Chapter 355 Are you bold?

"'s me..."

As soon as the door was opened, Lin Ruyin couldn't wait to say the line she had been preparing for a long time.

But it's not over yet.


The door was closed immediately, leaving Lin Ruyin standing in front of the door with a look of disbelief on her face, as if facing a wall.

"Husband, who is it?"

Lin Wan walked out of the room. She also heard the doorbell ringing just now.

Lu Ming did not respond and looked at Lin Wan speechlessly.


Why did Lin Ruyin suddenly come to Kyoto, and even attack her suddenly and play pranks on her?

At the same time, he finally understood why Lin Ruyin was so wrong before!
One by one, each father shouted, and kept asking about their itinerary.

It turns out that they are all preparing for now!

This little girl is getting more and more difficult to deal with now.

Just as Lu Ming was thinking about it, the doorbell rang again.

"Ding dong..."

Seeing that Lu Ming didn't respond to what she said, Lin Wan turned around and opened the door herself.

The door is opened.

When Lin Ruyin saw that it was Lin Wan who opened the door, her frozen face instantly recovered and she smiled.

"Mom... I..."


She was answered by another slam of the door.

When Lin Wan saw Lin Ruyin, she closed the door without saying a word!
The speed was so fast that the smile on Lin Ruyin's face didn't even have time to fall off.

After Lin Wan closed the door, she turned around gracefully, as if she had never opened the door just now.

Lu Ming witnessed all this and looked at Lin Wan in disbelief.

The meaning in his eyes was very clear: "Wife, why don't you..."

Lu Ming and Lin Wan looked at each other. As they looked at each other, the two couldn't help laughing. They were indeed a couple!

Unlike inside the house, Lin Ruyin outside the door only felt severe pain in her left atrium, and her heart was broken!
Lu Ming didn't care, they had always been enemies, and she had caught him a few times just now, so Lu Ming locked him out, and Lin Ruyin was not surprised.

But Lin Wan was different. That was her mother. Shouldn't she be surprised to see her?How could he shut his daughter out?
Aren't you afraid that she will have nothing to eat or a place to live?
huh huh...

At this time, Lin Ruyin's inner drama was extremely rich, and she felt that she was really miserable.

This is simply like forgetting your daughter when you see sex, and forgetting your daughter when you have a husband!

But Lin Ruyin didn't want to think about it. As the daughter of Lu Ming and Lin Wan, she usually received tens of millions of dollars in pocket money. She was already such an adult, so she still had to worry about having nothing to eat and a place to live?

"Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong."

Lin Ruyin was really angry and kept ringing the doorbell outside the door.

Today she really entered the samadhi.

"Fortunately, Xiaoman and the others didn't come with them, otherwise it would have been embarrassing..."

Lin Ruyin thought.

She had traveled thousands of miles to come here, yet she was ignored by her parents and locked out of the door. Lin Ruyin felt terrible just thinking about it.

So she had to go in.

Otherwise, how could I explain to everyone that I couldn't see Lu Ming and Lin Wan when I went back?Then where is her face? !
But in fact.

If Lin Ruyin and a group of people from the dormitory appeared at the door at the same time, Lu Ming and Lin Wan really would not do this, but would greet them warmly.

After all, we are guests, so it would be rude to do so.

In other words, as a daughter, you can play whatever you want.

"Ding Dong...Ding Dong...Ding Dong." The doorbell was still ringing.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan showed a look of helplessness, and Lin Wan turned around and opened the door again.

"Mom, how could you...!" Lin Ruyin saw the door opened and was interrupted again before she could finish her accusation.


Lin Wan's tone was filled with surprise.

"Why are you here?! You didn't tell us in advance and we went to pick you up!"

Lin Wan's surprise and enthusiasm made Lin Ruyin stunned.

How does this look like opening the door to see her for the second time? ? ?

This made her feel as if what happened when Lin Wan opened the door to see her for the first time and locked her out didn't happen at all.

Was it just an illusion? ? ?

Lin Ruyin shook his head. He was not that demented yet.

"Why did you lock me out just now?"

"When did you arrive? How long have you been waiting? Are you hungry?"

Lin Wan continued to greet her warmly and answered the question incorrectly.

Lu Ming sat on the sofa and said slowly: "You are so old and you still engage in raids and pranks. Why don't you get any points?"

"This is a surprise! Surprise, do you understand?" Lin Ruyin retorted, and then looked at Lin Wan.

"Mom, tell me, are you surprised to see me?"

Lin Wan was speechless for a moment. She was pleasantly surprised, only surprised but not happy.

But looking at Lin Ruyin's expectant eyes, what could she say, so she could only nod.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Then he changed the topic: "Yinyin, did you come here alone?"

Only then did Lin Ruyin think of her sisters.

"No, Xiaoman, Yueyue, and Lingling came together. They are in the opposite room."

"Oh? We're here together, let's have dinner together tonight.

Well, Yin Yin, you sit down first. I have to take a shower and change clothes. "

Lin Wan said, got up and went to get her clothes and go into the bathroom. Only Lu Ming and Lin Ruyin were left in the room.

Lin Wan was not here, and the two of them had nothing to talk about.

Lin Ruyin planned to leave and go back to her room to find her sisters, but before leaving, she found out.

She remembered that she had just teased Lu Ming, and that Lu Ming had to open the door twice to find no one, and then he looked confused, and she couldn't help laughing.

"You just made me laugh so hard, you were so angry."

Lin Ruyin mocked Lu Ming in a weird dialect.

Lu Ming glanced at her. Don't think that he didn't know what Lin Ruyin was talking about. Baoli Baoqi is the dialect in Chongqing, and it almost means stupid.

But she was too lazy to pay attention to Lin Ruyin, ignored her words, and continued to flip through the magazine in her hand.


Unexpectedly, when Lin Ruyin saw Lu Ming ignoring her, she became more energetic and continued.

"Were you angry just now?

That's why you locked me out!Isn’t it strange that you can’t see anyone when you open the door? Hahaha, I look everywhere and look stupid..."

Lin Ruyin was probing back and forth in the line of death, and she was close to Lu Ming's ear, buzzing like a bee, so that Lu Ming could not completely ignore her.

A faint sweet aroma penetrated into his nose...

Lin Ruyin leaned too close to him, which made people feel annoying and couldn't help but take a few more breaths.

After a while.

Lu Ming couldn't stand it anymore.

This little girl made a sudden attack and disturbed his and Lin Wan's world.

Now after the prank, she kept making noises in her ears, which made Lu Ming wonder if he had been too nice to her recently, which made this girl feel brave.

If you don't teach him a lesson, I'm afraid he will go straight to heaven in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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