awesome classmate in the future.

Without the scene he was looking forward to, Lu Ming felt a little bored and lacked interest.

"Husband, what's wrong?" Lin Wan noticed Lu Ming's change.

"It's okay, I'm going to use the restroom and settle the bill."

Lu Ming had finished eating, drinking, bragging and chatting, and got up to buy the order.

Arriving at the front desk, Lu Ming reported the private room number.

"Pay the bill, private room 128."

The front desk clerk was checking on the computer, and his hands and feet were not very fast, but Lu Ming was also waiting patiently.

At this time, what he didn't notice was that a figure walked out of the private room.

It was Meng Wenbin.

He also planned to come out to pay the bill, but suddenly stopped when he saw Lu Ming at the front desk.

Then he saw a familiar figure again.

The man walked quickly towards Lu Ming, talking.

"Mr. Lu, I didn't expect to meet you in Kyoto just after I came back from the magic city!"

Lu Ming heard someone calling him and looked up. The middle-aged man in front of him looked familiar.

After searching my memory, I found out that it was a big shot at the Tang Palace party, and they exchanged a few words.

"Mr. Liu, I didn't expect to meet you here..."

"Yes, Mr. Lu, do you want to pay the bill? I'll do it, I'll do it. How can I make you pay the bill when you come to Kyoto?!"

Meng Wenbin watched this scene in shock from a distance.

Why does Mr. Liu seem to know Goddess Lin’s husband, and he seems to respect her very much, and is rushing to pay for it?!
 Thanks to the book friend Paris for the sea of ​​flowers, []-bc, the bubblegum-loving monkey’s monthly ticket recommendation, Crab!
  Everyone, please vote for free!

(End of this chapter)

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