Chapter 334 You said it earlier!

Qiu Wenhua just watched Lin Xingxian making a phone call quietly, without stopping him or feeling uneasy at all.

After Lin Xingxian finished all this, he came back and looked at him with a look in his eyes.

"Now let's see how you defend this kid!"

Lin Xingxian had just made a report to the chairman of Universe Bank with these words, adding more fuel to the fire and avoiding the more serious. After hearing his side of the story, the chairman also got very angry.

He quickly submitted his opinion on how to deal with it, saying that an ordinary big customer of their Universe Bank could afford the loss and it would not have any impact, but if he let the other party go like this, he would be slapped in the face. Anyone can come to the Universe Building to cause trouble.

Since the chairman of Universe Bank was not clear about the matter, and because he believed in Lin Xingxian, he verbally said on the phone that he would have full authority to handle the matter.

With the chairman's authorization, he didn't believe that Qiu Wenhua still dared to go against him!
"I have already reported this matter to the chairman, and the chairman agreed with my solution and gave me full authority to handle the matter!
Director Qiu!Get out of the way, the security department is going to arrest people! "

Lin Xingxian thought that if he moved the chairman out, Qiu Wenhua would admit defeat, but he didn't expect that Qiu Wenhua would immediately retort as soon as he finished speaking.

"Impossible! I don't agree! Mr. Lu Ming is a big customer of our Universe Bank. I don't believe that the chairman will agree to what you do! I want to communicate with the chairman myself!"

Qiu Wenhua's tone was irritable. Although he didn't know what Lin Xingxian said to the chairman, he knew it was not a good thing without thinking. He must have deceived the chairman, otherwise how could the chairman agree to do this!
"What's impossible!? Can one big customer do whatever he wants in our Universe Building?? Then if our Universe Bank has so many big customers and everyone is like him, wouldn't our Universe Building be in ruins!

This kind of thing must not be tolerated just because of his status as a big customer, isn't he just a big customer?Our Universe Bank can afford the loss! "

Lin Xingxian secretly changed the concept and even talked about the ruins of the Universe Building. In the end, he said proudly, wasn't it just a loss of a big customer?
Lu Ming curled his lips after hearing this, is that so?How much can you afford to lose?So he really wants to give it a try?
Qiu Wenhua was instantly anxious!
Are you kidding me? !Can Universe Bank afford to lose a super-large customer with the Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card? !
Lu Ming, a super-large customer, has more than [-] billion stable deposits in the Universe Bank and rarely flows. What is the concept? !

This is a real cash flow of tens of billions!Not a stock!Real estate!Antiques and other assets that need to be liquidated and converted!

Even a group with a market value of hundreds of billions in the stock market may not have such a huge cash flow!
These days, the market value and stocks are all fictitious. They may depreciate several times in one fell swoop. Only cash flow is the real king!
These tens of billions of deposits account for a huge proportion of the cash flow of their Universe Bank. This money can be used by their Universe Bank to make money, and the cycle continues.

If Lu Ming suddenly decides to transfer all tens of billions of funds, their Universe Bank will have to implement it. They may not be able to mobilize such a large amount of cash flow for a while. Even if they do, it will definitely cause a serious problem to the Universe Bank. The blow!

Not only is it as simple as hurting your muscles and bones, but if your peers secretly add insult to injury, you may even be left in the cold.

Even more terrifying is...

As a user of the Supreme Dragon Black Card, Lu Ming is the most focused customer of the Key Account Department. Qiu Wenhua has director authority and can see some of the fund transactions in the account, including the source of the continuous inflow of funds.

Hongyan Group, Maria Private Hospital, Douyin, Wanning Group...etc., these are the top groups at home and abroad. These companies will receive large dividends into Lu Ming's account every year, which Qiu Wenhua could easily guess. What……

But the customer's information was private, and he couldn't say these words directly in front of so many people, so Qiu Wenhua had no choice but to speak quickly.

"Director Lin! What are you talking about?! Are you looking down on our ordinary customers?!"

Qiu Wenhua originally did not want to reveal Lu Ming's identity and attempted to continue the confrontation with Lin Xingxian.

But at this time, Lin Xingxian thought that he had obtained the Chairman's Sword of Shang Fang, and was too lazy to continue arguing with him, so he waved his hand.

"I have been authorized by the chairman, and I have full authority to handle this matter! Members of the security department, hurry up and arrest these unknown dangerous elements! If Director Qiu continues to persist in his obsession, pull him away and give him some time. I’ll think it through!”

With the name Chairman brought out, members of the security department had to obey Lin Xingxian's orders. No matter how important Qiu Wenhua was, he was not as big as the Chairman.

At this time, Qiu Wenhua could no longer care about anything and shouted loudly.

"Lin Xingxian! How dare you!! Mr. Lu Ming is the supreme dragon pattern black card customer of our Universe Bank!!"

He didn't even call him Director Lin, he called Lin Xingxian by his first name, and revealed Lu Ming's identity.

When Lin Xingxian heard this, he suddenly became excited, his whole body was numb, and he looked at Qiu Wenhua and Lu Ming in disbelief.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

"You...what did you say...?"

He couldn't believe his ears and suspected that he had heard wrongly just now.

Qiu Wenhua didn't dare to disclose the privacy of Lu Ming's deposits, but in the end he was forced to reveal Lu Ming's identity as a customer in the bank. This was okay and harmless.

As a director of Universe Bank, Lin Xingxian naturally knows what the Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card customer represents.

So after hearing Qiu Wenhua's words, he was immediately stunned!
He judged people by their appearance, and seeing Lu Ming's young appearance, he thought he was an ordinary big customer who could be bullied.

but now!
Qiu Wenhua actually said that the other party was a user of the Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card of Universe Bank?!
How can this be? !
"Mr. Lu Ming is our distinguished Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card customer of Universe Bank!"

Qiu Wenhua was so angry that he repeated it very seriously.

Lin Xingxian began to frown and purse his mouth. When he first heard this, his first thought was that it was impossible. Could it be that Qiu Wenhua was telling lies in order to protect the other party?

But after hearing the other party emphasize it again, he felt that Qiu Wenhua should not dare to lie about the identity of the Supreme Dragon Black Card customer.

and so……

What Qiu Wenhua said is true...

The other party is really the supreme dragon pattern black card customer of Universe Bank! ! !

No wonder Qiu Wenhua looked like he would protect to the death and lick the dog loyally as soon as he came in.

In this case, you should have told me so early!
I wonder if it’s too late to turn back now? ? ?

 Thanks to book friend Su Mucheng, 854***213, 20230119736732, and Liangyou for your monthly ticket reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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