Chapter 311 Fatty Luo Ziqian

"Lu Ming, you came to Kyoto?! Where are you?!
Why didn't you say anything to me when you came to Kyoto?If I hadn’t happened to browse your circle of friends, I wouldn’t have known about it! "

As soon as the call was connected, Luo Ziqian started typing excitedly, his tone full of happiness.


Lu Ming was a little confused: "Yes, I am in Kyoto, but aren't you in Hui City? What can I do if I come to Kyoto to tell you?"

Luo Ziqian raised his voice in shock.

"My job is being transferred to Kyoto now!! Don't you know?! I mentioned this in our dormitory group two months ago, and you haven't seen it yet??"

Lu Ming was speechless. He really hadn't seen this and didn't know about it yet.

"It's bad, it's my old man who spent some money to find a relationship and had to drive me to Kyoto..."

Lu Ming could hear Luo Ziqian's tone complaining.

Then Luo Ziqian changed his tune and stopped talking about these unhappy things.

"Stop talking, where are you staying? Are you going out for a snack at night?!"

Masturbating and drinking is an essential part of college students' lives, and it has also become their most unforgettable memory. They were so high-spirited and free at that time, but now, they have entered society and are in a cage, masturbating with familiar friends and brothers. Drinking together is already a very luxurious thing.

"Okay! I'm staying at the Four Seasons Hotel. You're familiar with Kyoto. You can make arrangements for the night. I'll take my wife with me to get to know you."

Lu Ming agreed without hesitation.

The brothers in the dormitory work in Kyoto, and everyone else is here, so I must get together with my brothers.

"Okay! I know a treasure shop. The meat skewers are sizzling and oily, so beautiful!"

"Fat man, you're still so good at eating! You keep shouting about losing weight every day, but you're not even fatter now, are you?"

Lu Ming laughed and joked with Luo Ziqian.

Luo Ziqian was the fattest one in their dormitory back then, so he was nicknamed Fatty.

Why are you fat? It’s just that you love to eat and eat more. People who love to eat will eat more or less, so fat people generally can’t go wrong with a restaurant that tastes good.

"No way! I've really lost a lot of weight now!"

Lu Ming expressed great doubts about Luo Ziqian's words.

After the two chatted for more than ten minutes, they both hung up the phone.

After Luo Ziqian smiled and hung up the phone, he looked at the computer desktop and a large pile of files on his left hand side, and his expression became very ugly again.

After sitting on the chair in a daze for a few minutes, Luo Ziqian suddenly impatiently swept away the files and turned off the computer.

"What the hell, I have a net worth of millions and yet I'm still being treated like this! At worst, I'll be fired and quit my job!"

With that said, Luo Ziqian got up angrily, left the office, and rushed back to his rental house to take a shower and wait for his appointment.

That's right.

Luo Ziqian, nicknamed Fatty, is Lu Ming's dormitory brother.

The four people in Lu Ming's dormitory had a good relationship in college. When Lu Ming entrusted Kou Zhong to handle wheat futures, he asked Kou Zhong and the other two people in the dormitory, Xie Weize and Luo Ziqian, to give them a ride.

In that wave of wheat futures, Luo Ziqian also gained a lot, easily making 800 million yuan.

With 800 to [-] million in hand, Luo Ziqian was very high-spirited during that time, and he spoke with a bit more momentum.

But the good times didn't last long. Unexpectedly, his father actually said that he could find connections for him to find a job in Kyoto.

Although he was reluctant, he finally couldn't defeat his father and came to Kyoto to work.

But in this job, he was always made things difficult and bullied by his superiors, who often made him work overtime, which completely suppressed his momentum.

He had no friends in Kyoto, and his colleagues at work were afraid of avoiding him, so he could only endure it and keep these things in his heart.

So Luo Ziqian was very surprised and happy to find Lu Ming in Kyoto today.After Lu Ming hung up the phone, he found Lin Wanzheng looking at him in confusion.


"Husband, do you have friends in Kyoto?"

Lin Wan could tell that the relationship between this man and Lu Ming was unusual. The two were very familiar when chatting, laughing and scolding.

Lu Ming nodded.

"Well, I have a brother from a dormitory at the university. I didn't know before that he just came to Kyoto to work. He just saw my post on Moments and called me right away."

"I didn't expect that the Moments I asked you to post could have such an effect."

Lin Wan smiled, a little surprised.She had heard Lu Ming talk about the four people in the dormitory before, but she had never seen them before.

"Yes, it just so happens that this time I can take you to meet Fatty."


She also heard the conversation on the phone just now, and she was still looking forward to meeting Lu Ming's friends.

About an hour later, Luo Ziqian sent Lu Ming an address.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan, who had already been prepared, immediately drove out and drove the navigation to their destination.

The destination is quite far away, nearly an hour's drive.

After all, the house Luo Ziqian rented was not in the community center, and the barbecue restaurant he mentioned was near where he lived.

Fortunately, there were not many vehicles on the road at night. Lu Ming drove at full speed and arrived in half an hour.


As soon as he got off the car, Lu Ming saw Luo Ziqian sitting outside.

After being called by Lu Ming, Luo Ziqian raised his head and saw Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

"Lu Ming! This way!"

Lin Wan looked in the direction of Luo Ziqian. She and Lu Ming got married in a hurry. Lu Ming only called his local relatives in Haibin.

So this was the first time she saw Luo Ziqian, and she couldn't help but feel doubtful.

Obviously Luo Ziqian is not fat either...?Why are you called fat?

The two of them walked quickly towards Luo Ziqian, and Lu Ming punched him in the chest.

"Fat man! What's wrong with you?! You're so thin?!
Are you really serious about losing weight? !I almost don’t recognize dad..."

"Screw you, it's okay if you don't recognize me, as long as I recognize your son!"

As soon as Lu Ming and Luo Ziqian met, they exchanged cordial greetings. The two seemed to be as "intimate" as they were in college.

Lin Wan looked at Lu Ming curiously. This was the first time she had seen Lu Ming like this.

"Tch, I won't argue with you for now. Let me introduce you to her. This is my wife, Lin Wan."

"Honey, this is one of my brothers in the dormitory, Luo Ziqian, nicknamed Fatty. Although I don't know why he is not fat now."

Luo Ziqian ignored Lu Ming's teasing and was very serious when facing Lin Wan.

"Hello, sister-in-law, I didn't expect this guy Lu Ming to be so lucky..."

Lin Wan also greeted: "Hello, I've heard Lu Ming tell you about you a long time ago..."

A group of people sat down at a table outside the barbecue restaurant.

"Boss, five skewers of lamb kidneys, twenty skewers of mutton, twenty skewers of beef, a dozen oysters..."

(End of this chapter)

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