Chapter 353
Someone investigating themselves?

Miao Ziyi?The owner of that Maserati also gave him a ride just now.

Lu Ming listened to Zhao Haifeng's words and recalled the scene where Miao Ziyi and he knew each other as brothers and warmly invited them to get in the car.

In fact, his first impression of Miao Ziyi was pretty good.

He seemed to be the kind of enthusiastic, generous and righteous man. He originally thought that people who drove Maseratis were the kind of ignorant sissies, weaklings and rich second generations.

If Miao Ziyi knew what Lu Ming was thinking at this time, he would definitely scream injustice. Maserati was just a tool for him to pick up girls. Who are those internet celebrities who just like Maserati's trident.

Is it because there are more heads?
Lu Ming thought for a moment and made a decision because Miao Ziyi sent him away for a while and he was also friends with Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di.

"Since he knows you and Xie Di, for your sake, let's forget it."

In fact, Lu Ming didn't pay much attention to this matter. He didn't suffer any loss or harm at all. The main reason was that the other party was worried and took the initiative to find someone to come over and plead for mercy.

Then Lu Ming just went along with the situation and said he would not pursue the matter. It seemed that he had given Zhao Haifeng a great deal of face and satisfied his vanity.


After Zhao Haifeng heard this, he instantly felt that he had played a huge role in this matter and was very excited.

"Thank you, brother! I'll give that kid Miao Ziyi a good scolding later..."

Lu Ming's move successfully bribed Zhao Haifeng. At this moment, he wanted to shed his blood for Lu Ming and became a more determined younger brother.

"Okay, I'm still driving, so I won't talk anymore."

"Yeah, okay, big brother!"

Zhao Haifeng waited for Lu Ming to hang up the phone and immediately called Miao Ziyi.

"Miao Ziyi, you brat! You must treat me to a nice drink. You don't know how many good things I said to you in front of my elder brother..."


After Lu Ming hung up the phone.

"I didn't expect that the person we met just now was the person you hit the car with yesterday. It's quite a coincidence."

Lin Wan was surprised that they and Miao Ziyi met each other in two days.

"Well, the other party is still a friend of Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, and he should be a young man from Kyoto."

"No wonder his girlfriend is quite beautiful."

"Really? I didn't pay attention. I didn't even see what it looked like..."

Although Lu Ming has no such thing as a desire to survive, his emotional intelligence is high!
What he responded to at this time, saying that he is not as beautiful as you, is of no use at all, this is just a fact.

But if he says he didn't pay attention or look at it, it proves that his eyes and thoughts have always been on Lin Wan. This is the best solution.

Have you learned anything?

Lin Wan was obviously very satisfied with Lu Ming's answer. He didn't mean what he said just now, but Lu Ming's answer was indeed very satisfying.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

As the two continued to talk, Lu Ming's phone rang again.

The calls today are really one after another.

"It's Xiaoxin's phone number."

Lin Wan took the initiative to help Lu Ming pick up the phone and look at it, asking what he meant.

At this time, Lu Ming also remembered that Xu Zixin had called him, but Lin Wan was sleeping and he hung up the phone.

"Take it."

After getting Lu Ming's opinion, Lin Wan answered the phone.

"Hey, Chairman, are you free? I would like to report to you on the progress of the Dawn Charity Foundation."

"Well, yes, tell me." When Lin Wan heard that it was about the Liming Charity Foundation, she was also very concerned about this aspect and listened with her ears straightened up.

"With the help of Senior Sister, Chairman, your Dawn Charity Foundation has been officially established!"

Xu Zixin hit the topic in her first sentence, telling Lu Ming and Lin Wan exciting news.

"As soon as the foundation was established, child Lin Xiwan officially became the first aid target of the Liming Charity Foundation. The first phase of funds has been distributed, and we have begun to look for children from poor families across the country who need help. Everything is going on in an orderly manner.”

Because Lin Xiwan's information was handed over by Lu Ming and Lin Wan before the Liming Charity Foundation was established, she naturally became the first recipient of assistance.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoxin!"

Lin Wan heard that her beloved Lin Xiwan had been helped, and sincerely thanked Xu Zixin.

If it weren't for her dedicated management, even if the Dawn Charity Foundation would always be established, it wouldn't be so fast.

"Ah?! Hello, Madam Chairman!"

Lin Wan's sudden voice made Xu Zixin panic. She didn't expect that Lin Wan was also listening.

"Don't call me the chairman's wife. It's so unpleasant. Just call me Sister Lin."

"Oh, okay, Chairman...uh, Sister Lin."

Xu Zixin stuttered, a little awkward and unaccustomed.

"Xiao Xin, please continue talking." Lu Ming spoke.

“Chairman, now that the Liming Charity Foundation has been established, almost all of our jobs are people from the Hongyan Group wearing multiple hats.

It's okay for a short period of time, but once the number of people being helped starts to increase, there may be some problems without specialized personnel.

Therefore, we may need to start recruiting professionals for charitable foundations as soon as possible and build the structure of a charitable foundation. Otherwise, it will be difficult to carry out follow-up work.

By the way, Chairman, have you read my senior sister’s information?What do you think? "

Xu Zixin asked tentatively.

Lu Ming was embarrassed on the spot. It seemed that this was the case. He asked Xu Zixin to send her senior sister's information, but he had not read it later.

"Yes, I saw it, your senior sister is very good!"

Lu Ming started to tell lies. He couldn't say that he had forgotten to read his resume while playing outside. He didn't want the chairman's face anymore.

Knowing the truth, Lin Wan secretly pinched Lu Ming as a small punishment for him.

"Such a chairman. I have heard from my senior sister. She is definitely willing to come to our Liming Charity Foundation. It depends on you..."

"Well, I'm driving right now. I'll get back to you later."

In fact, Lu Ming already had an idea in his mind. If Xu Zixin's senior sister really did what she said, then he would definitely agree to recruit her to head the Liming Charity Foundation.

After all, the sooner Dawn Charity Foundation has experienced people in charge of its work, the faster it can develop.

But he accidentally forgot before and didn't even read the information. He must go back and take a quick look at the information first. Since the other party has a tendency to change jobs, the matter is actually a done deal.

Just wait until he gets back and looks at the information before replying to Xu Zixin.

"Okay, okay, Chairman."

"Well, that's it."

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Just as the call was hung up, Lu Ming's cell phone rang again.

Lu Ming was speechless. The phone calls came together.

"Huh? Husband, it's Yinyin's phone number!" Lin Wan said in surprise.

Lu Ming was also a little surprised. Why would Lin Ruyin take the initiative to call him? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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