Chapter 306 My wife is awake!

The next day.

Lu Ming woke up, stretched his body, and felt refreshed and comfortable.

Looking at Lin Wan who was still sleeping soundly next to him, Lu Ming gathered her messy hair with his hands and pushed it behind her ears, revealing her delicate, fair and tender face, which was so white and rosy. When people look at it, they can’t help but want to kiss it.

mua.Good morning kiss.

Lifting the quilt, Lu Ming's muscular body was revealed, and the flowing lines of muscles all over his body were visible to the naked eye.

If the chinchillas outside saw it, they would be salivating on the spot.

Lu Ming was naked and walked through the room with clothes scattered all over the floor. He came to the cloakroom and found a random set of clothes to change into.

Then I called the hotel and asked them to send some ingredients.

Old rules.

After a big battle, he would often cook the food himself so that Lin Wan could have hot meals as soon as she woke up.

Perhaps it was because of the continuous good news yesterday. I met Pei Fanghui and Lin Xiwan and successfully gained their trust. The Dawn Charity Foundation in charge of Xu Zixin is also making intensive preparations.

Everything is developing in a good direction, which makes Lu Ming and Lin Wan feel very good.

The food from the hotel was delivered quickly.

Lu Ming took it to the small kitchen and cooked millet porridge and side dishes.

After everything was ready, Lu Ming put the millet porridge on the stove and took the coffee to the living room balcony.

The golden sunshine spreads all over the earth as if it is free, and it shines warmly on the body. It is completely different from the cold weather yesterday. It is a suitable day to go out and play.

"Da da da……"

There was the sound of footsteps behind him, and then Lu Ming was hugged by a pair of bare hands.


Lin Wan hugged Lu Ming from behind and clung to him, murmuring with her eyes closed, as if she was half asleep.

Lu Ming put a hand on hers, turned slightly to look at Lin Wan, and said softly.

"Wake up, don't you want to sleep a little longer?"

"Well...I woke up when I smelled the aroma of the millet porridge you cooked..."

Lin Wan said, moving her delicate nose and inhaling the fragrance.

The millet porridge cooked by Lu Ming himself is Lin Wan's favorite.

"Okay, then you can eat after washing up."

Lin Wan remained motionless against Lu Ming, enjoying Lu Ming's broad and strong back, as if she had fallen asleep again.

But Lu Ming knew that she was not asleep, but just too lazy to move.

Turn around immediately.

Then he put his hands together, picked up Lin Wan with all his strength, and carried her directly to the bathroom.

In front of the sink.

Lin Wan stood with her eyes slightly squinted, but still didn't move.

On a whim, she suddenly thought of what Lu Ming would do if she stayed still.

Lu Ming became interested when he saw this.

Lin Wan squinted her eyes and saw Lu Ming thoughtfully pouring warm water and squeezing in toothpaste in her small field of vision.

Then he opened Lin Wan's mouth...

In fact, as soon as he started, Lin Wan opened her mouth in cooperation.

Lu Ming started scrubbing mode, carefully cleaning Lin Wan's oral cavity in all aspects...

Lin Wan kept squinting her eyes to cooperate.

Lu Ming squeezed the water out of the towel and wiped the hot towel on Lin Wan's face.

The towel passed between Lin Wan's eyebrows and the tip of her nose, itching, making Lin Wan almost want to laugh...

But at the same time, she felt sweet in her heart. She didn't expect Lu Ming to help her wash up so gently. Originally, she just wanted to tease Lu Ming.

"This skin, this face, she is such a beauty!"

After washing his face, Lu Ming pinched Lin Wan's face and pulled it. Lin Wan almost broke the skill.


Lu Ming saw that Lin Wan was still "pretending to be dead".You're welcome immediately.

He started to tickle Lin Wan's itchy spots and poke her armpits. Lin Wan's body trembled, but she still held back and did not break the power.

"Hey, he's quite capable."

Seeing that this method was useless, Lu Ming began to think of other ways to cause trouble.

She pinched some hair at the end of Lin Wan's hair and began to draw on her face. The hair and face came into contact, and Lin Wan couldn't help but wrinkle her little face with the slightest tickling sensation.

He even accidentally made some squeaking noises.

"Forbearance! I will bear it!"

"It's no big deal, I can do it."

Lin Wan encouraged herself, but at the same time she began to complain in her heart that Lu Ming did not follow martial ethics.

"I bullied them all night last night, and I'm still tampering with them today!"

But fortunately, Lu Ming finally stopped after groping for a while, and Lin Wan successfully held on!

But it took a while.

Lin Wan saw that Lu Ming had stopped moving, which made her think that Lu Ming had left, so she opened her eyes a little.

Lu Ming stood beside her clearly and did not leave.

Just when Lin Wan didn't know what Lu Ming was going to do.

Lu Ming spoke.

"I am also lucky to have such a beautiful wife who is in a vegetative state...!"

As soon as the words came out.

Lin Wan succeeded immediately.

Jiao said angrily: "How can I be in a vegetative state!"

"Hey, my wife can actually talk... Doctor, doctor, my wife is awake! Come and take a look!"

Lu Ming looked surprised and started acting.

"Hmph, you still dare to say that I am in a vegetative state." Lin Wan raised her hand and pretended to teach Lu Ming a lesson.

Lu Ming also dodged in cooperation.

"You can't move or speak, that's all!"

Lu Ming continued to light the fire in a desperate attempt, but then immediately said: "But you see, I am still taking care of you. No matter what happens to you, I will always be by your side to take care of you."

A word of love explained what happened just now. It was Lu Ming who never left Lin Wan and took good care of her.

When I look at the problem from a different angle and think about it, things suddenly become different.

"Hmph, sophistry."

Although Lin Wan said this, she still felt happy in her heart. This shows that Lu Ming's sophistry successfully focused her heart.

Lu Ming smiled, walked up to her, and held her hand: "Okay, let's stop playing and go eat."

Lin Wan was obediently taken to the small kitchen by Lu Ming. The millet porridge on the stove was bubbling.

Lu Ming opened the lid and the aroma filled the air.

"It smells so good..." Lin Wan moved her index finger.

I got the bowls and chopsticks, took some and took them to the table outside.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan sat opposite each other.

"Husband, the weather is very nice today. Do you have any plans?"

Lin Wan lowered her head, blew the hot air from the millet porridge, and gently scraped the surface with the spoon. A spoonful of millet porridge went into her mouth. It was so delicious that she opened her eyes and made a squealing sound, just like eating a can of her beloved cat. Like a kitten.

"We've all come to Kyoto. We have to check out the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the flag-raising ceremony. We can just pick a few other places to visit. We've missed the flag-raising ceremony. Let's find a time to go there in the next few days."

Lin Wan heard this and made her choice immediately.

"Go to the Forbidden City!"

Although the Great Wall is also very good, her body cannot bear it...

 The end of the year is quite busy, thank you all for your support and please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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