Chapter 347
Kyoto Ishi Hotel.

Private jet crews have been resting at the hotel recently.

Since they were ordered to wait in Kyoto for Lu Ming's instructions at any time, they could just have fun in Kyoto during the days when they didn't receive instructions to go back.

Wang Lili was resting in her hotel room after a day of travel.

Just as she was getting ready to sleep, her cell phone rang.

After looking at the note, Wang Lili didn't dare to neglect and picked it up quickly.

"Hello, Mr. Lu. I am the flight attendant Wang Lili. What instructions do you have?"

Wang Lili thought it was Lu Ming and the others who wanted to end their trip in Kyoto and return to the magical capital tomorrow.

But only Lu Ming's voice came from the phone.

"Well, I know it's you. I'm in Room 2601 of the Four Seasons Hotel. If I need to see you for something, please come over.

I've already told the front desk to ask them to bring you up when you arrive. "

As soon as he spoke, Lu Ming hung up the phone and there was a beeping sound.

But Wang Lili still held her cell phone tightly to her ear and didn't put it down for a long time.

What is this for? !Call yourself to the hotel at such a late hour!

Could it be possible...? ? !
But when the other party came, he obviously brought a female companion with him? !Why did you call me over again? ?

Late at night, it was hard not to add the hotel address to Wang Lili's mind... The so-called business could not be to serve him, right?

Wang Lili's mind was in confusion. As a beautiful flight attendant, she had always kept herself clean, even if she was fired.

But this time, for some reason, Lu Ming's face came to mind. By some strange combination of circumstances, she slowly forgot all her worries, put on makeup carefully, and arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Wang Lili hesitated at the door of the hotel for a long time, and finally plucked up the courage to press the doorbell.

"You're here?"

It was Lu Ming who opened the door. His hair was not dry yet, and he had a nice scent of shower gel. All this meant that he had just taken a shower.


Wang Lili was very shy, her face turned red, and she lowered her head to her chest.

Lu Ming looked at her strange look and was a little confused. Why was she still blushing and panting?Did you come too quickly and run too fast? Are you tired? ?
Wang Lili didn't dare to look at Lu Ming. When she saw that Lu Ming didn't speak, she was about to take a step into the room.

At this time.

"Husband... is the person here?!"

A female voice came from inside the door, and Wang Lili suddenly realized that there were other women in the room.

He suddenly stopped and widened his eyes, looking at Lu Ming with a horrified look on his face.

Are there other women in the room? ? !Then why did he ask me to come? !
Does this woman know I'm coming? !
No no no no!

Do you want to play so wildly? !Take the initiative to help find a woman? !

1v2?Have you asked me for my opinion? !

Just when Wang Lili's brain exploded and she was terrified, Lin Wan had already ran over with the box.

After taking her hand, Wang Lili subconsciously wanted to resist and withdraw. Although she was mentally prepared for 1v1, 1v2...

She really hadn't thought about it! !

At this time, the hotel room door was like the entrance to the abyss, and Lin Wan's hands were like the devil of the abyss, preparing to pull her to the bottom of the abyss.

But the next moment.

Wang Lili had a heavy gift box in her hand.

"Huh??? What is this?"

This question came to Wang Lili's mind.

"It's all down to you!" Lin Wan thanked her sincerely.

"Please??" Wang Lili felt like her mind could not turn around.

At this time, Lu Ming spoke.

"I'm sorry to bother you for coming here so late.

I have a snack here that I want to send to the Shanghai High School. Could you please fly there tomorrow?

This is the address. You will be sent here when the time comes. "

Wang Lili lowered her head and saw that it was an ordinary Kyoto snack, pea yellow pastry, which she had also eaten today.

But then I reacted immediately...

what did he say? !

Are you sending this cake back to the Magic City? !
Ask her to come to the hotel in the middle of the night! !Just to ask her to send cakes back to the Magic City tomorrow? !
I have made all my mental preparations and mental construction!As a result, I was asked to be a courier to deliver goods? !

Wang Lili's mentality really exploded at this moment.

She realized that she had seriously misunderstood what Lu Ming meant when he asked her to come to the hotel in the middle of the night. Now she was completely awake!
Wang Lili quickly regained her composure, feeling that she must not let Lu Ming and Lin Wan see her original intention.

"It's okay, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu, I happened to be outside at the moment. I happened to get it on the way and went back to rest.

Don't worry, I'll notify the crew as soon as I get back and deliver your things safely as soon as possible tomorrow. "

Wang Lili felt that she was too smart. This excuse was so perfect that no one could guess that she had specially dressed up to give it to her.

But Lu Ming and Lin Wan didn't think too much at all, and Lin Wan thanked him again.

"Yeah, please, I'm going to take a trip. You don't have to leave so early. Resting well is the most important thing."

Lin Wan was still very embarrassed about bothering the crew to fly.

"It's okay, our crew is at your service at any time! If there is nothing else, then I will go back first?"

"Yeah, it's okay. Goodbye then."

The moment the hotel room door closed after saying goodbye to Lu Ming and Lin Wan.


Wang Lili immediately leaned against the corridor wall and exhaled heavily.

She almost couldn't hold it anymore.

In the end, she forced herself to adopt a professional service attitude. This was her last act of stubbornness!She must not let anyone find out that she misunderstood the meaning of coming to the door!
"Ah!!! Wang Lili!! Is your brain flooded?!
Think about these things!It was almost embarrassing! "

Wang Lili complained to herself, and even patted her face and hit her head.

"It's a good thing I didn't take off the coat...! Otherwise something really big would have happened!"

Wang Lili murmured.

When she misunderstood Lu Ming's meaning at the beginning, she had been thinking about what to wear before going out.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and chose her sexiest outfit, which could better highlight her figure and charm, and then put on a long windbreaker jacket.

She had also fantasized about it on the way here in the taxi.

What will happen when I get to the hotel later? It's gentle candlelight and red wine, talking heart-to-heart first and then doing it.

Or maybe it's a passionate fire, pounce on them roughly as soon as the door opens, stick to the wall and kiss passionately, understanding each other.

Countless possible scenarios were simulated in her mind, and she was so itchy that she almost turned into a water pump.

But I never thought it would be like this! ! !
At this moment, she could only be thankful that she didn't move so fast, didn't get into the room directly, and didn't take off her windbreaker...

Otherwise she will really die...

(End of this chapter)

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