Chapter 335 It's Not That Simple

Lin Xingxian has now begun to regret what he did before!

If he had known that Lu Ming was a customer of their Universe Bank Supreme Dragon Mark Black Card, he would not have shouted for arrest as soon as he arrived.

To put it more realistically, it would definitely not work for ordinary customers to smash the offices of the Universe Building. Wouldn’t this be a slap in the face of Universe Bank?Must be severely punished!
But the Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card customer smashed the office...

no problem!completely fine!Well done!I applauded while smashing, and when I was tired of smashing, I had to hand over water thoughtfully.

No wonder Qiu Wenhua said that it didn’t matter even if they destroyed their entire key account department, it was still their honor. Compared with the importance of the Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card key account, the offices in the Universe Building were simply not worth mentioning!
Thinking of this, Lin Xingxian regretted more and more, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

I saw his expression change, from the majestic and aloof look just now to a friendly and approachable look with a smile on his face.

This face-changing speed is comparable to that of a Sichuan Opera face-changing master.

"It turns out to be Mr. Lu!! Sorry! I'm so sorry!
Everything was just a misunderstanding. I don’t know the relationship between you and our bank, so anything unpleasant may have happened.

But now that I know your identity, the misunderstanding has been resolved. It’s good that the misunderstanding has been resolved.

I believe that as Mr. Lu, he definitely did not destroy Manager Wang’s office on purpose. Yes, yes, it was unintentional, so we will not hold anyone responsible..."

As Lin Xingxian was talking, he came to Lu Ming with a warm and friendly look. I don't know, he thought he was very familiar with Lu Ming.

It was as if the things he had been forcing the members of the security department to arrest Lu Ming had disappeared and ceased to exist.

"Since it is a misunderstanding, Mr. Lu, let's leave here. I will take you to visit our Universe Building and receive you well!"

Lin Xingxian thought that he had bowed his head first, and at the same time he had given the other party enough face and steps. Lu Ming only had to follow the steps and the matter would be over.

Moreover, he invited Lu Ming to visit the Universe Building because he wanted to see if he could slightly ease the relationship during this time together. It would be better if both parties could get along happily.

But it turned out that Lin Xingxian thought too much, and even thought too beautifully!
Lu Ming did not respond to his words, but directly pulled two positions back to distance himself from Lin Xingxian.

"You are wrong. This is not a misunderstanding. I just deliberately smashed this office..."

Lu Ming slapped Lin Xingxian in the face mercilessly. Did he need the steps Lin Xingxian gave him? !

No need!
Say it was a misunderstanding, take him to visit, and let the matter pass like this?

Lu Ming could only say that this matter is not that simple!
Smashing the office was just the first step. He had other plans next, and there was no way he could be fooled by Lin Xingxian.

As for holding him accountable?If you have the guts, pursue it. Let’s see who can’t stand it.

As soon as Lu Ming said these words.

Lin Xingxian was immediately embarrassed, and the whole office fell into a weird atmosphere.

No one knew what to say or do, including Lin Xingxian...

He was slapped in the face at this time. Due to Lu Ming's status, he couldn't fight back in anger, but he couldn't give the other side of his face to be slapped either.

Just listen to Lu Ming continue to speak.

"My brother Luo Ziqian is an employee of the Data Department of your Universe Bank. He has been unfairly squeezed and forced here. Naturally, I have to stand up for him."

Lu Ming said, staring directly at Wang Yi in front of him.

Wang Yi was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head and hid in the gap.When things got to this point, he was really scared to death.

I thought that after my father-in-law arrived, he would be able to take down Lu Ming and the others, and I would be safe. However, things took a turn for the worse, and in the end it was revealed that the other party was a Supreme Dragon Pattern Black Card customer of my bank!
Therefore, he was completely frightened and did not dare to talk nonsense anymore. He carefully stayed in the gap and tried to reduce his presence as much as possible.

But I kept scolding my mother in my heart.

Luo Ziqian, why do you have such a relationship? You should expose it as soon as possible!

As long as the Supreme Dragon Pattern Hacker client can help you, oh no, if you reveal yourself that you have such an identity, I won’t dare to do anything to you!

Without saying a word, he allowed himself to take action, making him think that Luo Ziqian was really just a young Beijing drifter who had nothing to do with him.

Even if Wang Yi is hiding in the gap, in the final analysis, he is also the source of this matter, and Lu Ming will not forget his existence.

Lu Ming's words made it very obvious. He was obviously here to help Luo Ziqian, and he smashed Wang Yi's office just to vent his anger on his brother.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

This matter is that there was a problem in the internal management of our Universe Bank, which caused your brother to be hurt.

I am here to sincerely apologize to you for your brother. We must deal with these issues seriously and severely punish the relevant personnel! "

At this time, Lin Xingxian had to stand up and apologize quickly.

Because of Lu Ming's identity and Wang Yi's identity, after all, he was his son-in-law. Although he usually didn't think highly of this son-in-law, he had to protect him.

So even if that's what he said, if he said it nicely, he should be dealt with seriously and punished severely.

But as long as Lu Ming's anger is calmed down, and after Lu Ming and the others leave, the company will handle the matter internally and give Wang Yi a few mild punishments, and the matter will be over.

How could Lu Ming not guess what he was thinking?
So he wouldn't listen to Lin Xingxian's nonsense at all. He glanced at Lin Xingxian and said.

"No need, I will handle this myself!

Wang Yi ordered a group of gangsters to teach my brother Luo Ziqian a lesson last night. I must not make him pay a price? ! "

With that said, Lu Ming moved his steps and prepared to walk towards Wang Yi.

Everyone was shocked, is there such a thing? !And judging from what Lu Ming meant, he wanted to hit Wang Yi!
Lin Xingxian quickly stopped and wanted to hold Lu Ming back.

"Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu! Is there any misunderstanding? Or I will ask Wang Yi to compensate Luo Ziqian...!"

Lu Ming ignored it, threw away Lin Xingxian, and walked towards Wang Yi.

Lin Xingxian shouted quickly.

"Security Department, hurry up! Stop him! Protect Manager Wang! There must be no retaliation incident of beating people in the Universe Tower!"

In order to protect the safety of his son-in-law Wang Yi, Lin Xingxian no longer cared about the identity of Lu Ming's supreme dragon pattern hacker client.

Wang Hao and other members of the security department looked at this scene and felt their scalps go numb. They couldn't afford to offend everyone here, they were being shouted at all the time.

Now Lin Xingxian has issued instructions again, will they listen or not...

(End of this chapter)

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