Chapter 357 Falling

Not long after Lu Ming left the room.

Lin Wan came out of the shower right after, and Lu Ming's timing was perfect.

"Huh? Husband, where is Yin Yin? Have you gone back to their room?"

Lin Wan asked when she didn't see Lin Ruyin after she came out.

"No, she's inside." Lu Ming answered, and Lin Ruyin walked out of the room.

She was stumbling, and there was something wrong with her walking.

There was no way, Lu Ming's few slaps hit her butt firmly. Even with the obstruction of jeans and panties, it still hurt!

Lin Ruyin even wondered if her butt was red and swollen.

Do you need any medicine? ? ?

Fortunately, the distance from the room was short, and Lin Wan's eyes were on Lu Ming, so she didn't see anything wrong with Lin Ruyin.

"Yinyin, what are you doing?"

" I'll just take a look around and see if it's any different from our room."

Lin Ruyin endured the pain caused by the friction and found an excuse to speak calmly.

After Lu Ming's education just now, she became much more honest and did not dare to mention a word about what happened just now.

If she was as active as a monkey before, jumping up and down, now she is pinned down by Lu Ming under the Wuzhi Mountain, and she doesn't dare to make mistakes for the time being.

Lu Ming looked at Lin Ruyin's obedient appearance and nodded secretly, thinking to himself.

This little girl still needs to be educated from time to time, otherwise she will easily swell, but she still looks cute and well-behaved.

It was a lame excuse for a room tour, but it was fine.

Lin Wan nodded and wiped her hair with a dry towel. Seeing Lin Ruyin standing there, she said doubtfully.

"Yinyin, why don't you sit down?
Why are you standing all the time? It's not tiring to sit on a plane for so long. "


When Lin Wan said this, Lin Ruyin panicked.

In the current condition of her butt, it was obvious that she couldn't sit down!

Even when she was standing, she still felt a little numb and a little painful. She could still endure it, but if she sat down, she would probably notice something...

So Lin Ruyin waved her hand.

"No, I'm not tired.

After sitting on the plane for such a long time, I wanted to stand for a while, so I just wanted to stand. "


Lin Wan felt that Lin Ruyin was a little strange, but there were so many strange things about her recently that Lin Wan didn't bother to pursue them.

"All right.

Hey, where are Xiaoman, Yueyue, and Lingling, what are you doing in the room?It's still a bit early now, so you can ask them to come over to the room to make it lively! "

Lin Wan suddenly thought of Pan Xiaoman and the others and asked.

"Oh, okay. I'll call them."

Lin Wan had already sat on the sofa and was wiping her hair seriously without looking at her. Lin Ruyin quickly took this opportunity to slip away.

She didn't dare to take too big steps for fear of getting in trouble, so she could only use quick small steps to sneak out of Lu Ming and Lin Wan's room.

After leaving the room, Lin Ruyin did not return to their own room immediately.

Instead, he stood in the corridor, in a dilemma, as if there was a dragon's pool in front of him and a tiger's den in the back, and he couldn't go anywhere.

"Ah! What if we find out...!"

Lin Ruyin sighed heavily. She successfully hid her hurt and came out of Lin Wan's room, but when she returned to her room, Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling were all there.

The three of them had three pairs of eyes, one more than Lu Ming and Lin Wan. How could she guarantee that she wouldn't be able to spot any clues?

"If it was should I explain...

No...I can't say it even to death!What a shame! "

Recalling what happened in bed just now, Lin Ruyin covered her blushing face and made up her mind that she would never talk about this matter, not even good sisters!
she was thinking.

A head suddenly popped up in the corridor room. "Yin Yin, why are you standing there still?"

It was Wang Lingling. She saw Lin Ruyin standing in the corridor, not coming back for a long time, muttering something in her mouth, and then covering her face.

She couldn't figure out what Lin Ruyin was doing at all, so she asked aloud.

"Ah? Lingling..."

Lin Ruyin was startled by Wang Lingling's sudden call: "Me? It's okay. I have to go back to the room."

As he said that, he took small steps and walked over.

"Are you coming back? Come on, come on, walk faster."

When Wang Lingling saw Lin Ruyin walking so slowly, she immediately jumped out, hugged her hand, and then led her quickly back to the room.

"Hiss...hiss...hiss ha..."

Being treated like this by Wang Lingling, Lin Ruyin's pain suddenly intensified, and she could still endure the small steps.

She really couldn't help it!

He lowered his head and gasped secretly, his face wrinkled.

"what happened?"

"it's okay no problem……"

Fortunately, the corridor was very short, and within a few steps, the two of them were back in the room.

"Yinyin, you're back. How are you? Did your plan succeed?"

Seeing Lin Ruyin come back, Chu Yue and the others were curious about what her plan was and hurriedly elaborated on it.

They didn't dare to scare people, but they were still very interested.

"Well, then... of course! That guy Lu Ming was frightened by me.

Forget it, let’s not talk anymore, my mother asked us to go sit over there. "

Lin Ruyin said harshly. Her so-called scary plan or surprise plan didn't succeed at all. She was locked out twice and even received a severe beating on her butt.

But can this be said? !
Absolutely not, she can only distort the facts and forcibly make up her own story.

But she didn't dare to say too much. She would make many mistakes and easily expose her secrets, so she stopped talking after a few words and changed the subject.


Pan Xiaoman and the others were not fooled, and Lin Ruyin failed to change the topic.

"Wait a minute, this is not urgent.

You go into detail first, say a little more, come on, come on.You sit down and speak slowly. "

Wang Lingling saw that Lin Ruyin kept standing and talking, and they had to stand too, so she immediately pressed Lin Ruyin down and asked her to sit on the sofa.

With this press, Lin Ruyin was unprepared and was pulled down directly.

"Ah!! Hiss...!"

As soon as Lin Ruyin's butt touched the sofa, it was as if she was sitting on a board covered with needles.

He screamed and jumped up all of a sudden.

"Ah? Yinyin, what's wrong with you?"

Pan Xiaoman, Wang Lingling, and Chu Yue were immediately frightened, and quickly hugged Lin Ruyin and asked.

They didn't understand, just sitting on the sofa, how could Lin Ruyin feel like her butt was stabbed?



Lin Ruyin didn't expect that she would be exposed so quickly just after entering the house!

She was brought in by Wang Lingling before she could think of an excuse in the corridor just now. She couldn't handle it now!

But when people are in crisis, their brains become more active.

Lin Ruyin had an idea and an excuse popped into her mind.

"It's okay, it's okay... I just fell down in the corridor and hit my butt..."

(End of this chapter)

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