Chapter 358 Going Out
Three people looked at Lin Ruyin with suspicious eyes.

Why is this so unbelievable?

Is it possible to walk down a good corridor?And he broke his butt so badly?

Lin Ruyin felt very uncomfortable being looked at by the three people, as if she would not be able to hold on any longer and would be seen through.

"Do you need us to take a look at it for you?" He was suspicious, but Lin Ruyin seemed to be seriously injured. Pan Xiaoman asked with concern.

"Yes, Yin Yin, you lie down and take off your clothes so we can see how the injury is and whether you need any medicine."

Chu Yue and Wang Lingling also followed suit.

"Ah? No, no, no!" Lin Ruyin immediately said that she was fine and rejected their proposal.

"It'll be fine in a while, it's nothing serious."

The main reason is that she doubts whether Lu Ming's slaps will leave palm prints or something. If there are traces, they will be able to see them directly!

So she must not take off her pants!
But after going through this ordeal, Lin Ruyin didn't feel the pain anymore, and she was worried that she would be exposed if she continued to talk to them.

So he said quickly.

"Let's go, my mother is waiting over there."

Urging the group of people to go to Lu Ming and Lin Wan's room.

A group of people arrived here quickly.

Lin Wan saw them and greeted them warmly: "Xiaoman, Yueyue, Lingling, here you go, sit down here."

The three of them also greeted Lu Ming and Lin Wan in a polite manner.

Since Lu Ming was on the phone, he just nodded to them.

Because Lu Ming thought of one thing, that is, their car did not have enough seats.

It happened that the Bentley was also hit a while ago, so Lu Ming thought of simply asking Universe Bank to change him to a car with more seats.

"Mr. Lu! Do you have any orders?!"

As soon as the call was connected, the voice of exclusive customer service Lisa came. Lisa was one of the witnesses to what happened last time at the Universe Building. She was very respectful to Lu Ming, a big customer, before, let alone now. .

Lu Ming didn't waste any time and gave the instructions directly.

"Prepare a business car with more than six seats for me. It doesn't have to be brand new. I want it right away."

Lu Ming specifically emphasized that he wanted a new car immediately and did not need a new car. Otherwise, he was worried that Universe Bank would have to buy a new car again, and it would have to get a temporary license plate, which might arrive late.

"Okay Mr. Lu, I will send it to you right away."

As soon as the call was hung up, Lisa ran out of the workstation again.

After the phone call, Lu Ming also returned to Lin Wan.

She was having a lively chat with Lin Ruyin, Pan Xiaoman and the four of them. Those who didn't know better thought they were five sisters of similar age.

Lin Wan was friendly and could often have endless conversations about women with them.

Lu Ming walked to Lin Wan and touched her hair. She just wiped it with a dry hair towel and it was not completely dry.

"Honey, let me help you blow it with the hair dryer."

Then he said to Lin Ruyin and the four of them: "You guys chat first, and then we go out to eat together later."

Lin Wan nodded and came to the sofa with Lu Ming.

Lu Ming took the hair dryer, turned it on, and carefully helped Lin Wan dry her hair.

I have to say that Lin Wan's long hair is black and smooth, with no split ends. It feels like satin and feels good.

After touching it a few times from top to bottom, Lu Ming pinched a strand of hair and began to blow-dry it. His technique was neat and skillful, comparable to that of Mr. Tony in the barber shop. He looked like he often helped Lin Wan blow-dry her hair.

Pan Xiaoman, Chu Yue, and Wang Lingling all looked at Lu Ming and Lin Wan from time to time.There was a look of beautiful envy in his eyes.

An idea emerged in my mind. If I could have such a handsome husband to dry my hair, I would have no regrets in this life.

"I'm so envious. I also want someone to help me dry my hair..."

Chu Yue was the first to express her feelings.

"Do you want someone to help you dry your hair? Then I can help you too! Is this the same? I think you want a man." Pan Xiaoman exposed her directly.

Aren’t you envious?Yin Yin, what do you think? I think the relationship between uncle and aunt is really good. It would be great if I could do the same in the future. "

Lin Ruyin also looked at it, with some movement in her eyes.

But she has always been soft all over, only her mouth is hard.

"Tch, what's the point? Why don't you just blow-dry your hair? It'll be faster if I do it myself."

As soon as she finished speaking, the three of them looked at her.

"Why...are you staring at me?!" Lin Ruyin felt very uncomfortable being looked at by them like this.

"Yin Yin, are you allergic to romance?" Chu Yue criticized directly.

Pan Xiaoman agreed: "Yes, Yin Yin, you are hopeless, you don't understand this kind of thing."

Even Wang Lingling, who has always been only interested in eating, said jokingly: "Yin Yin, you don't like men, do you?"

Wang Lingling was just joking and said it casually.

But it hit Lin Ruyin right in the heart, and for a moment she thought she was exposed.

"I see, Yinyin is still hostile to Senior Lu. We looked at a beautiful scene, but she felt unhappy after seeing it."

Fortunately, Pan Xiaoman revealed her guess, and Lin Ruyin immediately calmed down and climbed up along her pole.

"Hmph! What's so good about Lu Ming? I can't stand him if he confuses you all!"

Lin Ruyin quickly showed her hostility towards Lu Ming to make Wang Lingling's joke disappear from everyone's minds.

"Isn't it good for Senior Lu to be like this?! If only I had a boyfriend half as good as Senior Lu."

"Yinyin, you have too high standards. How will you find a boyfriend in the future?"

"Yinyin, I think Uncle Lu is very good! Do you still mind?"

The three of them were all talking about themselves, but Lin Ruyin breathed a sigh of relief. She successfully diverted everyone's attention.

The moment that Wang Lingling said just now was really out of control. She just said that, but Lin Ruyin's alarm bells went off and she tensed up to the extreme.

"Did we come here in the wrong place? We came all the way here to watch them show off their affection and eat dog food.

I'm already full from eating dog food, and I can't even eat anymore. "

Lin Ruyin continued to lead the conversation.

"No, I can still eat a lot of things later. What should we eat later?"

Foodie Wang Lingling naively expressed her expectations for dinner.

"Hahahahaha." This made Chu Yue and Pan Xiaoman laugh out loud, but Wang Lingling couldn't get Lin Ruyin's point.

ten minutes later.

Lu Ming finally blew dry Lin Wan's hair.

At the same time, his phone rang. Lisa called and the commercial vehicle he wanted was delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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