Chapter 354 Prank?
While Lu Ming was still wondering, Lin Wan had already answered Lin Ruyin's call.

Lin Ruyin's voice came from the phone: "Hey dad! Where are you? What are you doing?"

As soon as he heard what Lin Ruyin said, an alarm bell rang in Lu Ming's heart. Something was wrong, something was very wrong!

Although Lin Ruyin had accepted him as Lin Wan's husband and her nominal father, she would never take the initiative to call her dad out of shame.

Unless Lin Wan forces her or seduce her with money.

Her call to daddy is worth tens of millions!

Why did you suddenly call yourself today and call yourself daddy? !

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief!

Lu Ming was thinking, Lin Wan had already spoken first.

"Yinyin, why did you call your father?"

Even Lin Wan, a mother, felt that Lin Ruyin's behavior was not right.

"Mom, I called you, but I couldn't get through, so I had to call dad~"

After Lin Ruyin said this, Lin Wan took out her mobile phone and found that the screen was black. It must have been shut down due to lack of power.

She forgot to charge it last night and took a lot of photos today. After posting to Moments, the battery ran out and shut down.

"Oh, that's it. My phone must have run out of battery and shut down."

"So, I can't find you, so I have to call dad~"

Lin Ruyin had called her dad three times in succession. Lu Ming felt that he was not used to it. Normally, he would have to coerce her if he wanted to get her to call her daddy.

But now that she is so proactive, it feels strange.

Although Lin Wan's phone was out of battery and turned off, the reason she gave herself for calling her sounded very normal and there was nothing wrong with her.

Even Lin Wan was fooled, but Lu Ming still felt that there was something wrong with it, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out the specific problem.

So he simply asked directly.

"What are you kidding about, Xiao Nizi? You actually called me today and called me daddy. What are you trying to do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Ruyin's resentful voice came from the phone.

"Oh, didn't I tell you that my mother can't be reached on the phone? Why don't you believe me?
Isn’t it okay if I take the initiative to call you dad?Mom, look at Dad, he clearly doesn’t trust me! "

Good guy, Lin Ruyin's tone sounded like she was being wronged, and she even secretly stabbed Lu Ming.

When she said this, Lin Wan immediately stood on her side and gave Lu Ming a cute look.

She thought this was good, because it meant that Lin Ruyin had completely accepted Lu Ming. This family was harmonious and happy!

Lu Ming was hit by Lin Ruyin's move and was speechless.

Normally, he relies on Lin Wan to force her to threaten her, hunting geese all day long, only to be pecked by the geese. Today, Lin Ruyin reversed the situation and relied on Lin Wan to control him.

Lu Ming simply stopped talking and let them talk on their own.

"Yinyin, what do you want from me?"

"It's okay, I'm just too bored in the dormitory, so I just wanted to call and ask where you guys are playing and what delicious food is available. Don't forget me!"

"We went to Shuanglong Gorge today. The scenery was good, but there was nothing delicious. Now we are on the way back to the hotel."

"That's it. Then drive carefully. Yueyue and the others are going out to play."

After getting the information, Lin Ruyin found an excuse to escape.

After hanging up the phone.

Lin Ruyin felt a little strange and murmured: "Why did you run away after saying a few words? And you have been looking for me very diligently recently?"

Although Lin Wan and Lin Ruyin have a good relationship with each other, they are not like this usually. They don't often send WeChat messages and make phone calls to care about what they are doing.

But in the past two days, Lin Ruyin had obviously been looking for her more often.

Although it was strange, Lin Wan didn't think too much about it. It was a good thing that her daughter cared about her! "What are you mumbling about?"

Lu Ming saw Lin Wan talking to herself and couldn't hear what he was saying, so he asked.

"It's okay, are we almost there?"

Lin Wan had already seen familiar buildings on the road.

"Well, there are still a few intersections to go."

Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to the Four Seasons Hotel in a few minutes, but the four people in Lin Ruyin's dormitory were already here!
He learned Lu Ming and Lin Wan's hotel and room number from Wang Lili, a flight attendant on the private jet crew, and had already booked a room on the same floor.

It was also a suite, more than enough to accommodate the four of them.

"Hurry up! Lu Ming and my mother are coming soon, let's scare them then!"

Lin Ruyin urged the other three people to take the lead in picking up their suitcases and walking towards the elevator.

The group of people followed, and Pan Xiaoman asked.

"Yinyin, wouldn't it be good for us? Even if you suddenly come over, you have to scare people. I can't do it."

As a girl from the Magic City family, Pan Xiaoman has been taught to pay more attention to rules and authority since she was a child.

Knowing Lu Ming's identity, she really didn't dare to do anything to scare the boss.

Chu Yue and Wang Lingling also agreed with Pan Xiaoman's words. Although they came here together, they just wanted to experience the private jet and did not want to make a sudden attack or scare people.

After all, Lu Ming and Lin Wan are also their elders. As a daughter, Lin Ruyin can be a little mischievous, but they can't.

Seeing that all her sisters were cowed, Lin Ruyin did not give up her plan.

"Then you guys will be in the room then, and I'll go by myself! Hahahaha!"

Before Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to the hotel, Lin Ruyin was already imagining her scary scenes and couldn't help laughing.

The group of people returned to the hotel, threw their luggage aside, and lay down one by one. Only Lin Ruyin was still very focused, and the door was not completely closed. She was always paying attention to the movement in the corridor to see if Lu Ming and Lin Wan were back.

10 minutes later……

Lin Ruyin finally heard the noise and ran to the door to observe.

Sure enough, he saw Lu Ming and Lin Wan entering the room, after they closed the door completely.

Lin Ruyin walked out of the room with a smirk and came to Lu Ming and Lin Wan's door.

"Ding dong..."

She knocked on the door and ran to her room immediately.

Watching from the crack in the door diagonally opposite...

Lu Ming came over and opened the door. When he saw no one, he looked left and right. He was very confused and closed the door again.

At this time Lin Ruyin walked out again.

"Ding dong..."

He rang the doorbell again and ran back to the room.

Lu Ming came to open the door again, but still couldn't find anyone.

"Hahahahaha, Lu Ming, you have today too."

Lin Ruyin smiled proudly, left the room again, and rang the doorbell again. This time she did not run away, preparing to scare Lu Ming.

"Ding dong..."

When Lu Ming heard the doorbell ringing for the third time, he became very impatient and decided to complain to the hotel later.

But he still got up and opened the door.

"Prank? You'll be in trouble if I catch you!"

(End of this chapter)

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