Chapter 293: Didn’t you see this?

In the end, Lu Ming failed to pay the bill and was snatched away by the enthusiastic Mr. Liu.

After a few polite exchanges, Lu Ming returned to the private room.

Meng Wenbin came back a step ahead of him and sat in his seat absentmindedly. Deng Zhiyong next to him pushed him and asked.

"What are you doing? Why do you go out and come back as if you have lost your soul?"

He saw that Meng Wenbin had been in a daze since he came back. He seemed to be unable to hear what he was talking to. He frowned and muttered something, and then joked.

"What? Are you heartbroken because the food is too expensive?"

Of course, he was just joking. They were all middle and high-level people in major companies, and they had no shortage of money for a meal, not to mention that he knew Meng Wenbin's family background well.

Meng Wenbin came to his senses after being pushed by Deng Zhiyong. He first glanced secretly at Lu Ming, who had just sat down, and then turned around and whispered to Deng Zhiyong.

"I didn't buy this order. When I went to check out, someone was already paying..."

"Who is it?" Deng Zhiyong asked curiously, but at the same time he didn't think it was anything.

Isn’t it just the price of a meal?Anyone can buy it, it’s not much money?Why did Meng Wenbin look so lost when he didn't buy the order?

Could it be that you feel you have lost face?
"Don't think too much. Just buy it if others buy it. It doesn't matter. You can just treat me next time..." Deng Zhiyong comforted Meng Wenbin nonchalantly.

"What?!" Meng Wenbin also heard that something was not right in Deng Zhiyong's words.

"I'm not like this because I failed to pay the bill! Guess who I saw when I was paying the bill? It was Lu Ming! Lin Wan's husband!" Meng Wenbin explained.

"What's the point? If someone pays the bill, it means they know how to be a good person. This little money is nothing to them. Why do you look so weird?"

Deng Zhiyong still didn't understand why Meng Wenbin was like this.

Meng Wenbin simply gritted his teeth and said openly, "You know Mr. Liu from Huiyi Group, right?!"

Deng Zhiyong didn't know what Meng Wenbin wanted to say, but he still answered his question: "We know each other! We met at a dinner party with my boss, but I was just accompanying him."

He is a middle-level manager of a foreign trade company. As a famous multinational trading company in Kyoto, Huiyi Group has a high status in the foreign trade industry and has extremely rich resource channels. The boss of their foreign trade company also relies on Huiyi Group for some water.

The boss of their company finally got an appointment with the boss of Huiyi Group, so he brought him, the company's most capable person, to accompany him. It was on this opportunity that Deng Zhiyong met Liu Zhanpeng.

"When I was about to pay the bill just now, I saw Mr. Liu from Huiyi Group! He and Lu Ming competed to buy the bill! This is the first time I saw Mr. Liu like that..."

Meng Wenbin finally explained the matter clearly in one breath. The company he took over was a small trading company. Recently, he was vigorously expanding foreign trade channels. It can be said that Liu Zhanpeng, the boss of Huiyi Group, was his dream target.

As long as he can establish a relationship with Liu Zhanpeng, his company will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

But the reality is cruel. He has made appointments with Liu Zhanpeng many times without success, and even waited for a long time in vain without even being able to talk to him.

But what he saw just now...

The superior boss Liu Zhanpeng actually rushed to help Lu Ming pay the bill. This was the first time he saw Liu Zhanpeng with such a low profile, respectful and humble, like Lu Ming's little brother.

Isn't this how they usually treat Liu Zhanpeng?I didn't expect that Liu Zhanpeng would treat someone like this, and this person was Lu Ming.

So Meng Wenbin was really shocked just now.

Not only because he saw Liu Zhanpeng's humble appearance, but also because that person was Lu Ming.

He began to be extremely curious about Lu Ming's identity and why Liu Zhanpeng was so respectful to him.

Meng Wenbin knew that the husband's status as the president of Shuangmu Group alone would not be able to achieve all of these. Huiyi Group itself had a higher market value than Shuangmu Group, and the two parties were in two completely unrelated industries.

So Liu Zhanpeng doesn't need to be so respectful to Lin Wan, let alone Lu Ming... unless...

"Ah?! Are you sure you read that correctly?!"

After hearing Meng Wenbin's words, Deng Zhiyong was so shocked that he unconsciously raised his voice.

Then he immediately reacted and lowered his voice: "Is it really Mr. Liu of Huiyi Group? And he is very respectful to Lu Ming?!"

He was not stupid. He immediately understood what Meng Wenbin meant and why Meng Wenbin was so distracted just now.

"Is that Mr. Liu of Huiyi Group? Why...?" Deng Zhiyong couldn't help but ask.

Meng Wenbin nodded with certainty.

"Liu Zhanpeng, I will definitely not admit my mistake! I still want to get involved with others...

But I don't know why... maybe Lu Ming is not as simple as he said...? "

Meng Wenbin could only guess this.

"Tsk, tsk, I really learned a lot today. If I had known that I would go out with you just now, it would be great if I could see Liu Zhanpeng like that!"

Deng Zhiyong felt it was a pity. After hearing what Meng Wenbin said, he was also interested in the scene where the superior boss he had seen before turned into a respectful and humble younger brother.

But soon, he saw it.

Only two sounds of "dong dong..." were heard.

The door of their private room was knocked by a figure.

Everyone looked up, including Meng Wenbin and Deng Zhiyong, who also looked over subconsciously. Liu Zhanpeng, the person they were talking about just now, was standing at the door.

Many of them were coming in and out just now, so the door to the private room was not closed and was open. Based on the receipt on the bill, Liu Zhanpeng found out about Lu Ming's private room and knocked on the door.

Everyone looked at Liu Zhanpeng at the door. Most people didn't recognize him and showed doubtful expressions.

"Sorry to disturb everyone, I am Liu Zhanpeng from Huiyi Company. I know that Mr. Lu is here, so I came here to pay a toast to Mr. Lu."

Liu Zhanpeng's posture was very calm because he did not know the identity of the person in the private room, and also because Lu Ming was in the private room.

After he finished speaking, everyone in the private room was still a little unable to react. Meng Wenbin and Deng Zhiyong were the first to react and stood up.

"Welcome, Mr. Liu, welcome."

Liu Zhanpeng immediately met the two of them at the foot of the steps, and then he moved his steps and walked into the private room.

"Thank you, thank you, excuse me."

Liu Zhanpeng said and quickly came to Lu Ming's side.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry to disturb your meal... I just wanted to come over and give you a toast."

Lu Ming also turned sideways and said politely: "Mr. Liu is too polite and enthusiastic..."

Meng Wenbin and Deng Zhiyong stood aside, communicating mysteriously with their eyes.

"Aren't you regretful that you didn't see Mr. Liu's humble appearance just now?? Isn't that what you saw?"

(End of this chapter)

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