Chapter 359 Wang’s private kitchen

"Mr. Lu Ming, this is the Mercedes-Benz V260L commercial vehicle you want. It has been cleaned in all aspects. Please feel free to use it."

When Lisa came in to talk, she was still slightly out of breath. It was obvious that she had trotted all the way here just now in order to make time.

Lu Ming is their bank's supreme dragon-patterned black card customer, and he is also the boss who can decide the life or death of Universe Bank with one word. He said that he must do it as soon as possible. Lisa does not dare to delay for a moment. If you can run, you will never be slow. Come slowly.

While Lisa was speaking, she also secretly looked at everyone in the room.

When she first came to this room, she brought many luxury brands to deliver clothes. At that time, there was only one woman in the room.

But this time, there were four more women in the room.

Moreover, these four people are also very beautiful beauties, but they have different types and temperaments.

Seeing Lin Ruyin, Lin Wan, and Chu Yue chatting in harmony, Lisa couldn't help but have a question in her mind.

"How do they get along so harmoniously? Aren't they jealous of each other?"

Lisa didn't understand the relationship between everyone, and there was no doubt that she was thinking wrongly.

But it’s not her fault. Lu Ming suddenly wanted to buy a multi-seater business car, obviously to take Zhongmei on a trip. A handsome and wealthy boss like Lu Ming, in the eyes of everyone, how many women did he have? These are all normal things.

"It seems like this kind of life is not bad. I would like it too."

After thinking about it, Lisa actually got herself involved and came to a conclusion, which shocked her.

If Lu Ming knew what she was thinking at this time, he would definitely cry out that she was wronged!
This is the prejudice people have against rich and handsome men like him!I think that handsome and rich people must be carefree and have many different women, as if they must be a millionaire.

But he never was!I have never done this before!
Lin Wan has thousands of postures, which already makes him happy and happy, happy...

"This looks so pure...

That one is a bit silly and sweet...

Sure enough, they all have their own characteristics, each one looks the same..." Lisa was still looking at them secretly.

It wasn't until Lu Ming yelled that he came back to his senses.


"Hey, Mr. Lu, do you have any other orders?" Lisa quickly retracted her thoughts and served Lu Ming seriously.

“Do you know any good treasure restaurants in Kyoto?”

Lu Ming was not familiar with Kyoto. Although he had made some strategies before, Lisa was already here, so it was more reliable to ask her.

After listening to Lu Ming's question, Lisa immediately listed in her mind all the high-end hotels she knew, such as three-star and five-star Michelin, private dishes of various major cuisines...

In her opinion, this kind of hard-to-find place where one is either rich or noble is suitable for Lu Ming's status.

"Mr. Lu, would you like Western food or Chinese food?"

"Chinese food."

"Okay Mr. Lu, I will reserve a seat for you right away."

After learning about Lu Ming's intention, Lisa walked to the corner and made a phone call.

She immediately called her director Qiu Wenhua.


The call was on, but never connected.

Lisa couldn't help but stamp her foot when she remembered it. To be honest, if Lu Ming wanted to eat Western food, three-star or five-star Michelin restaurants, no matter how popular they were or how difficult it was to book a location, Universe Bank would have a lot of cooperation with them.

She was able to get a position by herself as a key account specialist.

But Chinese private-dining dishes can be different. Chinese private-dining dishes in Kyoto are a hundred times harder to compare than three-star or five-star Michelin!
These private dishes are not so business-like, and are more about the chef's mood. They can only be reserved on the same day when the chef wants to open. Generally, there are only two or three tables, and even if there are still seats, she is not qualified because of her status. Reserve.

So she had no choice but to turn to her director Qiu Wenhua, who was the only one with the resources and qualifications. "Hurry up! Hurry up, Director!"

The tens of seconds it took for Lisa to get through the call felt like she had been waiting for centuries.

Finally, when the voice notification was about to appear on the phone.

The call is connected.

Lisa said hurriedly without waiting for Qiu Wenhua to speak.

"Director! It's an emergency! Mr. Lu has a need!"

"Mr. Lu? Say it quickly!"

Qiu Wenhua seemed to be eating there, and there was a lot of noise, so he quickly moved to another place to talk.

"Mr. Lu wants to have Chinese food. I can't order those high-end private dishes because of my status. I need you, the director, to contact me."

"Okay! I'll ask right away!"

Qiu Wenhua immediately agreed. No matter where they were or what they were doing, meeting Lu Ming's needs was their top priority.

Qiu Wenhua then made several calls in succession, all of which were top-notch private dishes hidden in Kyoto, unknown to the public, but with superb craftsmanship.

But I didn’t make a reservation in advance and hit a wall one after another.

at last.

"Hey, okay, I'm sorry to bother you, Master Wang..."

Qiu Wenhua finally made a reservation at Wang's Private Kitchen. This was because other customers were unable to come because they had something to do, so he got it through a favor.

After booking a seat, Qiu Wenhua immediately replied to Lisa.

Lisa carefully read the information sent by Qiu Wenhua before returning to Lu Ming.

"Mr. Lu, Director Qiu has made a reservation for you at Wang's Private Kitchen Courtyard No. [-].

This is a high-end private restaurant that is not open to the public and only accepts reservations from acquaintances. Its roast duck, first-grade tofu, and nine-turn large intestine are all excellent. It is said that the ancestor was a master of Shandong cuisine in the palace, and Chef Wang had participated earlier The menu for the annual state banquet is formulated.

Now that I have retired, I have opened a small private kitchen to satisfy my culinary addiction. There are three courtyards, three tables a day, and I don’t cook too much for anyone. "

"Oh? It sounds good." After hearing what Lisa said, Lu Ming became somewhat interested.

He and Lin Wan were at the seaside and in the capital city and also went to some private restaurants, but that was the name of the restaurant. After all, it was a business practice with the goal of profit.

Lisa spoke so well of Wang's private dishes in Kyoto, as if she were a hidden master, and Lu Ming really wanted to try her craftsmanship.

"Suck... Suck..."

Everyone in the room also heard Lisa's words. Wang Lingling, a foodie, was already drooling after hearing this.

What she is most passionate about is going to different restaurants to look for delicious food. Lisa talks about Wang's private kitchen dishes so high-end that Wang Lingling can't stand it!

"Lingling! Wake up! Look at your failure." Her sisters quickly shook Wang Lingling awake.

Lu Ming looked at it and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, let's go then!"

"Mr. Lu, let me drive and lead the way for you."

Lisa volunteered.

Lu Ming did not refuse, and the group of people filed out of the room and went downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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