Chapter 312

These are the things they must order when they go to college to make skewers.

After clicking, Luo Ziqian secretly winked at Lu Ming.

"The sheep kidneys here really don't matter!"

This is something that the four people in their dormitory love to eat.

After speaking, Luo Ziqian looked at Lin Wan and asked.

"Sister-in-law, can you have some wine tonight?"

He was asking Lin Wan's opinion respectfully. After all, things were different now. It wasn't when he was in college, Lu Ming was already married.

"Okay, you drink. I will be the driver to take you back tonight."

Naturally, Lin Wan would not stop Lu Ming and Luo Ziqian from drinking. They had not seen each other for such a long time. Of course, they would have to reminisce about old times when they meet again.

Although it was just a simple matter, Luo Ziqian immediately felt that Lin Wan was very gentle and considerate, and there was nothing to say.

He immediately gave Lin Wan a thumbs up and a like.

"Boss, add another case of beer and a Jiaduobao."

After ordering, the three of them started chatting.

Lu Ming asked Luo Ziqian curiously: "Why did you suddenly come to Kyoto? You should be very happy back home, right?"

Luo Ziqian's job in his hometown is good, from [-] to [-], with two weekends off, and he can also ask for leave when he is late, but the salary is relatively low.

But last time he followed him and made a lot of money, including several million. If he didn't spend the money randomly or start a business, he should be able to live a happy life.

"Yes, who says no?!!"

When Lu Ming said this, Luo Ziqian felt so bitter that he wanted to vomit.

He has a house and a car in his hometown, has no pressure at work, and has millions in his hands. He can live a good life just relying on salary and bank interest. He has nothing to do but drink and get massages. Who wouldn't envy such a life!

His father can't stand it!
I think he is degenerate, and young people should work hard and not enjoy life so early, as if this will make it useless.

So I found a job for him and brought him to Kyoto.

"Tell me, what's so good about Kyoto? There's so much smog and traffic jams all day long.

And the housing prices are simply astronomical. With the salary from my job, even if I invest all my millions, I can only buy a small house in the suburbs...

And that job...

Hey, it’s okay not to mention this. "

Lu Ming could tell that Luo Ziqian was not happy in Kyoto, and listened quietly to his complaints.

"If this continues, I won't be able to survive in Kyoto, and I won't be able to maintain a foothold in Kyoto. Then why should I suffer here every day? I might as well go back to my hometown and be free..."

In fact, Luo Ziqian's life and confidence are much better than those of ordinary people. After all, he has money and is not lacking in material life, but his work has caused him great mental pressure.

He could just resign and go back to his hometown to continue living his happy life. He would have a wide escape route behind him.

But the main thing is to consider his father. Luo Ziqian's father found this job with great difficulty. If he did this, the father and son would have a big fight when he went back, and he would continue to dislike Luo Ziqian's life in his hometown.

That's why Luo Ziqian had been holding back. Normally there was no familiar person around him to whom he could confide. Now that he saw Lu Ming, he could finally confide boldly.

After talking a lot, Luo Ziqian suddenly felt a little embarrassed. As a man, this seemed a bit pretentious.

"Sorry, I'm usually a bit stressed and talk too much..."

Just as the barbecue restaurant was serving food, he took the opportunity to change the subject.

"Come, come, this is delicious, try it while it's hot..."

Lu Ming took the beef skewers he handed over and responded: "Why are you being so pretentious with me?! Just say what you want to say, haven't I seen enough of your embarrassing things?!" "Hey, hey, I said now. , don’t talk about the past!”

Luo Ziqian quickly stopped Lu Ming from making a dangerous statement. Lin Wan was here and he was afraid of losing face.

Lu Ming smiled and gave the meat skewers to Lin Wan next to him without saying anything else.

As brothers in the dormitory, they slept in the same room for more than three years and got along well with each other, so there were few secrets between them.

Lu Ming had witnessed Luo Ziqian's many embarrassing things in college.

For example, failing to pursue a girl, drinking and crying, and then confessing his love to Kou Zhong in the dormitory. These are Luo Ziqian's dark histories, which can be brought out to poke him and make jokes every time.

"Okay, then give me a blowjob."

"Blow it, blow it, and show it to you right away!"

"No, do you raise fish?!"

"If not, go to the children's table."

Lin Wan smiled as she watched the two of them playing with each other, and poured wine for Lu Ming from time to time, and reminded him to eat more to fill his stomach, so that he would not feel uncomfortable.

"Lao Lu, I envy you so much. Among our brothers, you are the first to get married...

And my sister-in-law is so beautiful, she has nothing to say to you. "

Luo Ziqian's cheeks were red and he breathed out the smell of alcohol. He was usually very nervous, but now he relaxed. In addition, he drank more quickly, so he was a little drunk for a while.

Lu Ming acted like a normal person. Now that beer was something to him, he would digest the alcohol immediately after drinking it.

"Fat man, if you're not happy, just go back to your hometown! You're so thin now, you have money and a house, but you're still worried that you can't find a wife?"

When Luo Ziqian was in college, he was repeatedly rejected by girls because he was fat. Now that he has lost weight, he is much more handsome and energetic, and he will definitely not be like before.

"Lao Lu, you don't know! I lost weight not because I seriously lost weight, but because I was forced to!
The job I have now is simply not done by a human being. I work overtime until night every day, and my money will be deducted if I make any mistakes.

I eat a lot now, even more, but I still keep losing weight..."

Lu Ming frowned when he heard this. According to what Luo Ziqian said, his weight loss was completely squeezed by his work. If this continued for a long time, his body would definitely not be able to bear it.

Also, why keep this kind of job?

"Then why don't you resign?"

Luo Ziqian sighed after hearing this.

"My old man won't let me! If I resign directly and go back, he will definitely make trouble with me. He recently found out that he has a heart problem. I'm afraid that it will irritate him. If something happens to my brother... Then I'm really …”

Lu Ming was stunned.

It turns out that Luo Ziqian has always been a casual, unambitious person who enjoys life.

Now I am willing to endure this kind of fatigue and suffering, just because I have no choice but to do so.

"What's the name of the company you work for?"

Lu Ming wanted to know a little more and see if there was any way to help Luo Ziqian.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

But just then Luo Ziqian's cell phone rang.

When he took it out and looked at it, his face instantly became very ugly.

"I'll take a call..."

I took my phone, got up and walked away...

(End of this chapter)

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