Chapter 320 Don't joke

Lu Ming's slap was so hard that Xie Jianglong's body, which weighed nearly two hundred kilograms, lost its balance.

Fortunately, the little brother next to him reacted in time and supported him.

When he came back from the state of staring at stars, Xie Jianglong's physical pain suddenly came up.

I just felt an excruciating pain on my face, a burning pain, and there was a hint of blood in my mouth.


Xie Jianglong spat out a mouthful of blood-streaked saliva, along with a black and yellow tooth.

Lu Ming's slap knocked out one of his cavities.

Really saved the cost of tooth extraction.

"Brother, are you okay?"

"Brother Long is bleeding!!"

The younger brothers looked at Lu Ming with fire in their eyes.

They also didn't expect that in their eyes, this quiet pretty boy who had always dared not speak would beat their boss like this with just one move.

Xie Jianglong himself didn't expect it.

I just felt like I was pecked in the eye by a goose all day long, and actually got slapped in the face by a pretty boy!
And this pretty boy is pretty strong?
If this kind of thing spreads, how can he mess around in the future?

Originally, he just accepted Wang Yi's mission and was playing tricks on Luo Ziqian with a playful mentality.

But this time he was really angry.

"Give it to me...! I want these bright people to have a good time on their arms!"

Because Xie Jianglong was in severe pain on his face, his wounds were involved when he spoke, and his words were a bit irregular, but the younger brothers could still hear his angry words.

At his order, everyone was gearing up.

Lu Ming was fearless and waited for them to come forward.

Seeing this, Luo Ziqian on the side quickly took Lu Ming out and stood side by side beside Lu Ming, indicating that he would fight with him.

Although the opponent is outnumbered and has experience in fighting.

But Luo Ziqian was not vain at the critical moment. As Lu Ming's brother, he faced it with him.

The worst that could happen would be to get beaten up.

With so many people watching, do you dare to beat them to death?
Lu Ming was a little touched by Luo Ziqian's actions.

Luo Ziqian knew he was invincible and still fought with him. These are the kind of brothers who can truly communicate with each other.

A friend in need is a friend.

But well.

I've received my wish, so let's forget about the fight.

I don’t know if Luo Ziqian, the fat man, has ever fought with anyone in his life.

Lu Ming could easily deal with these gangsters. If there was Luo Ziqian, he would have to protect him. Maybe without taking care of it, Luo Ziqian would have to suffer a few more blows, which would not be worth it.

At this time, seven or eight gangsters also rushed over one after another.

Lu Ming first pushed Luo Ziqian beside him behind him, and then stepped forward to meet him.

Suddenly he arrived in front of the gangster at the front. The gangster was obviously stunned. He didn't expect Lu Ming to dare to rush forward.

"Still dazed after fighting?!"

Lu Ming reminded him, then raised his foot and hit his Fengshi point accurately.

The little gangster felt a sharp electric shock-like sensation coming over him, and then he could only lie down on the ground, hugging his legs and hissing and wailing.

To put it simply, the place where Lu Ming kicked him was the person's hamstring. After the hamstring is hit, it can temporarily numb the person's lower limbs and make them lose mobility. Generally, people who are kicked in the hamstring will hug their legs and fall to the ground. .

There are many acupuncture points that can also make people lose mobility, including the stunning 36th acupoint and the fatal [-]th acupoint.

But there was nothing wrong with Lu Ming and these little gangsters. All he had to do was simply let them lie down.One person fell down, and two people were in front of him again.

There is no structure for gangsters to fight. They are just surrounded by many people. It is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. You are unable to resist for a while. If you block the first one and cannot avoid the second one, you will always receive a punch from one person.

But in Lu Ming's eyes, their speed was too slow, as slow as if they were driven at a 0.5 multiplier.

The two shot at the same time.

Lu Ming arrived first, and after patting someone on the head, he immediately fainted.

He already had his hands free to deal with the other person, and easily grasped the other person's fist...

The little gangster was stunned, could he still be like this?
He quickly tried to pull his hand away, but found that his hand seemed to be clamped by an iron pliers.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull it out. Instead, he pulled his hand.

"Ah!! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

The little gangster jumped on his feet and whined, and Lu Ming squeezed his fist with a little force.

"Come and help me!"

The little gangster shouted, and the others quickly rushed forward again.



Before everyone could see clearly how Lu Ming took action, the two gangsters on the left and right lay down again, unconscious.

You know, Lu Ming still held the fist of a gangster in his right hand, leaving only one left hand. People rushed towards him from the left and right at the same time, but he knocked them unconscious with his left hand.

Luo Ziqian was behind Lu Ming, with his fists clenched and a look of shock on his face.

He was the closest to Lu Ming, but he couldn't understand it at all. It seemed that as soon as these gangsters got close to Lu Ming, they were lightly beaten and immediately lost mobility or fell into coma.

If I hadn't been the person involved, I would have thought it was an act when I saw this!Moreover, they are still the kind of third-rate grass-stage troupe whose scenes are extremely perfunctory.

Even Luo Ziqian couldn't understand it, let alone the audience watching.

Everyone was talking like a pot was exploding.

"This handsome guy is awesome! He defeated so many of them by himself!"

"Wori, are you acting?! This is too fake!"

"Isn't it?! One person can fight so many? That's nonsense."

"What's even more outrageous is that those gangsters fainted as soon as they got close, and they didn't even start a fight!"


Lu Ming didn't know what the crowd was talking about and didn't care. He let go of the little gangster's hand in front of him.

The little gangster was overjoyed to have his hands freed when he turned around and was kicked by Lu Ming, knocking him to the ground like his other accomplices.

Lu Ming looked at the gangster lying on the ground, either unconscious or wailing.

There were only two people left in front of him, Xie Jianglong and a younger brother supporting him.

It was the gangster who was so skinny that he kicked a wine bottle and fell over it.

Xie Jianglong and Ergou looked at Lu Ming who was approaching them. They were no longer as arrogant as they were at the beginning. They had already realized that they had hit an iron plate.

This pretty boy is such a practicing master!

Seven or eight brothers surrounded him but could not get close to him. Instead, they were all knocked down.

There were only two of them left, and they couldn't make waves, but Xie Jianglong still pushed Ergou beside him: "Come on, Ergou, you... you... you get up...!"

Xie Jianglong wanted Ergou to delay for a while so that he could escape.

Being pushed by Xie Jianglong, Ergou was so frightened that he hurriedly took a few steps back and hid behind Xie Jianglong.

"Brother Long, stop am I...not my opponent!"

 Thank you to book friends 854***432 and 20230110070619189 for your monthly ticket rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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