Chapter 319 How dare you?

Lu Ming saw Wang Yi and suddenly realized.

Then all this would be explained. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that these gangsters came to cause trouble for them on purpose.

There is always a reason for this, or it could be said that it is the mastermind behind it. They will not act out this scene for no reason.

So when Lu Ming saw these gangsters acting, he didn't immediately argue with them or dismiss them. Instead, he observed the surrounding environment to see if there was anyone else there.


This time he saw Wang Yi hiding in the dark.

Although there was some distance and the lights were dim, Wang Yi's fat figure was not easy to hide.

With his eyes rolling and a smile on his face, he was ready to watch the scene of Luo Ziqian being beaten up.

Lu Ming also didn't expect that Wang Yi could not bear it so much and that revenge would come so quickly.

As soon as the front foot left, the back foot signaled a group of gangsters to come over.

He originally planned to go to the bank tomorrow to help Luo Ziqian support the situation. Once his identity was exposed, Wang Yi would no longer dare to confront Luo Ziqian.

Obviously, it has become an emergency.

But it's just a small thing.

At this moment.

The quarrel between Luo Ziqian and Xie Jianglong has entered a heated stage.

They started swearing at each other and calling each other names.

But the two sides have yet to take action.

Xie Jianglong's side has a large number of people and a lot of momentum. Whether it's a scolding or a fight, they will definitely not lose. But that is not what they are considering, but to let Luo Ziqian take the lead.

In this way, even if he is caught by the police, it will only be an ordinary mass fight, not a case of hsh beating someone.

So a group of them kept yelling at each other like they were playing house, boring the people around them.

Each of them had been holding their cell phones for a long time, and their hands were sore. The group of people were still yelling at each other, but they didn't even start a fight.

It's not interesting, not interesting at all.

I even started to wonder if these gangsters could do it?
There are so many people, and none of them look like good people. How dare you take action after being scolded by one person for so long? !

"What a hot chick, when I came out to fool around, you were still in your mother's womb! Do you believe that I made it impossible for you to get out of here today?

You are a coward, if you can leave, I will take your last name! "

Xie Jianglong continued to stimulate Wang Yi, and under his instructions, his younger brothers also continued to narrow the scope of the circle.

They pressed forward step by step, narrowing the scope of activities of Luo Ziqian and others.

at last.

Stimulated within the safe range of words and body, Luo Ziqian began to try to resist.

Withstanding Xie Jianglong's approach, the two began to compete with each other.

But as soon as Luo Ziqian exerted his strength, Xie Jianglong was pushed out by him, staggered, and fell heavily to the ground.

be cheated.

He didn't use any force to resist Luo Ziqian, but Luo Ziqian pushed him out with force.

"You fucking pushed me! Everyone saw it, he was the one who made the move first!"

Xie Jianglong got up from the ground and shouted "No Silver 300 Liang Here", indicating that it was Luo Ziqian who made the move first.

Purpose achieved.

Then they can start teaching Luo Ziqian a lesson without restraint.

Xie Jianglong glanced around and looked around at Luo Ziqian, Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

Finally it fell on Lin Wan, with a hint of fire and ill-intention in her eyes.

They didn't know that there was Lu Ming and Lin Wan here at first, and they came here for Luo Ziqian, but Xie Jianglong didn't take it seriously. There was no difference between one and three little dolls, and it didn't affect them at all.

"This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise..." Xie Jianglong thought to himself, and began to imagine how the beautiful woman in front of him would be frightened and panicked after he showed off his power and beat Luo Ziqian severely.

But he didn't notice that Lin Wan had been sitting calmly and leisurely on the chair, her posture never moved, and she didn't feel nervous or scared at all. Instead, she seemed to be watching a good show with interest.

Just when Xie Jianglong began to fantasize about holding the beauty back by force.

Lu Ming felt that this scene was almost over.

He strode to Luo Ziqian's side, reached out and patted Luo Ziqian, asking him to retreat to his side.

Amid Luo Ziqian's doubts, Lu Ming and Xie Jianglong stood face to face.

Immediately I saw the lust in Xie Jianglong's eyes.

Lu Ming understood something immediately. The gangster leader had an idea that he shouldn't have, and his face instantly dropped and he sneered.

"Why are you pretending to smile like that? Get out of here."

Lu Ming blocked Xie Jianglong's view, preventing him from seeing Lin Wan behind him.

When Xie Jianglong saw such a handsome face in front of him, he couldn't help but think of his own bald head and sideways face, and he felt extremely jealous.

He hates handsome pretty boys the most!

This makes him even more ugly. How can someone as ugly as him live? ?

Especially when this pretty boy was still standing in front of him, sneering in a pretentious manner.

Xie Jianglong thought in his mind that he could give this boy a lesson later, especially if he wanted to greet his brothers, he would have to hit him in the face!


Seeing that Lu Ming didn't respond, Xie Jianglong was about to curse again.

But before he finished speaking, there was a whistling wind in his ears.


yes!But not quite!

It was the sound of wind caused by the slap.


Lu Ming's slap really hit Xie Jianglong's plump face.

A clear and loud slap sounded from the scene.

Lu Ming's action without saying a word shocked everyone present.

Oh, except Lin Wan.

Luo Ziqian next to Lu Ming was stunned and looked at Lu Ming with wide eyes. He didn't expect Lu Ming to be so tough. He just scolded the other party for so long and didn't dare to make a move. But Lu Ming didn't say a word and just killed the person. The gangster leader was beaten.

But what to do next? They really can't leave, and they may even be beaten by these gangsters.

The spectators hiding aside also caused waves of commotion among them.

Many people immediately exclaimed.

They didn't expect that a large group of gangsters had been yelling at each other and didn't dare to fight.

But this handsome guy is so fierce!
As soon as he came up, he gave the gangster leader a big bag.

Isn't this much more powerful than that group of gangsters who dare not take action? !

However, some people began to worry about Lu Ming. In their view, Lu Ming made a sudden move and Xie Jianglong was unable to react in time. But it is easy to imagine what will happen to Lu Ming next, and he will definitely be beaten badly.

They must be on Lu Ming's side in their hearts, but their position and whether they dare to help are another matter.

"Big brother!"

"Brother Long, are you okay!"

Xie Jianglong's younger brother helped him in panic, while other younger brothers looked at Lu Ming with shock in their eyes.

"How dare you hit my big brother??!"

(End of this chapter)

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