Chapter 305 I guessed it!
After listening to Xu Zixin's words, Lin Wan also looked at Lu Ming with a strange look.

The meaning is obvious: When did you meet a beautiful senior sister with a kind heart and a kind heart?
Lu Ming quickly shook his head and cleared the relationship.

"I don't know your senior sister at all!"

"Then how do you know her family is rich? Her family is really rich. It is said that she is the richest man in the area."

Xu Zixin asked curiously.

"I guessed it!"

Lu Ming said confidently that he had indeed guessed it, but he had made a well-founded guess.

Xu Zixin graduated from a top university in the country. The students in this school are all elites. As the president of the student union, her senior sister is even more elite among the elite.

After graduation, top companies at home and abroad are clamoring for such talents, and the salaries are high.

Her senior sister actually ignored the high salary and bright future of a top company and worked for a charity foundation as soon as she graduated. If her family didn't have the conditions, how could she have dared to do this!

After all, if you do charity, at least you have to have enough food and clothing.

Otherwise, if we are all working hard to fill our stomachs, we will have no time to care about others.

"Ah?! You guessed it?" Xu Zixin's tone was obviously unconvincing.

However, Lu Ming did not explain.

"Well, let's leave it to your senior sister to establish the Dawn Charity Foundation.

When I return to the Magic City, I will treat your senior sister to dinner and thank her. "

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Xu Zixin believed that Lu Ming really didn't know her senior sister. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had to arrange a meal to thank her. Originally, she wanted to secretly ask her senior sister if she really knew Lu Ming.

"Okay, okay, then Chairman, let's talk about the plan next."

Speaking of this, Lu Ming and Lin Wan both cheered up and prepared to listen to Xu Zixin's report.

"Well, you said."

“With such a chairman, we have initially made a three-level plan for the Dawn Charity Foundation.

According to the chairman's request, the main direction of our charitable foundation is to support children from poor families, including but not limited to living, schooling, medical treatment, etc...

The main purpose is to reduce their life stress and grow up healthily and happily.

The three levels of plans represent the starting scale and investment size of Dawn Charity Foundation.

The third option is that we only set the seaside as a pilot project, invest a small amount of money, operate it slowly, and then expand to all parts of the country with the seaside as the center after accumulating mature experience and manpower.

The advantage of this is that the investment is small, no large amounts of capital are required, and the stability risk is small. The disadvantage is that the efficiency is too low and it requires a lot of time.

The second option also uses the seaside as a pilot, but increases the amount of capital investment to attract experienced practitioners to join. At the same time, large amounts of funds can also accelerate the development of charitable foundations.

The advantage of this is that the charitable foundation can get on the right track and develop rapidly. The disadvantage is that it requires a lot of funds.

third option.

It is the plan with the largest investment and the highest risk, but the Dawn Charity Foundation can soar into the sky in one step.

In addition to the seaside base camp, domestic first-tier cities such as Magic City, Kyoto, and Pengcheng are also included, focusing on multiple points to quickly cover the country. "

The plans proposed by Xu Zixin were relatively comprehensive, some were stable, some were rapid development, and some were one-stop, giving Lu Ming a variety of choices.

After Lu Ming and Lin Wan listened, they looked at each other, and together they chose the third option tacitly.

"Xiao Xin, we choose the third option. There is no need to consider the financial investment. The only purpose of establishing the Liming Charity Foundation is to help more people in need. The first and second options are also good, but the speed of development It’s too slow. We need to develop slowly. I don’t know how long it will take for the charity foundation to cover the whole country.

So please elaborate on your third plan, conduct a thorough investigation of all aspects of information, and then make a written report to me.

By the way, we can deepen it by combining the second option with attracting experienced practitioners.

After all, if the Liming Charity Foundation wants to develop rapidly, manpower is a problem. If there are familiar practitioners who can quickly get started, and then lead the new with the old, then this will not be a problem.

In fact, after listening to the information you just said, I think your senior sister may be a good candidate... If you have time, you can explore her voice and see if there is any chance. "

Lu Ming finally revealed it to Xu Zixin.

"Ah?" She was surprised by Lu Ming's words. She really didn't expect to poach her senior sister.

Although it is said that one should not avoid relatives when promoting talents, but even if he thought about it, he would not be able to say it because he avoids suspicion.

After coming back to his senses: "Okay, Chairman, I will test my senior sister's tone in the past few days to see if she has this intention."

"Well, you can send me another detailed information about her."

Although Xu Zixin said the person was very good, he still had to study to see if the other person really had this ability.

How much ability can you do?

"Good chairman. Also, establishing a charitable foundation requires actual funds to be recorded, starting from 200 million. You see..."

In fact, Xu Zixin has full authority and qualifications to transfer the 200 million fund usage limit.

What she actually meant by asking was whether the Dawn Charity Foundation should invest a large sum of money at once or invest 200 million first and then invest it slowly.

This Lu Ming and Lin Wan had already discussed it a little before.

"The Dawn Charity Foundation directly injected 100 billion in funds, of which 50 billion was contributed by me and the rest by Lin Wan.

We will transfer it immediately after you provide the account. "

Lu Ming, Lin Wan, and Lu Ming, who have tens of billions of dollars, are evenly divided. Any one of them has the ability to invest alone, but this is their intention, and both of them want to contribute.

"What?! Directly inject 100 billion funds?!"

Xu Zixin was so surprised that she lost her voice!
I have never heard of a charitable foundation that has tens of billions of dollars before it is even established!

Such a large amount of funds has exceeded most domestic charitable funds, even publicly raised foundations with national backgrounds...

Although Lu Ming chose the third option, which required a large amount of capital investment, Xu Zixin did not expect that his own chairman would make tens of billions in one hit!

Lu Ming doesn't see anything wrong with tens of billions of dollars.

Just one step.

If you want the Dawn Charity Foundation to develop by leaps and bounds, you cannot have less money.

And if there are no sycamore trees, how can we attract the golden phoenix?

The new charitable foundation with a scale of tens of billions will surely attract widespread attention, attract the attention of relevant practitioners, and attract them to join.

"No... nothing."

Xu Zixin was a little excited at the moment, as a tens of billions of charitable foundations were about to be established.

She is already looking forward to the official establishment of the Dawn Charity Foundation!

(End of this chapter)

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