Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 346 Giving roses to others, there is a fragrance in the hand

Chapter 346 Giving roses to others, there is a fragrance in the hand

I don't know whether it was because he had to spend a lot of money to repair his car, or because tonight's date was ruined, Miao Ziyi held a breath in his heart, thinking about catching the person who hit his car.

He didn't think about what he would do to the person after he found him, he just wanted to find the murderer.

So he asked the internet celebrity next to him.

"Do you remember what kind of car was parked inside?"

When the little internet celebrity was asked this question, he paused and thought: "Hmm... It seems to be a black Bentley?
I don’t know the exact model of the car, but it’s an SUV. "

"What else? Have you seen the license plate?" Miao Ziyi continued to ask.

This stumped the little internet celebrity. How could she see the license plate?

"This... I don't know, I didn't see it."

The little internet celebrity said truthfully.

at this time.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan's car happened to drive out and drove past the little internet celebrity.

The little internet celebrity was immediately excited and felt that this car looked familiar!Isn't this the Bentley? !Take a closer look!There are also signs of dents on the front of the car!
"That's it! That's him!"

The little internet celebrity jumped to her feet and pointed at the retreating silhouette of the Bentley.


Miao Ziyi has not yet reacted.

"It was the car that hit me!! Jing Q032A!"

The little internet celebrity tried his best to see clearly the license plate of Lu Ming's vehicle.

"Is it that car?! Are you sure?!" Miao Ziyi was ecstatic and didn't mind watching the car drive away. As long as he knew the license plate number, it would be easy to find!
Originally, he thought he would have to put in a lot of effort to find someone to investigate and monitor.

"It's definitely true! Bentley, and I also saw impact marks on the front of that car!"

The little internet celebrity nodded, very sure.

Miao Ziyi immediately took out his mobile phone and called his friend.

"Brother Li?!

My Ziyi!I have something to trouble you with, help me check the license plate.

Yeah, don't worry, I don't want to cause trouble, please! "

After hanging up the phone, Miao Ziyi looked at the little internet celebrity with satisfaction. She had helped a lot with today's affairs and performed very well. We can make an appointment for a while longer and there is no rush to change people.

"Thanks to you today, let's go shopping!"

Miao Ziyi fell in love with a young internet celebrity and had no choice but to take a taxi to the mall. The next step for the rich second generation to pick up girls is to shop first and then book a house.

As for the car, we just have to wait for the news.

Lu Ming also didn't expect that when he left, he would be discovered by the owner of the Maserati. He also saw his license plate and was about to find someone to investigate him.

Although even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much, he had already done what he had to do.

On the way back to the hotel.

Lin Wan, the co-pilot, was chatting and eating again like a little hamster.

While taking small bites of the pea yellow pastry, he played with his mobile phone.

"Isn't this bought for Yinyin? Why are you eating it again?"

Lin Wan paused after hearing Lu Ming's words, and then said.

"This pea yellow is quite delicious. Besides, Yinyin's is mine. I haven't told her yet. Even if I eat it all, she won't know!"

Lu Ming immediately laughed out loud.

Before, she praised Lin Wan for remembering to buy souvenirs for Lin Ruyin, but now Lin Wan was eating them secretly, saying that she didn't even know she had eaten them all.

All I can say is that there is a bit of motherly love, but not much...

Lu Ming's laughter was immediately questioned by Lin Wan. " are laughing at me! Are you not letting me eat?"

Lu Ming immediately straightened his face and said righteously: "No, no! As long as you like to eat it, just eat it all and don't give it to Yin Yin."

After saying this, Lin Wan was unhappy again.

"No! This is for Yinyin, I'll just eat a little and send it to her later.

But if I send it over, will it get damaged on the way? !Or does it taste bad if it takes too long? ! "

Lin Wan thought of another problem.

Lu Ming casually gave a solution.

"It's not impossible, if you're worried. Why not just ask the private jet crew to deliver it directly. I guarantee there will be no problems at all."

Lu Ming thought that the borrowed private jet crew was still waiting for him in Kyoto. They were fine anyway, and he didn't lack the fuel money.

As long as Lin Wan's wishes can be fulfilled and these pastries can reach Lin Ruyin quickly and safely, it doesn't mean anything.


Lin Wan was surprised by Lu Ming's proposal.

"Should we send them there by private jet?! This is too luxurious! How much do these pastries cost... You can buy a lot of them for gas!"

Lin Wan bought the things, so she naturally knew the value of these pastries. Not to mention the gas fee, even the fees paid for applying for the route were much more expensive than this.

Therefore, he did not immediately agree with Lu Ming's proposal.

"That's it. I'll have the crew come to the hotel to pick it up later. We're not short of money anyway, what's important is your wishes."

Lin Wan was still hesitating, but Lu Ming simply made the final decision.

Seeing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan had no choice but to agree.

"All right……"

As we neared the hotel, the car became quiet.

Lu Ming parked the car in the parking space and was about to get out of the car when suddenly...


Lin Wan suddenly screamed, startling him.

"What's wrong?!"

I saw Lin Wan holding her mobile phone with a look of joy on her face. She didn't know what she was looking at. !

"Honey, look! It's Wanwan! Wanwan sent me a text message!"

"Wanwan? Why did I send you a text message suddenly? Let me take a look."

Lu Ming took Lin Wan's cell phone, which contained a text message from an unknown number.

"Sister Lin, hello, this is Wanwan. I don't know if sending this text message will disturb you and Brother Lu, but I still want to say thank you to you in person!
But before that, I have to apologize to you!Excuse me!When we first met, I thought you were bad guys for letting you chase me for so long. After that, I couldn’t believe that happy things had happened to me, so I stayed vigilant.

Thank you for your patient explanation, and thank you for everything you do. With your help, my mother finally no longer has to work multiple jobs a day, and I no longer have to go out to sell music to earn living expenses.

In the future, I will definitely aim at Sister Lin, study hard, and become a particularly strong person, and I will also be able to help other people in need in the future! "

This is obviously a thank you letter from Lin Xiwan.

Lin Wan did not expect to receive a thank you letter from Lin Xiwan suddenly, so she was surprised and happy when she saw it.

She felt that she just did what she should do, and now she received the gratitude from the other party, which was a great relief to her.

This also made her feel that she had done the right thing, and she would be more dedicated to this aspect in the future.

After Lu Ming read the text message, he felt very touched.

When you give a rose to someone, the fragrance lingers in your hand, that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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